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Everything posted by SomeKeyboardGuy

  1. Name: Avalor Vakr O'HaraRace: HighlanderAge: 30Notable Feats: chaotic warrior from a notable warrior clan, Avalor is a bloodborne of said clan.Current Residence: O'Hara Keep but might be moving soon(OOC)MCName: TypeFasterManDiscord: MrFunnyKeyboardGuyHaHa#1429
  2. [!] Here lies an official looking parchment, written in cursive [!] =<>= This contract enables the Elysian Rangers to call upon Baldwin Ireheart to rally for whatever needed, whether it be war, any type of battle including skirmishes, and or defending against a raid. In return: I. For every rally Baldwin Ireheart is present for, the Elysian Rangers would have to pay a sum of five mina to Baldwin Ireheart. a.Baldwin Ireheart may increase the price if Baldwin Ireheart’s skill with the blade noticeably increases which would equal to more value as a hired warrior. II. The Elysian Rangers would have to resupply Baldwin Ireheart with a complete set of ferrum armor, a ferrum longsword, a ferrum Warhammer, a crossbow, thirty-two arrows, and thirty-two pieces of cooked meat to Baldwin Ireheart if the original supplies become lost, used up, or broken in battle. III. Baldwin Ireheart would keep the supplies that Baldwin Ireheart loots in battle. a. If the Elysian Rangers require a specific item(s) that Baldwin Ireheart manages to loot, Baldwin Ireheart has to give such item(s) to the Elysian Rangers. Side agreements: I. The Elysian rangers do not have to pay Baldwin Ireheart or Resupply Baldwin Ireheart if Baldwin Ireheart rallies for Elysium under the Urgani Legion. II. Baldwin Ireheart will not rally if the opposing side has ties with Baldwin Ireheart, the Ireheart clan, and or Urguan. III. Baldwin Ireheart may sever this contract at any time for whatever reason. IV. This contract will remain active for an indefinite amount of time, until the contract is destroyed. Signed by: The owner of Baldwin’s Financial and Combat Services, Lord Commander of the Elysian Rangers, =<>=
  3. [!] Multiple official looking documents written in cursive can be seen plastered around multiple locations. [!] =<>= Do you need help dominating your enemies whether it be a civilization, undead, some other fucked up creature, some bandits, some other shit? Do you require some form of protection from a skillful warrior? Do you have a plague of creatures that need exterminating? Or perhaps you need a loan for something large you clearly don't have the mina for? Maybe you need a safer place to store your mina and other valuable items? Well at Baldwin’s Financial and Combat Services, I got you covered! Send a letter to Baldwin Ireheart anytime and we shall work out a fair and appropriate deal! Disclaimer: Deals may not be appropriate, but definitely fair! At Baldwin’s Financial and Combat Services, BALDWIN WILL CATCH YOUR ASS!!! =<>= ((OOC: You can also bird Baldwin on my discord as well, MrFunnyKeyboardGuyHaHa#1429))
  4. [!] Small papers would be dotted around just about every wall you can see. The writing would be made of charcoal and what was on the paper would be short enough to be mass produced in quantity but lacked in quality as the writing would be huge and definitely not neat. [!] "Tired of living in a complex society filled with standards and morals? Reject the normal and seek out me! Wyzz! Send a bird to me! Do it! NOW!" [!] The writing would end off right there. [!]
  5. [!] Pinned with a nail on a nearby wall within the Eternal Library would be a piece of paper written in formal and professional handwriting... The paper would be signed by no one... [!] ---<>--- We are the ones who have been openly sought out in every settlement. We are known as nothing but scum in the eyes of the inbred who live within silver. We are the ones who run and hide from an ongoing genocide that the others ignore. I can speak for all of us that we are tired of your discriminatory hypocrisy and there are definitely a lot of us who have felt the same. Some in the places that you think none reside. Some that are closer than you think. Speaking of close interactions, we hope you enjoy the damage that we have caused towards the Eternal Library. Because we have a couple of demands: I. An openly admitted apology from the Haelun’or government for the still ongoing genocide towards the Impure, any previous wrong doings towards the Impure, and the discrimination towards the Impure and other races who have been disregarded as lesser beings. II. New laws to make discrimination towards the Impure and other races Illegal. III. For the Impure populace and the other races to have equal rights to first class citizens. Even as visitors. IV. A formal end of the Impure Genocide. V. The removal of any “Pure” Elves from the Haelun’or government that discriminate against the Impure, other races, and have beliefs to continue harm towards the Impure. VI. A formal removal of the Impure, Pure, and Lesser belief. If the demands are not met in one Elven week and three Elven days: I. We shall be forced to further our demands. II. We shall be forced to continue hostile actions towards the state to a much greater extent. ---<>---
  6. Lug would read the wanted poster upon a nearby wall. He rips it off the wall as he reads it thoroughly before snorting. "Onleh two-hundrehd? T'ought weh wuld beh wort' moar dehn dat. Alsoe our fasion sense is horrible? Ie mean ie dun' believe dat said from teh people who wear whiote powdehed wigs teh hiode der evergrowin' baldness." Lug laughs hard holding his stomach before crumpling the missive and throwing it behind him, Really Lug? Littering? Have standards.
