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fat robert

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307 Incredible

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    fat rat

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    Killing Elves

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  1. why does 'raid baiting' exist

    why does raiding cooldowns exist

    why does raid rules exist

    why arent the weak killed by the strong

    how is this medieval rp

    why do freebuilds exist

    why does tythus buy burger king with donation money

    why do we have magic

    why was ioannis admin


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    2. cruzazul


      what would i do without my clickerpvp 24/7

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      these rules are in place so elves may safely ERP from time to time. I mean, don't forget the cooldown was increased to 3 days because that around six people were constantly posting on a thread and flicking **** at the staff, calling them incompetent and talking about how the staff doesn't listen to a few people that want to safely fade-to-black without getting raided.


      Its an OOC barrier to avoid roleplay consequences

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