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Status Replies posted by Unwillingly

  1. dont believe everything u see on the internet, we in a simulation anyway

  2. ok so tell me straight. If any of you could RP as a shelved race, or use a shelved magic, was would it be? and why?

  3. give mechanical PVP bonuses to magic users :)

  4. I love the movie cars

  5. General Question to those interested on LOTC: If we could have a mermaid/siren CA race on LOTC, what would you guys like to see from it? Would you want it to be more light-hearted (more magic based, pods of mermaids, animal-friendly, pastel colors) or a darker concept (luring sailors to their deaths at sea, curses via songs or situals, making deals with mortals, etc.)?


    Please let me know!

  6. How do you even skin dread locks, especially in a pony tail?

  7. What in the world are these picrew pfp’s everyone has me how do I get one??? Why am I always the last one to hear about a trend 

  8. like bro gimme a list of things to choose from and then put like the lore underneath what i choose for what i chose. that would work waaaaaaay better fro people who dont want to invest time in a server they cant even play. like bro i couldnt find the lore of like places also when i did find places apparently they happened a long time ago????? like how am i supposed to know that?? what is the current date of the world i was never told this either. this server is not very user friendly it seems that you have to know every bit of detail about it before even THINKING of playing it. 



  9. shout out to staff ruining halfbreed rp

  10. im build starved but I don't want to apply to thje event build team for it 

  11. The Spirit of Nanman lives on in Krug Discord  👻


  12. @Covey what lore do I write next? 🤔

  13. @Covey what lore do I write next? 🤔

  14. so basically

  15. so basically

  16. glass animals ne1? 

  17. glass animals ne1? 

  18. a definiton of powergaming?


  19. give me creative wizard because although i'm not a wizard i am creative.

  20. auction may be extended once again bc damn u guys are still going at it, ill make the deadline longer next time i promise

  21. Forums are WIP

  22. Anyone that says the forums aren't horrible has Stockholm syndrome and should seek help.


  23. RPers on the road will stop, shift-click, and keep going. it's like dogs sniffing eachother's asses.

  24. can we ban the usage of egirl / eboy eyes (the types of skins with the eyes 1 pixel from the bottom of the head) bc I seriously despise that its slowly becoming more common on the server I'm going to have a stroke

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