  7. [!] Oliver would have indeed signed this!
  8. [!] An official looking document can be seen posted up outside of Talon’s Port gates, one is also posted up in the cloud temple, and one document is sent by bird personally to the leader of the Metinan company. Looking at it more closely, the official looking document has no name…? [!] +-+-+ ~The Sixth of The Grand Harvest, Year 10 of the Second Age~ A citizen is defined by an individual who resides in a city or town, someone who enjoys the privileges provided by the government, and someone who is thus loyal because of it. You, the Metinan company have been nothing but the opposite of loyal. From the start you have backstabbed us, you ridiculed us, you thought of us as weak and you pried your claws into that falsification. None of us of Talons Port never wanted you here in the first place, the audacity to think you could take it upon yourselves to claim that you were helping us willingly when in fact we all know that you wouldn't help without a price. Even then the first time you were here, you were paid thirty mina and never fell through with the deal we agreed upon. Causing commotion and more trouble for us in front of the Great Rex of Krugmar. I myself had to lick a decapitated goblin head to prove that we were the right group to be trusted. From then you have caused nothing but more problems for us, doing the work of guards without authorization, making fun of the kind people of the Tai-Ping district from how they look and their way of life to the point where Tai-Ping retaliated, They have indeed harmed a council member of their own choice, they are even willing to break the law in any form to appease their clients. Even if it includes harming or even murdering another citizen within the walls for the right price. There have been numerous occasions where citizens reported the Metinan company and Tai-Ping has personally requested the removal of them from the city from the day they arrived. We predicted back then that the Metinan company would retaliate in some form when we are to kick them out eventually. Which in all honesty, when they decided to visit Talons Port for the first time, our military lacked in all forms. But since then myself and The Minister of Defense have worked hard with all of our effort, strategizing, gaining resources, gaining new members, gaining new allies. Now we have the ability to finally enforce as a whole and finally go through what everyone has been telling us to do, Which is to banish the Metinan company for their wrong doings. We apologize to the people of Tai-Ping for not acting upon it sooner, though that's the reasoning why we couldn't act upon it in the first place. Furthermore, since the company is banished as we also seized their property which to be presumed it was used for non-home like purposes. Shall it also be known that with their banishment, it also includes the removal of their citizenship as a whole by default even if it wasn't stated in the document. Like, How can individuals be citizens if they're banished? Truth be told they cant. Anyways, we do not persist in hostile action towards the Metinan Company as their own doing has caused us to retaliate. We do not wish to harm you outside the borders of land which house Talons Port, though entering within the borders will result in the authorization of execution which has been stated in the original banishment. Any form of further retaliation from the Metinan company will further prove our means of banishment, as at this point the only thing they could do is attack us physically or further try to soil our reputation which we won't listen to and is most definitely slander. Though as a warning for any leader of any sort who reads this, whether you be a part of a government in some form, or even the leader of your own company, it doesn't matter where you are from or what you are a part of. As a warning from Talon’s Port to you, the Metinan company will cause you more issues and they cannot be trusted. We of Talons Port and the Militia will not seek to rectify our actions since we believe its justifiable and lastly we of Talons Port kindly like to say f*ck off and never return. Thank you! Made and signed by, Legate Jake Grunwalder Also signed by, Minister of Defense, Athri Onfroi Belrose Sovereign of the Depths, Gail Cordius Minister of Medicine, Dr. Sana Medii’la Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tianrui Ren Minister of Culture, High Archon Eletha Avery Zhu of Tai-Ping, Li Xiuying +-+-+
  9. [!] Jake Grunwalder would read the response with a smirk "Cowards, they hide behind lies... Though! Retaliation was predicted none of the less. I wonder what other idiotic decisions they will make." he laughs
