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Status Replies posted by Unwillingly

  1. I'd like to remind everyone that elf ears don't "perk" nor "droop" based on their emotions 


    No I am not saying it's not possible for one to flex their ears on demand, just that elves dont have furry ears

  2. Based opinion, pits are for lazy people.

  3. I don't know where else I'd post this, but what if avian-like creatures were a thing on LOTC? Instead of being the common angel-like creature maybe one with bird/chicken legs and possibly arms that form feathery wings, being completely flightless but nearly capable of every task a human would be able to perform, or maybe smaller wings out of the back still kind of flightless? I say flightless because if they could fly a lot of people would choose to be an avian purely for an elytra/flying permissions, it'd be pretty cool and I literally have an example on hand of an avian character. [Sorry for badly drawn example below the arm wings were a quick draw and the rest was a trace of my avian character Cosmo]

    image0 (9).png

  4. can we please make it against forum rules to type "reserved" 

  5. does anyone else also hate that almaris cloud temple is more like a ghostly hypixel hub rather than the classic peaceful rp location other maps had

  6. people who make a big deal about their leaving posts never actually leave, huh?

  7. what was the last book you guys read or are currently reading


    I'm currently reading  Le Morte D'arthur, which is about the stories of king arthur and his knights 

  8. What are your thoughts on magic characters and creatures befriending others meant to be their sworn enemy in rp?  Example is druids x void mages, or vampires and azdrazi 


    imho there should be consequences for anyone trying to ignore conflict.  This also isn’t to call out anyone specific, just a general thought 

  9. What are your thoughts on magic characters and creatures befriending others meant to be their sworn enemy in rp?  Example is druids x void mages, or vampires and azdrazi 


    imho there should be consequences for anyone trying to ignore conflict.  This also isn’t to call out anyone specific, just a general thought 

  10. Yearly check-in. How're ET events looking?

  11. me: *talks about reviving the frost witches*


    anyone and everyone: "With all due respect, as much as I think that you would be the one to change everything, you will never be able to repair the Fjarriauga."


  12. My entire inventory is filled with potatoes. Can the staff team please disable (or execute) all tater lords or like make the command limited...

  13. bro i am so nervous i really wanna get whitelisted ive been looking for a cool rp server foreverrrr </333

  14. Quick stuff about me, i guess! My name is Lightshapen, I am 17 years old and from the Netherlands, trying out some minecraft rpg for the first time ever :))

  15. ngl the post on r/minecraft discredits legit every single builder that had their builds shown.

  16. Looking for people to play high-quality bandits/thieves with the goal of creating meaningful conflict RP, rather than powertripping/lootgoblin-ing.

    hmu on here or disc

  17. im writing lore and i think ive read more words for lore submission criteria than i would have in a used car history why is lotc like this

  18. careful trackpad users, you might get banned next time you accidentally tap the surface too hard

  19. gaslight gatekeep no girlboss

  20. Whose running the wiki nowadays 🧐

  21. thoughts on guys that only rp women, but in historical stereotypes? i.e. sassy, dainty, shy but also not? eats sweets and giggles; goes missing at 25 and a child with a similar personality replaces them

  22. I saw someone wearing Jeans and Flannel in Providence today. Our society has come so far! 😻

  23. I'll never understand how these new gen rando egirls think they have enough clout to try to bully people who accomplish more than they ever will.


    lol! Stay in your lane xo

  24. hey did you know ur in one of captainsparklez's classic hunger games videos? look in chat at 0:06



  25. There are people that use all of their persona slots on the same settlement. I pity these people

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