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Everything posted by ThatFunkyBunch

  1. Old: Redlines Crafts of Chitin bear the strength and quality of Ferrum or Black Ferrum. For all mechanical purposes it is simply aesthetic Ferrum. This includes weight, and though instead of degrading with time to rust, chitin rots in place of the natural process of rust. Weapons of Chitin are able to be lit on fire twice before the Chitin fully burns away. Chitin does not warp with heat, it simply melts. Weapons of Chitin bear the same weight, durability, and effectiveness as Ferrum or Black Ferrum Crafts of Chitin is not RARE knowledge, this means it does not require an FA or anything of the sort to create Crafts of Chitin. Characters are able to stumble their way through creation or learn from other characters in the same sense standard metallurgy is. Crafts of Chitin are aesthetic in nature purely. These do not require an ST sign to roleplay Crafts of Chitin. ST signed chitin, will follow all oversight rules as is standard with approval of an ST. New additional redline: Crafts of Chitin Armor can not be treated with Bowie Alchemy for its mimicry effects.
  2. Some Azulyte rubs her cheek as she stays near the woman. "Iblees we are all so edgy. "
  3. An Azulyte spits out her tea as time goes on "**** me this was us?"
  4. Somewhere in a fort an Azulyte hisses in sharply. Gesturing around. "This wasn't us, yeah? It's Ibleesmas and such but. I thought we were just stealing presents." "Hang on, this wasn't us?" "Makes sense. No one screamed IBLEEEEEEES"
  5. An Azulyte, stares at their arm. Back to the moon lit lands after awakening. A deep, primal fear of templar settling in her mind. As she departs. Alive, but frayed. The fledglings mind ever scarred from this battle. She would not remain the same. The thought of being truly, INVINCIBLE, shattered with good cause. "Never underestimate a Templar."
  6. Side note. Actual Lore Feedback Nearly everything in LoTC is stolen from another platform and medium. It's simply the nature of the server. It mentions natural predators and beyond them being in the cold it doesn't suggest a natural defense beyond forming Megazord. Which against most tundra creatures we possess wouldn't do much. As a troll can simply grab a branch and knock them apart. If I do may, suggest, speaking more on their horns and perhaps a more durable hide, and ways they they interlock to form a Fluft. As with horns and a durable hide they pose to perform blunt damage or at least means to impose fear on predators. And how they keep their own horns from harming each other in said fluft In addition perhaps add a timer it takes for a Fluf to shed its furr in warm temperatures, whilst they have the panting like a dog mechanism, it doesn't appear to have a timer for the shedding. In addition unless I am blind (I am blind) It doesn't speak about the diet of a Fluf beyond saying they don't gain dietary requirements from eating meat. I could imagine that a Fluf that had to eat meat should. As in the Tundra there isn't a lot of vegetation to eat from. All and All, look forward to Fluf Bucket Ball Games.
  7. Nice. Look at that white wool fluff. Those little horns. Nice.
  8. ༒☬A Dream☬༒ Metallic gleamed, and so did the dagger swing. Soft flesh torn away, mind locked in a dream. Poor Ke, beset by maddening visions. Harkened great things. Peaceful needs met with crazed plee, for the return of putrid means. Did the blinding radiance decree ‘How dare thee scorn me?’ ‘Thee who remains nothing without thine needs.’ Against a harmless cage did she fail to bash her brains. Bright veins remained unscathed by marbled fangs. Peril is lost in a happy void. Growth denied so few coiled and stewed in the mania of the mind. ༒☬Awaken☬༒ Ke’makia awoke with a startled cry. Threads of ichor clinging to a dangling purple eye. Empty sockets pooled with copper smelling crimson. Fear filled her fragile mind. Why had she agreed? What cruelness did Lae inflict on her? She felt weak. For she was weak. Weak without sight. For so long she had answered the world with her strength. Refusing to give it up to anyone. Yet she had in the end. An endless quest for knowledge scorned her. She crawled forward, grasping for objects she hadn’t a clue where they