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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. On the outside, I may look fine





    But on the inside, I am also fine.

  2. Real Sanoism has never been tried

  3. There is only one gender, and we have to share it.

  4. Genocide is healthy for the economy because it promotes roleplay and allows the strongest to survive. 


  5. The Chef skill was the only good thing about Nexus.

  6. Wizard101’s magic system is better than LOTC’s.


    R.I.P Dunshire Harvest Festival. You were fun for the hour and a half you existed during.

  8. Dunshire Harvest Festival is beginning in about 25 minutes! Be there or be square!

  9. There will be a Festival in Dunshire today at 3 PM EST! Be there or be square!

    Edited by NotEvilAtAll
  10. Everyone who disagrees with me is literally funded by George Soros and the Jews

    1. Novastral


      You got chutzpah kid.


  12. Looks like we’re doing a festival!

  13. Notices your ferrum shovel OwO what’s this?

  14. How many halflings does it take to change a lightbulb?

    1. Zacho


      none because lightbulbs are for bigguns

  15. Hey kids, Grandaxes are cool and all, but have you ever tried playing a Cottonwood?

  16. Hey man, I kinda like Gusano. Don't go around calling them out like that

  17. Hey man, I kinda like Knox. Don’t go around insulting him like that.

    1. Zhulik


      Aren't you the self proclaimed Communist? Here's a lesson: In AMERICA we have the freedom to defend the weak by calling out the aggressor. In COMMUNISM if you call out the aggressor you get sent to Siberia and turn rocks into smaller rocks.

    2. Inferno_Ougi


      God bless Zhulik.

    3. NotEvilAtAll
  18. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/175828-the-rise-of-the-halfling-harvest-cult/


    Protestant Reformation, circa 16th century, colorized.

    1. Archbishop


      why halflings becoming degenerates losing their peaceful culture?

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      @HolyTortoise we still have our peaceful culture my dudes. But I just want us to worship corn as well as pumpkins


    I did not make this, but I'm putting it here as a ****** advertisement regardless.

    Edited by NotEvilAtAll
  20. Someone ban my minecraft account from LOTC please

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