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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. All 'ail Lord Knox, t'a true 'alflin' god

    1. rukio


      I worshipped him 'fore y'all as Wither so.

  2. Well done! It is clear and concise as well as interesting! Great read! And great lore!
  3. After spending many hours pondering the very fabric and existence of LOTC's grand and unique universe, I have indeed come upon the following conclusion that I shall include a ways below...






    HalflingRP=BestRP, and All Hail Lord Knox.

    ((I have a very weird mind, don't I?))

  4. HalflingRP=BestRP


    It's a well known opinio-I mean fact.

  5. Blub Blub Blub (Fish people as a playable race isn't a bad idea)
  6. How do y'all like my new profile picture?

  7. What are all of them cool kiddos doing nowadays on LOTC.

    1. Llir


      creating fidget spinner factories

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      That sounds lore breaking

  8. Amazing idea! :) I'd love to see this accepted.
  9. ((This is a bit of an OOC question, but...... Do you accept child characters?)) Victoria Merentel the human child would notice this message carved into wretched and menacing looking oak tree by her home "I wonder what this is about; it sounds like a lot of adventure!"
  10. +1 I can tell that the idea came from D&D, D&D is awesome, therefore +1
  11. Halfling festival! Be there!



  12. The first series I ever binge watched on youtube, oh the nostalgia

  13. I'd be down for this, although I sadly don't have any spare persona slots :(
  14. Anyone else here dealing with the Minneapolis storm?

  15. Shogging tournament at Pendlemere-by-Cotton-Lake in 10 minutes! Be there!

  16. 8/10, I see you 'round the forums quite a bit
  17. ((I'll do some farming for you if you'd like)) "T'is biggun needs ah farmah? Why dun' ye jus' gi' yerself ah 'alflin' loike meh?" Gerald the halfling would say ((Vet farmer soon to be masterful, and Gerald is RPed a bunch by me)) ((Skype email: [email protected]))
  18. Sweet! I should totally make a lore post on this if I ever have the time!
  19. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xslyQmbqX0E

    Free kaiser as you listen to this amazing shire music!

  20. HalflingRP=BestRP

    1. MrMineLoveDude
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Spread the word my fellow! May it ring across every inch of the world!

    3. Zacho


      I was thinking of making a halfling who is super weak but has a heart of gold and can cook like gordon ramsay


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