  10. [!] Jake Grunwalder would have indeed signed this Document
  11. If they have 500 million braincells, every time they say bork it could mean anything.
  12. ~The Flower Bandits~ Religion Flower Spirits: The flower spirits are balls of flower matter (Similar to how Epiphytes are made of plant matter) that are only rumored to exist. As the rumor goes, it says that there is one Flower Spirit for every type of flower. They supposedly speak in whistles, and emit a lively green glow! -+- [!] A field of flowers that are believed that the field has been grown by a Flower Spirit. -+- Flower Epiphytes: Those creatures are considered Demi-Gods to the Flower Spirit as we believe the flower spirit granted them the form because they are there to serve a greater purpose in life even if it is unknown to others, or themselves. They can be instantly granted Guardian status if they decide to be a flower Bandit. The Others Wise: People who carry flowers around on their person at all times. We let them pass if they give us a flower. If on the chance they don’t have a flower for themselves but one for us, we offer them to join if they decline their status and is changed to cursed who don’t deserve the privilege to carry flowers. The Naives: Kids, or children, under the age of 13 who are not smart enough to make proper decisions and most likely won’t have a flower on their person. However, if we see them on the roads we give them a flower. Though, if the naive do have a flower on their person, they will be praised for their great wisdom! Cursed: People who don’t carry flowers or they don’t have enough for themself. We force them to give us their stuff because our cause for flowers is greater than any other cause. If refused, they flee, or they enact violence, they are resisting the flower spirit and must be killed unless one of the elders stops the action. Titles Elders: Three People who lead the entirety of the bandits equally, they oversee everything and they have gone through a trial of strength and a trial of wisdom to be granted the title of an Elder. This lasts for ten weeks in total. If one elder goes missing or has perished, a vote will be placed upon an Elite to take its place. If there is only one elder or none. Trials will undergo early and the time limit will reset for elders. Elites: Elites hold equal power to guardians however they have done a massive deed to the Flower Bandits or they have been devoted to them for many decades. This title is granted by an elder and it’s highly respected. Guardians: Normal Flower Bandits who praise the flower spirits and follow the Flower Spirits virtues. Honorary: People outside the group who proven themself to be a friend of flowers and us while also being a formidable ally. Flowies: Initiates to the Flower Bandits who undergo an OOC week of learning/training before getting enacted into a Guardian. Or they are children until they become a Guardian of 13 and above. -+- [!] A Flower Bandit relaxing after a long day at work. -+- Punishment Titles Void Spawn: Someone who majorly/directly betrays the flower bandits within or outside the group, they are to be shunned and will be killed for betraying the Flower Spirits. To be a Void Spawn, one must be declared such by an Elder. The decision is not set in stone, however, another Elder can disagree. If 2 Elders disagree, it falls to the 3rd to be the tiebreaker. -+- [!] Some Void Spawn executing one of our own out of hatred and spite. -+- Exiled: Someone who has done moderate/major crimes and sentenced to not only become shunned but exiled from the fort for a time frame or life. Outcasts: Someone who has done moderate/small crimes and sentenced to be shunned by the rest of the group for a certain amount of time. Important Events The Blossoming: A time when the potential Elders undergo their trials and are chosen. Also, a massive festival is thought to happen during these times, alcohol, drugs, and general celebration regularly occur. Religion Culture Birth: When the child is born, an elder would place a flower petal symbolizing them to become a Flowie. A general celebration from the community would follow. Marriage: The couple would host a ceremony as an elder witness them exchange the most beautiful flower they own symbolizing marriage. From there the couple can say or do whatever they wish regarding being married. -+- [!] A flower that was used in a Flower Bandit marriage ceremony previously. -+- Death: We cover the corpse in leaves before setting such a blaze preferably a controlled fire in the middle of a field. Symbolizing that their death would aid the growth of a new flower field, their ashes scattered, and the seeds of flower scattered along with them. -+- [!] A corpse being burned in Flower Bandit culture. -+- General Culture Housing/architecture: We live in Halfling like burrows surrounded by a wooden wall with flowers all around and inside the fort. Piked heads would be seen outside the fort as well or hanging bodies outside as a warning. Clothing: Anything but it has to cover the face unless it’s for a reasonable cause or an Elder states, or demands otherwise. -+- [!] A plague doctor uniform worn by one of the Flower Bandits. -+-
