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Status Replies posted by Unwillingly

  1. trying to see how long I'll last without needing to mechanically touch vortex in the slightest wish me luck o7


  2. how do I forcefully remove someone from my followers list 

  3. so how do new players join the lotc discord if the invite on the forums is expired

  4. disgusted by the amount of cultural appropriation on this server. should be bannable offence.

  5. disgusted by the amount of cultural appropriation on this server. should be bannable offence.

  6. is there a settlement where u don't gotta pay minas to live there

  7. We are beginning the 3rd week on a BRAND NEW map. There are under 200 players on a Saturday afternoon. Vortex is TRASH GET RID OF IT

  8. What is there to do

  9. did you guys know that in real life we (read: adults who still play minecraft) pay taxes to the Man to maintain our countries and keep them from falling into disrepair? wild concepts, i know. sometimes it works.

  10. hi do i make a wood elf or a delf

  11. hi do i make a wood elf or a delf

  12. Day 2 of asking for “mundane” or basic Minecraft building materials like woods and stone to be made into some sort of resource pit or similar system so that I can worry about something other than figuring out the best node path to ensure the most efficient harvesting of 50 logs every 2 hours. 

  13. Do we know when Almaris is releasing?

  14. I heard what happened and I just have to say - ABOUT GOD DAMN TIME GAZADRIAEL DIED. A little sad Elvira wasn't there to personally see it, given she was there when he first came back - and felt slightly responsible for it. But she's proud of everyone who helped bring him down. All the Ascended are. So from me to the ST and all the players involved - Good job and I'm proud.

  15. lets talk about how some of u guys steal skins and then act like “hurhurhur its not big deal”


    i wanna hear ur thoughts on ppl who steal skins. doesnt matter if ur a skinner or a non skinner

  16. Guess I’ll make clear, homophobic or homophobia role play is fine so long as oocly it’s treated like a character flaw and not a virtue. That’s my hot take, don’t need to send DMs to me on discord telling me to kill myself now pro-homophobia camp!

  17. haha homophobia roleplay

  18. Homophobic Roleplay on LoTC is way too normalized and it ******* sucks.


    Can’t wait for the next installment where we discuss how fun rape and genocide can be to RP! smh. I’m out.

  19. whats the Point of playing a character if they dont go straight to the ninth circle of hell after their death

  20. haha homophobia roleplay

  21. Reminder that if you slice of life on a ghost, or any other sort of undead/spook, you are cringe.

  22. Eyo! I noticed that Battle of the Arts is lowkey flopping. Is there anything that would interest people more with this event? I’d love to find a way to improve it and draw in more people’s interests.

  23. Just one more powerful post and you will own the Popular Topics tab.

  24. im in the top 3 popular topics im basically an lotc celebrity

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