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Bloody Zairos

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    Feolan an gaol fo dhìon Redfist-Arc
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  1. Dulgran Ironstrake chuckles softly to himself as he could not but get excited for the adventures that this was going to possibly bring. "If dah boss called fer dis, den meh es more dan readeh tah do wot's right."
  2. Minecraft Username: Bloody_Zairos Roleplay Name: Dulgran Ironstrake Race: Cave Dwarf Timezone: CST
  3. Zairos would rub his hands together greedily “Time to gamble!”
  4. Turn 3 Current Nation Leader: Ashlim Kharlaben Heir: Abbas Kharlaben Capitol City: Baku Total Population: 1,500,000 Total Military Personnel: (Not today metagame) Trade: Open Trading Nations: Ayyubid Abbasid Mosul Rum Georgia Khawarsim Faith: ISLAM! and a some Jews Nation Relations: Muslims are to be respected and treated with kindness. Christian nations are to be treated with caution Everyone else is neutral ------------------ Sultan Ashlim Kharlaben would smile as a letter returned from the fellow muslims “Alhamdulillah, now we have to solve another problem.” he says before moving to the Court. [depiction of what it looks like in court in Baku] “Brave nobles! I understand your need for denars, and you shall get them… but not by me.. By war! I just received assurances that if you join in the jihad, not only will we be promise jannah but we will also get war booty, Anyone here who take up the banner of Allah and go join the Jihad with his men, are true muslims! Those who wish to stay here and continue to cuddle up in their palaces like we done in the time when Salahudin did. Go ahead! But you will not receive a single denar from me! Oh brothers of islam! Join the ummah! Not only will you gain honor and glory, you will gain wealth and prosperity to bring back to your homelands! Rally your levies, to jannah or victory!” hours would pass as the Sultan attempt to convince the nobles to join the jihad to gain their wealth assuring them that there is much bigger gain of wealth. Sultan would sit quietly in his room before a knock is heard by his door. “Come in.” he spoke tiredly before seeing his son walk through the door, “What is it oh my son?” he spoke softly “The construction are ordered to halt and recruitment for more Jundullah are underway father..” Abbas says before dipping his head “I will be leaving tomorrow at sunrise as you commanded father is there anything you wish me to ask of him before I go?” Abbas says looking at his father face to get a glimpse of a reaction, Ashlim would smile “Na’am… tell Caliph Adil, to remember our prophet muhammad Sunallahhu allahiwasalim, and our sunnah… verily islam will guide the way. Tell him this, he will understand my son.” he spoke before gesturing him away so he could sleep. [!] a month would pass before a caravan would arrive at the palace. “As the caliph and the muslim ummah said, ‘Together we struggle, together we fight, and together we die.’ until this war is over everyone has agreed to pitch in in funding the jihad.” the Man smiles before embracing the sultan “Shokran, May Allah bless this ummah!” the Sultan would grin as jihad wages would finally arrived to support the economy and its people. [Depiction on how the preacher would try convincing the muslims to fight in jihad] Sheiks, imam and dervishes would constantly call on the people to join the army to fight in jihad, reminding them that it's a muslim duty to defend its faith and lands! and that fighting for Allah will ensure them that jannah awaits for them either they die on the battlefield or bring victory upon it. They would attempt to convince around 15-20k men to join the army. With recent news of the christian betrayal in Ayyubid lands this prompt outrage among many muslims causing them to join the second army to march to jihad. ------------------- Sultan would convince the noble in fighting in jihad to not only gain jannah, honor, respect but also the wealth they desire. Sultan would send his son to Damascus to meet with the caliph and ensure better diplomatic ties Agreement is reach with Mosul, Abbasid, and Ayyubid to all pitch in to help fund the jihad to lessen the strain of finances and flow of manpower. Sheiks, imams, and dervish call on the people to fight in jihad they would attempt to recruit 10-20k men into the army. Once the men join the army they would be place in ranks and be equipped accordingly and not carry around pitchfork but rather standard army equipment. As soon as they are ready they would march nd link up with the another army forming in Ayyubid Caliphate. Cities around the northern and eastern border are to better prepare for sieges and improve fortification. Received some finance support from Abbasid, mosul, and Ayyubid, to fund the army's and the holy war of Jihad. Supplies are sent to Ayyubid caliphate to help better the now thin lines.
