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About LithiumSedai

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    Daris Verethi Teres
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  1. It's great how you can shame people for not PKing on the forums again now that Renatus is gone and there will never be a war in which someone can stomp on the Orenian emperor's skull again or execute all signatories of the Orenian rebellion in a single day - back then it was harassment, now it's not!

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    2. LithiumSedai


      The Pontiff got whacked by a goon squad and Oren and Haense had to kill a bunch of clergymen to depose him two weeks later or so instead of simply immediately harassing him for not PKing to no-RP PvP and bullying him out

    3. tasty_cheesecake


      unless I am mistaken lith the thing I asked for in the 2 emps was a ban on making forum posts about executions intended to pressure someone into a pk, which doesn't seem like it would be allowed regardless unless basketweaver walked that back for whatever goddamn reason.

    4. LithiumSedai


      9 minutes ago, tasty_cheesecake said:

      unless I am mistaken lith the thing I asked for in the 2 emps was a ban on making forum posts about executions intended to pressure someone into a pk, which doesn't seem like it would be allowed regardless unless basketweaver walked that back for whatever goddamn reason.

      I think it's even worse now - regardless of the OOC reasoning behind the infamous Renatian execution posts, at least they actually made no presumption on whether somebody was "dodging PKs" or not; but the new rule explicitly permits treating someone as an undead IRP if confirmed to have been revived by the monks,  which really allows you to make that same type of post after they're brought back and additionally shame them for it

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