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About thesaintjaleel

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  • Birthday August 8

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  1. So much magic circle jerked to death, a shame....

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    2. thesaintjaleel


      @Wendigowhy would you make a rewrite for magic thats already fine?I'm not blaming the players for it if you read, im saying that there are ways to keep the magic going rather than let it die, is it not the lore teams job to keep server lore in order?is it not the ets job to make good events that encourage rp? This should be apart of their jobs as the "volunteers" of the server - people cry that staff team dont deserve criticism that they're getting but they were the ones that volunteered and applied for these positions and have the choice to stay or leave - why stay if you're not gonna do ****?

    3. Wendigo


      You make a rewrite to bring in new players. You make a rewrite for 'publicity' as well. It also allows you and the community to interact and see what aspects of the lore are obviously not making it so popular if it's a dying type of magic.

    4. James


      @KanadensareI'm glad you don't support the shelving of lore, however based on the team I was apart of and every team before that I still hold resentment for the LT. Your team takes away lore for no reason other than to claim activity by removing content. When you remove a magic, because of 'hurr durr inactive players' for no other reason than to try and get rid of unused lore you break continuity. Not in a hundred years does that happen in other roleplay settings whether dungeons and dragons or larp or even a setting like a book. Players who return with said magic have had their powers taken away with no viable reason, and this trend only got worse as the LT tried to validate it by making up reasons for removing inactive lore by giving incentive to either characters in-game or making up a reason to suit them. Cameron did this with the wraiths when Leric,  and I were sent in to exterminatus them via roleplay. The lore team did this three times with the ascended and almost again with the clerics/paladins. They did this with: soul puppetry, antimagic, I could go on.  One of the other main reasons the LT decides to shelf a magic is 'it's too powerful.' This falls on the lore-team to fix, not the player. If the lore-team is too arbitrary to put in simple referendums on something that's proven to be broken they are incompetent. If they choose to take away something they passed through that is too powerful, it is their responsibility to fix it as the people making the assertion it's too powerful. You make the assertion, you fix the problem. It just so happens the easiest fix to the problem is to outright remove it and forget it existed. I think by all means the LT should contact the player in order to garner what the best approach to fixing it is, but outright removal of lore is disgusting and if the players aren't available it gives you free reign on how to go about the problem with the other LT. Think that a power is too op? Make it weaker or alter it. You take away a world when you take things out of it, even if no one has it. As a writer myself it's fluff and history that takes precedent in the world and that adds wonder which keep people interested. When people started using brass cannons in real life, god didn't poof away iron cannons. You can still make them. At the end of the day, this is a game. This doesn't create an excuse, in games characters don't get removed? They get changed to balance them in the game. This is prevalent in overwatch, dota, league of legends and so on. Before you claim 'insert game removed a character once' The exception to the rule /proves/ the rule. 

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