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Status Replies posted by Unwillingly

  1. so let me get this straight... self teaching is gone (because none of you want to monitor it), every playable creatures you'd ever willingly sign up for is gone(because a large majority of you don't actually read lore so you don't understand what you're accepting before you do), and lore from May 16th still has been voted on yet(it's the end of august)? MT/LT what do you actually do?

  2. Huge shoutout to the event team (and Unwillingly, you true MVP you) for all of their hard work and efforts towards designing and executing some legendary events. I got to participate in another one just a few hours ago and truly had a blast! (And Aldonza now has a couple more scars to add to her ever growing collection.) It can really help me grow in terms of different combat styles and helps my personas grow too. Plus, it can make for really cool stories to bring up on a cold night in the tavern, huddled around a fire with children and friends both old and new. 

  3. I'm only here to tell you that I love Eurielle! 

  4. Are Striga still a thing? :///

  5. im stalking ur profile

  6. *shoots u* 
    *pew pew pew*

  7. Join the at!



  8. Hi friends, we are officially looking into new Application Team Members early next month! Please do not hesitate to create an application if you are interested. 


  9. Possibly one of my favorite forms of rp is tavern rp. An assortment of races all gathered around one table as they weave tales, each character nursing forgotten drinks. It's even better when the stories folks tell are actual events they've partaken in and are now recounting.

  10. hey give me factions/nations to join so ill either enjoy roleplay or hate myself and leave

  11. That was definitely one of the most intense events I've done. Not gonna lie, I was realllly nervous o.o 

  12. That was definitely one of the most intense events I've done. Not gonna lie, I was realllly nervous o.o 

  13. Hi friends, we are officially looking into new Application Team Members early next month! Please do not hesitate to create an application if you are interested. 


  14. Some of yall would get the belt if your parents saw how yall been actin on the internet

  15. Describe a dramatic experience your character went through in five words.

  16. how do i kill an ascended

  17. I hear Laurel

  18. Gauging interest: How many of you would be interested in an in-depth smithing guide?

  19. imagine how boring rp would be without raiding and pvp... non-stop powergaming and erping all day. Raiders exist to put an end to this nonsense

  20. Sayori is best doki

  21. Y’all remember the Mapleshire Pumpkin Raid?



    Pepperidge farm remembers

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