lay. Her memory remained hazy, how did she get up the stairs? She could barely find them in the underbelly of this elven city. Those white spires were unable to be seen now. Struggling to even open the door. Night pressed over Celia’in. Using walls to guide her stumbling steps. Cold frigid rains battered her face. Her hanging eye from the right socket. Besieged by horrific rains. Pain drove her to cower. Until she clutched her ruined eye, and tore it from the fleshy prison. She couldn’t tell the difference between consciousness and the slipping mind of unconsciousness. How long had she had her back against slick stone? How long had it taken her to find her home? The difficulty of climbing her stairs, which was once a simple task. She had taken the gift of sight for granted. She would not be broken. She would prevail through this and reclaim power herself. Ke’makia didn’t even make it to the stairs up to her bed. She fell to the floor and was taken by Mr.Dream. ༒☬Keep Running, Runt.☬༒ Ke was the youngest of her three siblings. They had lived on the edge of Renatus territory. News of the war between human settlements meant little to the woman. Until terror struck her home. Raiders set fire to the hay roof. Their parents were murdered. So, did those bastards of Darkspire. Later known as Qua’req, fled the lands of Valah. To the tents of a land, they called Vira’ker. Life was simple. Soon a deep cold swept the lands, and the dark elves moved across the sea to a cove. When Vira’ker fell, Ke took to the caverns of a group of Zealots. As time pushed on, she became dispelled of the religious views of these dark elves of Onyx and Renelia. Taking to the swamps. Testing her might against the few lone Uruks that had forsaken Krugmar. In time, the ker became scattered once more. Ke’makia took to life in a tent. Alone she had survived. Alone could she be mighty. In recent years, she had found others that she could truly call kin. Envision a world of might. One that did not hide behind the fallacy of righteousness. Though now she saw nothing. She remembered what colours looked like, what the sights once were. Days turned to weeks. Once she had demanded fear, and taken blood. Now she was the subject of pity and mockery. Falling on steps. Her guiding staff was a horridly gnarled object created by a girl. The woman was bound to the horrific art project. Constantly, did others offer aid? Making her weak, feeling weak. No longer could she defend herself. Ke’makia had to rely upon others. Loathing every second of it. ༒☬Plead, Grovel, Beg☬༒ Ke’makia was a mess. Sobbing on the street, pitying eyes locked on her. But she had no idea, no idea if they were truly looking. She could hear the snickering. The tones of concern and pity. Felt the hand that guided her up and led her home. Escorted up the tower, where she was questioned, and soon left to her own devices. Ke’makia laid back into the high-rise chair. Arms splayed to each side. Alone once more, the Maehr broke back into violent sobs. Her breath was hard to steady. Her hands lashing out at cups placed on the table. Spilling wine and water over onto the cloth. Onto herself, until she crawled atop its large surface and began to weep. Curling into a ball. Holding herself like her mother once had when she was but a child. “Please. End this. Please. Azul.” “I have seen you in my dreams, locked in those hollow depths. Please, show me you hold sway still.” “I must be strong, I refuse to.” There was silence, as the woman drew her knees closer. Doubt filled the woman's head. Weakness, she came before her lord. Useless to those who needed her. Her babblings continued. She lofted her chin towards the heavens if her head was even in the right spot. The pain of crying without eyes was not something Ke had ever planned to experience. Salty tears stinging empty sockets. Ke’makia babbled until her mind gave way and her throat was hoarse. Collapsing on the table. Plummeting into the subconscious of dreams once more. Where she had seen her Lord time and time again.
  9. The National Elven News Association. {N.E.N.A} Issue #2: Reporter and Editor: Ke’makia [!] It's just a mess of bleeding ink, horrid pictures and chicken scratch. Who ever printed this copy either had no idea what they were doing or can't see.