  13. Before I say anything I would like to say that I never had an Izkuthii or was apart of the Izkuthii culture, so I am coming at this at a player perspective. I can agree that this lore piece is like a Jig-Saw puzzle as its really fleshed out. Every single detail and ability Izkuthii possess has atleast a paragraph behind it and a couple of Redlines more or less. It makes the piece complicated as everything said had an affect/plays along with another detail or ability, It also makes it mildly confusing aswell. Anyways, from the time I’ve spent on LOTC I have met two Izkuthii and I have deemed them pretty rare where of they are almost non-existent. I can see that this lore implements a way for Izkuthii to come back to have more players interact with them is really good and the abilities, curses, details, etc are pretty unique and adds diversity like all races should on LOTC. However judging by the long complexity of it, it may take awhile for it to be reviewed and fixed. Though i’m excited to see where this can go if it picks up any traction. +1
  14. [!] A letter, which appears to frantically tied together with a small white cloth, the paper appears to not be in the best condition, containing visible ink stains from the outside, seemingly ripped and burned edges and a cloth sloppily tied on the top. [!] Pictured above is the O’Hara Family’s coat of arms, frantically scribbled in, symbolizing whatever is in this letter is very important, a few stains from ink and other products outline the coat of arms in small dots, including a single tear which clearly is dried and stain in the rather rough paper. You decide to open it up and it reads the following -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “On the 10th of Snows Maiden, 1768, it was confirmed in the Aedellands/Lunsbeck Hospital that Addy O’Hara died as of that time due to “Unknown Pregnancy Issues” rather found to be a stroke, caused by massive clots around the body, though Addy was still able to give birth, a male son named “Thor” Almost within a couple hours of surviving her pregnancy, she had died due to it along with other numerous complications still unknown to this very day. A traditional red faith funeral has been arranged for her, in a saints/stone day at 7 PM (EST) will hopefully be held in Morsgrad Square, in front of the Ashwood tree. Anybody who can make it to the funeral is allowed to watch it. The funeral will be conducted by a keeper name “Jager”. -Proclaimed by, Loki O’Hara” [!] Above is a painting of Addy O’Hara in a coffin, the part she lays on is covered in white roses and various other white flowers, below that, is woven together in a white cloth. Addy appears to be wearing her regular red dress, which she often wears on anything besides special occasions.
  15. {!} Letters are sent to everyone and or anyone related from hatred to family, to the O’Hara’s. The letter seems to be written in neat cursive as the official Coat of Arms for the O’Haras can be seen on the letter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~A New Dawn~ -The O’Hara Family, 7th of the Amber Cold, 1761- Twelve saint days ago, the queen of Courland, the apparent Matriarch of the O’Haras, Catherine Marie, dissolved House O’Hara. She did this without consultation and went into negotiation with Sutica to make an agreement to solve our pending issues with Sutica. In response, I declare myself the new patriarch of the O’Hara’s to be rightfully claimed as a full-blooded O’Hara, unlike Catherine Marie, a Windsor-O’Hara. Catherine Marie shouldn't have ever been the Matriarch in the first place, whereof whatever she has submitted in the name of the O’Haras will now be known as scandalous and fraudulent. However, I do not deny our misconduct and neglect for anyone who has experienced such with us. Which is why I, Loki O’Hara will now change the name of the O’Hara family, to the O’Hara Clan, and obliterate any agreements with anyone we affiliated to in the past to start anew. It is a new dawn my brothers and sisters, and we will rise reformed and vigilant. -The new Patriarch of the O’Hara Clan, Loki O’Hara ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. RP Name:: Ogdo’Ogr MC Username: scientist301 Discord: TypeFaster#1429 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Krugmar Why Do You Wish To Come?: Just to have a good time, I am extremely curious about Atheria, and this could make a name for my Olog so I cant miss this opportunity! What Skills Can You Bring?: Ogdo is an Olog kub and has a promising future ahead of him within Krugmar, plus I can make enjoyable roleplay happen since the Olog is infact a child.
