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  • Character Name
    Lythorien Banebow; Tlaloc; Kaelunor Ryvuunos
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf; Kha-Pantera; Snow Elf

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  1. I understand the logistics of it, but they still walk upright, unlike other creatures that need tails for balance, like dinosaurs. I really think making it that easy to cripple a kha for life just by docking their tail makes it way too easy for villain characters to destroy the race as a whole and individuals. Along with that, I noted the “like big toes on humans” thing because once we lose those, we have to learn to move our center of balance from the balls of our feet, to the sides and back. Kha without tails would have to move their balance from their toes to their paw-pads. But definitely sprinting and claiming would be, as I said before nearly impossible without aid.
  2. I think a kha would eventually get used to having its tail cut off enough to where they could eventually stand on their own, but more athletic feats would be impossible. Just like gumans who have their big toes cut off. @EnderMaiashiro
  3. This gives the deity (pardon my pun) real depth. There still remains mystery, in my opinion, on her machinations or why she chose to do one thing or another. But quantifying the entire lore as bad just because Dresdrasil now has more definition is just... silly. There are unfathomable things still within the oceans that only she would be aware of. This post gives those who worship her a more intricate and defined culture to work with, instead of just a nebulous Lovecraftian, C’thulu-like horror that’s unknowable and unseen forever, and has no other actual aspects to it OTHER than “it’s a mystery, wooOOOoo!” +1
  4. (@Ragnir @IkaGeo please message me on Discord so I can add you to the Ranger server :D) Well met, recruit; welcome into the fold. I am eager to meet face-to-face. Send a bird my way at your earliest convenience. Our headquarters is in Stygia, a town near Talon’s Grotto." - Ranger-Master Lythorien Banebow
  5. @peachy_keener Yes, we are! Feel free to apply! Sorry about the delayed response – it seems the forum didn’t want to notify me people had replied here.
  6. (OOC: Hello! Sorry for the delayed response! We’re currently on somewhat of a hiatus, as I’m dealing with significant health issues. However, feel free to send in an application and it will be reviewed when I recovery from my surgery that’s scheduled at the end of this month. Cheers!)
  7. I love this idea! But the formatting... I suggest you un-bold anything that isn’t a title, please. Also, not everything has to be in massive font size lol My poor eyes xD
  8. Tlaloc has reservations siding with peoples that have shown so much hostility, but in the end, much more has been done to the kha by other races, and the Hou-zi and Kharajyr are, in his opinion, wise to align. He is glad Tsisha has grown so wise and shown such talent for leadership. “Ees good. May our peoples floureesh,” he mutters to himself.
  9. To Elawynn Caerme’onn ( @MamaBearJade ) "Well met, recruit; welcome into the fold. I am eager to meet face-to-face. Send a bird my way at your earliest convenience." - Ranger-Master Lythorien Banebow
  10. To Elawynn Caerme’onn ( @MamaBearJade ), Thank you for applying. Your application is currently under review. Please make sure to re-read our tenet (number 2) regarding significant affiliations. Honorary positions, as well as affiliations with our allies will be able to be retained. However, upon joining, most other affiliations must either be relinquished, or must not conflict with Ranger tenets and our allies, such as the Druids. Certain affiliations may be approved on a case-by-case basis. Please send a bird to discuss your particular situation. My best regards, Ranger Master Lyhtorien Banebow ((OOC NOTE: Shoot me a DM me on Discord to talk about her affiliations. I’m not personally aware of some of those. Pardon the ignorance!)) 
  11. ((OOC NOTE: Hello, all! With the move to Arcas and a fair bit of changes in members and the state of alliances, this thread’s original post (and our Discord server) is in the process of being updated. We are still accepted applicants! Stay tuned!))
  12. To Aladar Viathran ( @RugRatRew), "Well met, recruit; welcome into the fold. I am eager to meet face-to-face. Send a bird my way at your earliest convenience." - Ranger-Master Lythorien Banebow
  13. To (@TheRealKiru), ((OOC NOTE: Hey there! Before I approve or deny, I need some more information The most recent (largest) settlement, in Atlas, was the Warhawkes’. However, as Lythorian didn’t share the Warhawkes’ interests, he lived in the Dominion (as in the “Dominion of Malin” which was mostly populated by wood elves as well as some high and dark elves) until founding the Rangers. As for the “ethereal companion,” what is it and what are its origins? Certain magics, like anything that would harm or cause the death of another living thing as its source of power (necromancy, blood magic, etc), is forbidden in the Rangers.)) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ To Aladar Viathran (@RugRatRew), Thank you for applying. Your application is currently under review. My best regards, Ranger Master Lyhtorien Banebow 
  14. To Yvonrena Illykur ( @TheRealKiru ), Thank you for applying. Your application is currently under review. My best regards, Ranger Master Lyhtorien Banebow  To Daisy Applefoot (@NotEvilAtAll), "Well met, recruit; welcome into the fold. I am eager to meet face-to-face. Send a bird my way at your earliest convenience." - Ranger-Master Lythorien Banebow
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