  10. Thank you. It's extremely heart warming to know I'm not the only one that struggles with addiction. My depiction comes from personal experience as an alcoholic. ❤️ "We claim Spiritual Progress, rather than Spiritual Perfection" Pipe weed, totally blanked it got accepted. I'll edit the piece later about thoughts on Pipe Weed
  11. Yes. Gamblers follow the same 12 twelve steps. As detailed in their own Gamblers Anonymous. Simply replace the words Substance and Narcotic use with Gambling
  12. Addiction Roleplay Guide Part 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ :Some Music: In the following passages, you will see many quotes, which have been altered to be more gender neutral and certain words replaced with Addict “So our troubles, we think, are basically of our own making. They arise out of ourselves, and the addict is an extreme example of self-will run riot, though they usually doesn’t think so.” AA. Page 60 ___________________________________________________________________________ The Mentality of an Addict. “Do you want to know the Addicts least favourite word? No.” ___________________________________________________________________________ Spiritual Maladies. A spiritual malady, then, reduces to a sense of otherness felt by many addicts that prevents them from feeling at peace with themselves and the world around them. All addicts suffer from what is referred to as a Spiritual Malady. This manifests from an early age and does not directly correlate to substance use. We’ll brush up briefly on the most common Spiritual Maladies. This is not to say, every addict has only one or these, or all. Like every human, it is more of a variety. ___________________________________________________________________________ Control: This pesky notion that the addict must be in control of their life and the lives of those around them. To the smallest details, to grander schemes. The Addict possess the inability to accept Life, on Lifes terms. Those Addicts with control issues (nearly all of the Addicts who walk this planet) find that whilst they believe they are acting selflessly, are causing more harm than good. In a roleplay perspective, this can stem from the Addict needing to control those they call family and friends to how things are placed. It would not be uncommon for one to enter a friend's home and simply, re-arrange a table setting, for they believe, their vision for their friend's home would be most welcome. Control does not have to extend to all facets of life, but undoubtedly will manifest itself at the most inopportune times. “Most people try to live by self-propulsion.” AA. Pg:60 ___________________________________________________________________________ Insecurity: Many Addicts suffer from the inability to emerge from themselves. They find standing in crowds makes their skins crawl. They can not stand to be around family and friends. Unable to speak, sitting in a chair staring off at a wall. Personas which bear extreme Insecurities may be hard to roleplay. This goes beyond social awkwardness. A prime example is a Priest of Canon who stands in the back of their church. Their hands shakingly grasp a bottle. They are about to face over a hundred people in a sermon. Sweat runs down their head. All have anxiety, what makes the addict different in this scene? The addict will use a substance of any degree to mask this. To snuff it down and allow themselves to step forward and face the crowd. Sitting down for dinner with friends is the most gruelling task. Inflicting dread and paranoia. ___________________________________________________________________________ Self-centeredness: One of the more complex Spiritual Maladies. As it ties into all others. The addict is unable to move beyond themselves. Regardless of the situation. It has to affect them in some way. From a law passed in their city that, in reality, will barely affect people they know. To the death of someone's friends. The sorrow and issues of others become the Addict's sorrow and afflictions. This ego-centertic person cannot separate themselves from others' pain, and joy. Both the positive and the negative. It must surely be the universe's divine plan for them to interject themselves at any given chance. Do these people not know who the Addict thinks they are? Are they not placed in this life to serve the Addict to some degree, even when the Addict believes they are being sincere? There is always a deeper plague. One of value to the Addict. One of selfishness This is best explained, the complexity of this Malady, in the following scene. Which came from the Movie Clean and Sober (1988) ___________________________________________________________________________ Discontent: The Addict, and this stems to all addicts, cannot be satisfied by normal means. In a world such as LoTC, there are many different things to be addicted to in the form of substances and beyond. A ruler will never have enough land. A religious zealot will never have enough followers. A Marauder will never be able to inflict enough violence to state themselves. A parent will never feel like they have taught their kids enough. A Paladin will never be able to properly install Order. A druid will never be able to sway the mortal races to adhere to nature. A shaman will never be able to get all to serve the spirits. And the Addict will never have enough substance to quell their emotions and return to a state of utter numbness. They are discontent with the hand life gave them. Unable to live life on life's terms. Making