  17. ~Invention Lore - The Goblin ArmLink/HandLink~ Description: The Goblin ArmLink is an invention obviously used mostly by Goblins to help them build/invent weapons and siege weapons alike, which also could be used as a personal weapon. The base of it all is an arm brace more or less used on the characters writing hand which has two locking systems on the outside of the arm. One at the wrist, and one ¾ down the arm. Where if the attachment is secured on the arm brace correctly, that said attachment will not fall off if your characters sways its arm around. It's the most important part of this whole contraption and without it, the attachment would be considered a normal tool or weapon. Capabilities: We will now go into the attachments which would be the many uses of the ArmLink which there are two main parts, the arm brace, and the HandLink. I consider the HandLink an attachment since it attaches to the wrist lock on the arm brace. Going across the hand before going down between the middle and ring finger as there would be a grip where anyone could grip there hand on. As the hand would be in knuckle position, a thin bar of metal would be going across outside the fingers where at the right side of the bar, there would be a semi flat circle with some weight, more specifically for hammering. Another locking system would be in front and in the center of said bar. Each attachment can be either a weapon, or a tool to help anyone in said characters desire. A knife or a short blade could be implemented where the HandLink would go with the Locking system. Making the ArmLink capable of hiding a knife more sneakily as a sleeve could easily go over the ArmLink and the knife wouldn't be that much visible. The second Locking system 3/4ths down the arm could hold a smaller version of a crossbow which can be used to temporarily stun enemies with pain of a small arrow. However it would take a few arrows to the head to kill someone but could also be a good way to blind someone. For the HandLink, a longer blade could be implemented for better close combat or maybe a saw to cut wood. Momentum is key for using both HandLink attachments as a weapon. Where many more attachments could be invented other by me which is what is really unique about the capabilities of the ArmLink. Red Lines: Cannot have more than two locking mechanisms on the ArmLink and only one on the HandLink, I am not trying to make a medieval IronMan. The small Crossbow requires two arms to harness it, one for reloading and shooting, and one for aiming so no double ArmLinks/HandLinks for the small crossbow. Any attachments made by people has to go through the invention submission process as to not make this overpowered as I know many people would have crazy ideas. But modifying the listed attachments bellow can be modified slightly for color or metal. But for example no hooks, ropes, flame swords, etc can be attached without going through the submission process. The following attachments can be applied to the ArmLink/HandLink. Cannot invent anything that would seem like it would be in a nuclear wasteland civilization, like a full body suit with locking systems all around. Just Arms and Hands. Can only be made by Goblins for how it intentionally ties to them. No one can say that they invented the ArmLink/HandLink because no one knows who did since of not having an origin story. ArmLink: A knife or a short blade. A small crossbow. HandLink: Hammer which is implemented on the HandLink. A saw or a long blade. OOC: I want to bring more life to inventors on LOTC. When I walk around the lands of Arcas, I don’t see any new siege weapons or new weapons or tools, especially none from the Goblins and they are a race to make all that. Which brings up the fact that Goblins are dying out or people are not playing them as much. I sound like I have played a Goblin for a long while but that isn't the truth. Been playing for about a week I suppose. Anyways the Goblin ArmLink/HandLink I’d say is more of a base. Players can make more attachments to it, and it wouldn't take that much imagination to make a new attachment. Maybe make something that would increase the complexity of an existing attachment. There is barely a limit to this and that what I was going for. Also I didn't add a backstory or it all as a siege weapon because first off, it's a tool more than a war machine and two, making a backstory would mess up so much of the lore of tools for Goblins. Which that is debatable.
  18. Fliers would reach around all the Towns, Kingdoms, and Nations of Arcas as one particular Flier would catch your eye. You walk towards the Flier as upon closer inspection you realize that not only the paper was ripped a little, not only the Flier was terribly stuck to the wall, but the entire Flier was hand written with mud that has turned dry over time. Reading the Flier you start to wonder what creature or who has made this Flier in the first place, but you soon to find out... “Dear whoever read this, am Goi. Am strong Hou looking for job. Goi don’t care what job is, as long as Goi get paid... Goi can be humble gardener, or STRONG hired mercenary. Whatever client choose Goi to be. Send Goi letter saying where and when Goi can meet client to discuss Job and reasonable price.” There would be a dirty smiley face with a signature at the end reading ”-Goi” The font would be clearly messy however you can clearly read it. You chuckle at the fact how the grammar was off by alot, but ponder if you should hire this Hou or not. The choice is yours. OOC: Thanks for reading and you can msg me at discord, TypeFaster#1429, or on lotc, Blawpadow or scientist301. Also this is temporary work unless you plan to keep paying him. But he might be able to pull some strings to make it long term.
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