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Status Updates posted by Dight

  1.  If you wanted to be a clinic or something like that, would you have to apply for it? What do you need to do to achive that?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dight


      I was just wondering since I’m a tad bit confused about it. I thought such was related to magic (as in you needed to apply for it) so that’s why I asked. But if it’s just heavy roleplaying and logic, experience of character and age I guess I’m good?

    3. argonian


      if it’s not magic then it’s not magic bro. im not a doctor but a lot of my relatives are and i can confirm they dont use magic. just dont bring out ultrasound machines either and ur g00d 

    4. Dight


      Kk, thanks for the info! Much appreciated!

  2. I was wondering,


    Are you allowed to make your own culture and religion? If so, what’s the limits?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dight


      So I suppose you can’t create a culture out of nothing, then? Or do you mean that it shouldn’t contradict nor create something new (like race, magic etc)?


      Edited by Visage
    3. Wrynn


      Yeah, like you can’t create an entirely new race without making lore and getting it approved first, however for creating new cultures and religions for existing race – there aren’t many limits c:.

    4. Dight


      Ahahahah!!! Yess!! Thanks for the info!

      Edited by Visage
  3. My life's a mess. One day I’m decent at PvP, the next I just suck. Like, why is that a thing?!

  4. I mostly wonder now what to play as when it comes to races. Are Adunians still a race that can be played?

    1. argonian
    2. Dight


      thank you




      there’s a decent & reasonably well off Adunian/Harrenite minority in Helena

  5. I’ve always wondered how the orcs work. So I stepped into the savanahs

    I learnt quite a bit about them after that...

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      What exactly did u learn

    2. Man of Respect
    3. Dight



      That apparently I’m bad at making jokes, since you didn’t get my joke ;(

  6. Is the ET planning something huge?


    I haven’t seen many events by the time of Arcas. Only one. It’d be fun to see a more wide-spread issue, rather than just politics and diplomacy between the nations.

    1. Nowak


      many? Have you been graced with one? ;-;

    2. Dight


      only one sadly, yeah. But it could be just that I am at the wrong place.

      Edited by Visage
    3. dard


      the ST just started people literally just got pex and some are still waiting on them relax yo, ET is just as antsy as you are to get some events going

  7. Are wildlings a thing anymore? If so, are you able to play one?

    1. Evonpire


      @Beordan would be able to answer that.

    2. Dight


      @Indoren Thanks!

      Edited by Visage
  8. I have been thinking about trying out a new character idea of mine. So I had to ask wether half-elves were alowed (aside from Adunians) and what restrictions there are when it comes to; aging, appearance, physical traits etc.

    I was thinking about combining Highlander (Human) – Mali’ame (Wood Elf)

    1. nepir


      So far I know yes, the mix comes from the parents and it seems completely reasonable to have such a mix. if you had a halfling olog I start getting worried

    2. Dight


      Thanks for the feedback on my idea!
      Any good ideas on what name I should have for a hald-elf?

      and halfling-olog... sounds like something you would find in Sutica.

  9. How do I re-apply for my alternate account?

  10. nobody:
    some random dude in lotc: IM LEAVING

    the same dude: actually nevermind

    Edited by Visage
    1. Unwillingly


      Happens all the time m'dude

    2. saint swag
  11. Anyone know a good way to make religions on LotC? Not talking about actual deities. Rather, ways of life, or even bastardizations of existing ones (heresies).

    1. argonian


      step 1 solemnly renounce the god of minecraft

      step 2 consign yourself to the doomed fate you have made for yourself

    2. Sorcerio


      There's a couple ways! Most people usually write up a document with a brief outline of their tenets, beliefs, and cultural practices, as well as creating a community based on promoting that particular culture/religion. Doing this doesn't require a particular app or official approval, and is merely something you carry out through your own roleplay; there's a lot of different examples you can find in the culture subforum!


      Do keep in mind, especially if you're creating a bastardized branch of a religion, there will be individuals in RP (and likely OOC) who will target you as a result. But disregarding that, it can be a fun and enriching experience. 

  12. Don’t trust atoms!

    They make up everything.

  13. Why was the Headless Horseman so insane?

    Because he’s lost it

    1. LeoRabbit99


      Ger not even Halloween ger

      Edited by LeoRabbit99

    Edited by Visage
    1. Dight




  15. What the heck happened to the map? Why is it a map of Atlas and not Arcas?

    1. KeatonUnbeaten


      simulation is breaking

  16. LEVEL UP!


    Now LVL 1

  17. Why didn’t Mojang add berry bushes?

    Because they don’t want us to pick on them.

  18. Why did the Baron’s boy jump over the hutches?

    Because he wanted to be a master at fencing!

    Edited by Visage
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