them irritable, and restless. They strive to quell this bottomless pit, ever shovelling more and more until their substance use begins to kill them, as it does all who continue to use. One is never enough, and a thousand is few too many. “They are restless, irritable and discontented unless they can again experience the sense of ease and comfort which comes at once by taking a few drinks -- drinks which they see others taking with impunity.” AA: The Doctors Opinion ___________________________________________________________________________ Compulsiveness/Instant gratification: “What's with you guys and food?” “Addicts are compulsive.” Nearly all addicts are compulsive people who act on their first thoughts. They cannot properly engage in long-term planning. This is mostly due to the mid-brain in the real world. A little part of the brain whose task is survival. In addition, the mid-brain begins to overpower the Frontal Lobe. So the base, primitive thought begins to rule the addict, not the other way around. This also plays into the extreme desire for instant gratification. Unable to cope with the fact, things take time. That the world does not move at the pace they believe it should. More often than not, the addict will seek instant gratification. Waiting on a letter from the local guard captain if your request for rest leave has been accepted. Constantly squirming with anxiety. Why don’t you head on down to the tavern and drown that twitching restlessness out with a couple of mugs? Or a dozen. ___________________________________________________________________________ Special Substances: I won’t be covering them all, but a few deserve a shout-out on this page. ___________________________________________________________________________ Life Force/Blood: One of the most addictive substances on Mundas. I equate this to Fentanyl in the real world. One addicted to Life Force has very slim chances of recovery. Necromancers and other undead require this substance to survive. The cravings go beyond simply feeling better. It is food, and starvation drives one to insanity. Similarly, this can be applied to Corc and their need for blood. Tasting it is intoxicating. Currently, I have not found any lore talking about one Overdosing on Life-Force. Life Force is unique, in its ability to be consumed by non-undead and non-necrotic beings. Producing an intense high. I’ve seen little of the rulings about withdrawal for non-necrotic and undead beings addicted to this. So I offer a general run down. Much like Opium withdrawal. Diarrhea and vomiting. Nausea. Tachycardia (increased heart rate). Muscle or bone pain. Hypertension (high blood pressure). Insomnia. Anxiety. Increased body temperature. Sweating.Chills. ___________________________________________________________________________ Oracle Wood: I equate this as a rather potent Psilocybin mixed with Adderall. Oracle Wood itself, states it offers Clear-headedness. Which, in my opinion, makes it one of the most dangerous substances to be addicted to in the world of Mudnas. The implication is one, is rid of anxiety, fears and worries. Bringing focus on what is before them. I can see many an artist, religious clergy members, blacksmiths, alchemists, and people in positions of power using this substance to quell the mind and bring forth what they believe to be a better self. Making it dangerous, for they will come to rely upon it fully. It isn’t hard at all to imagine that something that relieves anxiety and brings focus becomes their only driving force. ___________________________________________________________________________ Fireweed: A highly addictive substance easily equal to cocaine mixed with alcohol. “Immediate effects include a sense of warmth pervading the entire body, and a sense of invulnerability or superior strength. It also makes the user more energetic. The drug builds up an immediate addiction that is overwhelming and hard to break. If chewed, the weed softens the teeth and blackens the gums. If smoked, the smoke leads to lung damage and pained breathing. Once it is ingested, the user has an extreme urge for another 'hit'- however, they still retain all free choice in the matter. Once a second dose is administered, the drug will begin to play a larger and larger part in the user’s mind. They will constantly crave a dose, and will start to show signs of withdrawal.” Its symptoms of withdrawal bring the user back to it nearly every time. It resembles the real effects of alcoholic withdrawal. Which can lead to seizures and death. (Small bit of science here. The reason why narcotics that induce shaking can be deadly if they do, induce muscle twitching and shaking. This is because the dopamine forced into the brain is so strong, that when the narcotic exits the body. The brain begins to try and speed back up to the state it was operating under the influence. This is what can lead to seizure and death.) Frankly, one of the best-written narcotics I’ve ever seen on the server. The lore speaks for itself. My congratulations extend out to Mickdude2 for writing and submitting this peace. _____________________________________________________________________________ DiddyFunkle: Just ST signed Psilocybin. It would offer no unique withdrawal but could become addictive to personas that often seek to escape reality. Artists might struggle with this one, as they use this herb to induce hallucinations for their art works. ___________________________________________________________________________ Javens: This ST herb found in