  5. Azerbaijan! Turn 2 Current Nation Leader: Ashlim Kharlaben Heir: Abbas Kharlaben Capitol City: Baku Total Population: 1,500,000 Total Military Personnel: (Not today metagame) Trade: Open Trading Nations: None ( Better be not be one of them crusading folk ) Faith: ISLAM! and a some Jews Nation Relations: Muslims are to be respected and treated with kindness. Christian nations are to be treated with caution Everyone else is neutral ------------------ Sultan Ashlim Kharlaben would receive a letter from the Ayyubid Caliph “Curse them Crusaders! Assemble the army! we march to help out brothers!” he says ordering his General Turgut, “As you wish Sultan!” he rushes off without a minute delay. Sultan Ashlim would sit down in exhaustion he would look to the squire before speaking “Is the letter to Khawarism Sultanate ready? As well to Georgia?” he ask the squire nods affirming Ashlim would signal him to go to the messenger stables. “It will be beneficial to us if we are apart of the Ayyubid family as well just like the Abbasid have done…” he then smiles when his son entered the room. “Father?” Abbas ask worried as his father had an evil grin staring down Abbas with a cold eye “It's time for you to marry..” he says chuckling ------------------- Thousands of men are sent to Damascus to gather at their citadel alongside the other muslim armies [MOD] Denars are given to the nobles and peasant alike to cheer up the mood. Envoys are sent to Khawarism Sultanate and kingdom of Georgia sending gifts as well as an offer for trade and non aggression pact. News of what has happened in the holy lands would be told to by screamers.(they are guys with drums that gives news on what happen I call them screamers xD) Recruitment post is set up to bring anyone willing to fight for the sake of Allah and gather for the Jihad.
  6. Azerbaijan! Turn 1 Current Nation Leader: Ashlim Kharlaben Heir: Abbas Kharlaben Capitol City: Baku Total Population: 1,500,000 Total Military Personnel: (Not today metagame) Manpower: ( Not today Metagame ) Trade: Open Trading Nations: None ( Better be not be one of them crusading folk ) Faith: ISLAM! and a some Jews Nation Relations: Muslims are to be respected and treated with kindness. Christian nations are to be treated with caution Everyone else is neutral “In the land, the light of Allah shines down upon his people. Let him protect us and guide us until the day that we are to meet our judgement. Until that day come, let there be peace between our brothers and let the land stay pure without the spill of another’s blood. Let our people and land stay strong in the face of adversity with the love that we share for one another.” Action for the round: The leader of Azerbaijan meets with his fellow Muslim man in the Middle East, but to be specific a convoy sent to the Ayyubid Sultanate for a trade agreement to ensure a peace without tension between the two Islamic nations. The nation of Azerbaijan also starts to allow Christians to participate in their faith openly without fear of higher taxes, loss of credibility, and their work. The army has enlisted another 15,000 people to increase the power of the army for defense of the citizens and possible allies. The army is sent through rigorous training to get ready for the possible battles to come to the front face of the nation’s problems. This is also followed by training taking most of the time with the enlisted army. The nation leader and his advisers have enlisted the help of all of the thinkers of the nation to explore their scientific option for development of weapons and ways to make life better for their people. Celebrations of life and happiness are held throughout the nation as a way to ensure the happiness and moral of the people. The aspects of force in the scientific world are further discovered and assessed for the time to further develop the technology of the time. The life expectancy has improved from the age of 45 to the age of 70 due to lots of factors that made life easier and diseases easier to combat. Troops are now sent to the border to be able to patrol to make sure that invasions are seen much earlier than they have before. Trade agreements have been sent to all of the other Islamic nations to be able to set up trade with all of the others. Overall taxes, especially the merchant’s tax, has been lowered by 10% of what it used to be before the trade agreements were sent.
  7. Nation name: Azerbaijan Population: 1,500,000 Summary of History: There is little known history on the nation at this time period ( First date actually stated where I was reading was 1722 ) so I will use what I am able to find and use it to the best of my abilities.Bloody Discord: Bloody Aoika #2881
  8. Mc name: Blooby_Russian Discord:Bloody#2881 Have you put up a Creatures app yet, and if so link it: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/170940-ca-cervitar-silvergale/?tab=comments#comment-1612796 Rp name: Silvergale Clearean age: 27 Role(Rank) in which you would fill: Newborn
  9. Bloody Zairos


    He is an young white male, with white hair. He is not very tall, and not the skinniest character. You never get to see his hair because he chooses to cover it up because it used to be green. He is from the kingdom of Renatus. He does not follow any of the religions that most of the human race follows. His mother (Chasadie) was a farmer and his father (William) was an engineer with great skill. He spent most of his childhood inventing high tech machinery, and working in the fields. He lost his parents in the night when a group of Dark Elves attacked his home for his father's inventions, but while he watched his parents get killed he went insane. Now whenever he hears his parents name or sees a Dark Elf, he goes into a state of panic which is usually described to be a hunger to destroy those who caused this to happen. He now only uses his technology to protect himself and farm.
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