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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Brandybrook has a beach with a volleyball net so if you wanna see some midget babes in swimsuits you know where to go.


    although I’m pretty sure any bigguns trying to date a halfling would get lynched instantly.

  2. Wizard101 music is the best for shopping tbh.

    1. Potts244


      Wizard101 is an amazing game.

  3. North Korean kpop is the only good kpop remember that laddies.

  4. Brandybrook halflings busy hunting for Lemons in the forest rn.


    I’ll tell ya if we find any later.



    1. drfate786


      For you own safety please refrain from raiding Renatus with another pumpkin raid, lmfao.

  6. ZipZapMan thanos snapping all the people today

  7. Liesl Applefoot for Thain!

  8. zeoBXycl1Z4tcesqAaVJLi8zRHKR1Wry0HIbOsRv

    There’s more new halfling applicants than Orcs. Halfling activity has increased 3 fold from what it was at the beginning of the map. We have epic leadership now.


    This is an epic gamer moment.

  9. Why tf do people think downvoting will be a good idea.


    It’ll be especially bad considering the current political climate on LoTC.

    1. Harri


      it wont be a good idea which is why we should only have upvotes ?

  10. Halflings got 1.36 activity this week. GG fam. Halflings ain’t so dead anymore.

    1. Salty


      glad to see yall are doing well! 

    2. Dont_Advertise


      Halflings should try and kill eachother more often. it apparently gets us activity. 

    3. Juststan147


      that's not a lot of activity

  11. Use your dev powers to coup the server please.

  12. I’d be fine with losing non-VIP emote colors if the increased tps means that animal AI and crop growth become normal again.

  13. New tab bad, old tab good.

    1. yourmother


      old tab bad,new tab good

  14. remember when the server actually had competition

    1. _Jandy_
    2. Fireheart
    3. Emenzi


      uh, I joined in 2.0 and can’t even remember that lol

  15. Daisy Applefoot is now dead. She was a good halfling, but sadly no match for the blades of the bigguns.

  16. halflings gonna be drinking booze

  17. Mellsburry gang represent.

    1. Lirro


      Rise up


      Actually reeds was better than this **** hole

    2. _Leyd


      Mellsburry used to be the shi ngl 

  18. I hope you had fun in Argentina my dude.

  19. Renatus did NOT win the warclaim! It was actually the halflings who appeared right at the end and convinced everyone to live peacefully with one another, thus ending the conflict. This is the REAL TRUTH that the bigguns don’t want you to know!

  20. Remember that meme suggestion from about 2 years ago where wars would be determined via an IRL weightlifting competition instead of PvP?


    I’m starting to think that might unironically be a good idea. LOTC wars would make people pump iron instead of lube up a mouse and hunch over their computer for three hours.

    1. Knox


      what's to stop people from just using fake weights grr grr.

  21. The war server’s probably gonna crash the second both sides come into melee contact lol.

  22. Nay OOC drama allowed in this good server!

  23. My prediction for the warclaim is that the server will crash and nobody wins.

  24. Bjor Cottonwood’s dead body is the REAL legitimate ruler of mankind.

    1. Vege


      ave courland

    2. Forestdwarfman


      runic carrots rule us all

  25. Join the halflings on their crusade for peace and pumpkins!

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