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Everything posted by PosidonX7

  1. P.S. If you’ve ever seen that movie Left Behind, you will understand what’s about to happen.

  2. Sorry, i’ve played that game on LoTC before. I despise the political drama that comes with game of thrones rp. Would be a merchant, but then i’d just get killed for pixels. That, and, oh wait. Maybe I’ll take a day to rant about all the magics and the ways they can be abused. Then they’ll all get shelved! I’ll do you one even better than that. Let’s get rid of all magic entirely from a high fantasy based server. Then we can all go to somewhere better. ;) I don’t expect the lore games to be done for another year or so. I don’t see a reason in staying anymore. There are other alternatives we can put our time into.
  3. Hm. While I respect the amount of work you’ve put into this, there isn’t much background information to explain things. What the abilities do is stated rather clearly; but why they are the way they are, and how they became this way are a little less clear. If you can add more filling to this and explain how it came into existence rather than just “Fi and festering hatred”, then I could support it.
  4. Ah yes. What is the story team doing to my pvp factions server? Seriously though, I like the new bounty boards. They were a great idea and make it so much easier to get involved now.
  5. Don’t even review this. Just approve it already.
  6. PosidonX7

    The Swamp

    A spoop lets off a hiss, ”Such a false way of living. Too boring being unable to feel. However, it sure was fun feeling them crush underneath my boots..”
  7. I made this for you guys a while back. It’s a simply text edit over the current Dev logo, but I figured it would be useful since you’ve made so many updates lately. USE IT AND FINALLY LOOK OFFICIAL.Dev_UPDATES_logo.png

    1. PosidonX7


      p.s. I know it says game development. But mineman is a game, afterall. I dunno why the department name was changed. For all we know, you guys could be world domination development.

    2. Andustar


      Except Wendy’s is actually funny.

    3. PosidonX7




      The only Wendy’s I like.

  8. I made this a while back for the dev team in my Krita art program. I dunno if it will ever be used in an official post tho...Dev_UPDATES_logo.png

  9. Do you know when the lore games will begin? If so, when?
  10. A spoop hummed, ”I have such an itchy trigger finger. . .”
  11. I don’t care who you are. That’s funny as hell.
  12. As long as it provides progressive rp i guess.
  13. While I respect the effort you put into this, it would probably more widely accepted by people if a major part of the culture wasn’t about lust, incest, and sexual encounters.
  14. Well it would seem that a majority of teachers forget to teach that part then. I think it is that they only focus on teaching the strengths and weaknesses of their magic, and not the strengths and weaknesses of magic in general.
  15. I don’t mean the specific magic. I mean basic magic casting and guidelines. Like how you can be interrupted during casting, or how you can’t run around and dodge things while casting.
  16. I’m can pretty firmly say that every MA/CA user has had the stage where they have portrayed their magic or creature incorrectly, me included. Henceforth, I think the issue is with the players powergaming and misinterpreting the lore rather than the lore itself being the issue. I think this would be a great chance for the community team to get involved. Every person that applies for a magic could be guided by the community team in “RP sessions” to teach them how to properly use magic, learn of its strengths and weaknesses, and why it exists.
  17. I think you’re being a bit unrealistic on your timescale here... You’d need to dedicate 41.72 hours to the build if you constantly placed at 1 block a second. If a person did this for 6 straight hours a day, it would take 6.94 days to complete. While this is within the time frame, this is also assuming they can contribute 6 hours a day to placing at a rate of 1 block per second.
  18. This reminds me of the app I had to make in the beginning of Axios. I like it much better.
  19. Unless Bob the demon tightly hugs one of the druids, it wont do anything. Malflame only burns someone as long as it has direct contact to them. As such, I wouldn’t advise running straight into a crowd. That’s a good way to get put down.
  20. It would seem that you are now attempting to jab at me about something that happened a half a year ago, I stay by my point in not trusting any of this and still dislike this amendment. Also, let me remind you of something: 2. Measured criticism is welcome. Provocation, insults, and personal remarks are punishable. Targeted, abusive behaviour is not tolerated.
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