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Status Replies posted by ThatGuy_777

  1. It was fun while it lasted.

    Love you all.

    Have tons of fun for me, okay?


    I will miss you all.


    (And no, im not leaving the community, i was banned from the server, i will still be around if anyone wants to talk)

  2. Slowly with subtle moves I will slowly make the orcs become true warcraft orcs...

    1. ThatGuy_777


      40k Orcs > Warcraft Orcs

      Despite being a massive Warcraft nerd myself, it’s just hard to compete.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Are dwarves active small folk?

    1. ThatGuy_777


      They’re pretty active from my understanding

  4. Need a couple of people who can give me feedback about whether references to Aeldin in the lore I’m working on will fly with the larger player-base, any volunteers? They’re vague, but with the overall lack of accepted lore on Aeldin that isn’t character-interpreted...I’m not gonna tempt fate.

  5. No idea how to join the server or what version we are on and my minecraft username has changed so yay.


  7. LF demon player(s) for when unshelved



  8. So, where do you apply to get an alt-account whitelisted? I can find a couple of different application places but none of them are for alt accounts

  9. photobender_1.gif




    I editted animations on my drawings,,, :d

  10. Lemme give you a hint as to what I’m writing next:



    1. ThatGuy_777


      Chugga chugga on the lore train dog.

  11. Happy Birthday to @Unwillingly and myself!

    1. ThatGuy_777





      Happy happy HAPPY Birthday to the two of you! One year older and one year wiser. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. link good music below please

    1. ThatGuy_777










      I’m neither picky nor a man of consistency when it comes to music.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. hey guys how are you all today

    1. ThatGuy_777


      Good good! Just a bit slow. Hope it’s going well for you too Lumii.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. any interesting character suggestions?

    1. ThatGuy_777


      An overtly old, very hairy elf that talks with an accent whenever they’re emotional. Possibly a musical romantic yearning for self-betterment.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. so which orc was rosa parks

    1. ThatGuy_777


      I could say, but I don't want Pixie to break my kneecaps.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. Cya LotC. It’s not worth it anymore when you’re threatened to be doxxed and you have your future career in the hands of someone else to possibly ruin.
    I’ve had fun.


    1. ThatGuy_777


      Stay safe and healthy. Enjoy the break from LoTC.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  17. 7222e0bccc753a793b7d410eea4b0bf9.png


    Can't be bothered to do the hair, but the face is basically done ?

  18. I want to make a new character. Ideas?

    1. ThatGuy_777


      A wandering, dwarven musician that can only share past events in the form of song.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. So, how was  christmas?

    1. ThatGuy_777


      Eh, decent. Always enjoy time with the family. Hbu, did it go well? 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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