the wild acts as a natural sleep aid. Personas with insomnia might find themselves become easy victims of its sleep-inducing effects and if used often enough, might find themselves unable to sleep without this herb. An acceptable addiction to the world for its effects is minor. In turn, they might grow a tolerance to Javens. Seeking more powerful substances ___________________________________________________________________________ Kings Ivy: One can easily be addicted to this, and its implications in society are simply akin to Coffee. An acceptable addiction to the world for its effects is minor. ___________________________________________________________________________ Nightsap: A less-friendly sleep aid. It induces a calm in the body which can be dangerous for personas that seek the use of narcotics to escape their natural anxieties. The side effects are a splitting headache which urges the user to use more. Two rapid dosages will induce sleep. Easily arguably a stronger sleep aid than Javens. Users of Javens might ‘Graduate’ from its use to swap over to Nightsap. There is no current lore about withdraw being deadly beyond the standard headache. ___________________________________________________________________________ Ponderlot: A dangerous substance that not only, gives hallucinations but imposes a sense of clear unity with the entire world. This makes it one of the more dangerous substances to be addicted too, for its addiction appears purely mental. Characters riddled with anxiety will find themselves drawn to this, there is no current lore about how long the effects last, nor withdrawal, so all withdrawal can be assumed to be purely in the mind. Anxiety and fear over takes the mind once again after its effects fade. ___________________________________________________________________________ Sun Shard: Another one of the more dangerous substances to get addicted too. Consuming welcomes warm bubbly effects. Whilst it induces Mania and an irrational state. Unstable, numb, or deranged personas might find themselves drawn to this substance as an excuse to act out and lose control. Those who are numb might use this substance as a way to enforce artificial emotions upon themselves. ___________________________________________________________________________ That’s all for now folks. Thanks for reading if you did. Sometime in the future, I’ll do a Part 3 about recovery. The list of special substances might be updated on this page depending upon what is submitted and accepted into lore. This is to help serve not only to help someone understand addiction, but help roleplayers that have addicts, take their addiction just a wee bit more serious. Sincerly, to all those that have had to deal with me. That Brass Monkey. That Funky Monkey. (It’s me. I am inhale copium, seether of worlds.) div widget
  13. Also please make one for Stilt Striders I'll send you a design myself.
  14. Bro my misty mountains RP????
  15. "Looks like Shaman and Azdrazi are both on the menu!" Cackled a mad mutated woman. She pins this one up on the wall for all to see. Poking another Azulyte and gesturing over to it. "Boss sent out a new memo." "Ain't that a kick in the head?" "So what's the deal with these dragon people?"
  16. A shaman, looks down at the paper, looks up, then looks down. "Huh." "Neat. Wisdom Home. I'll come visit one day. Stock up on potions."
  17. The dark elf pants and huffs as she prepared to set fire to all carpet in the city.
  18. Did this gamer just hit me with a ******* ur instead of your GUH
  19. The Azulyan Banner hangs from the gates of Helious, its temple, and several houses. Fires create smog over the city. Azulytes maintain their occupation for a few elven hours. Inferi roaming the sunlit lands, chitin bound Azulytes painting their mark, an eclipsed moon bearing the Eye of Iblees, before they depart. With demands upon the Shamanic City. Ember, you have made a calculated choice. One that makes it apparent. You could improve at mathematics. You wanted a court jester. Let us further make a mockery of you and your people. Ichor runs your streets, for you attempted to mock us. DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE IN OUR NEXT VISIT. YOU WILL PREPARE THE FOLLOWING FOR OUR PEACE. A:) Bottled Mana, five counts worth. B:) A shamanic relic tied with spiritual energy C:) You will construct shrines honouring AZUL and the Great Red Lich, Lord Upon the Throne. Voice of Iblees. Gashadokuro. You will know his name. D:) You will destroy any shrine to Luara you might possess.
  20. An Azulyte cackles madly at the paper. And holds it up for others to see. "They ******* think we're the Luaranytes! Oh Iblees bless us. Continue forward with OPERATION SHATTERED MOON." "And let's keep ransacking shrines and gathering mana."
  21. A message is sent to the Azulytes and pinned on the walls of the Hexicanum. OOC: Only Azulytes and members of the Legion of Iblees may be privy to this missive. It is Meta gaming to have knowledge of this post other wise. OPERATION: Shattered Moon. Begin the mass collection of Mana, bottled, taken by any means. Store safely within the Hexicanum. Begin the creation of the Anchor. Consult the Warlocks and the Lord upon the throne for more information. Steal shamanic artifacts. Be on the look out for Remnant Hex Storms and gather any artifacts that are created as a result of the spiritual storm. Destroy all Luara shrines, shrines to her lessers. Destabilize her realm.
  22. The Azulyte Odurex stares down at the letter. A smile, wide on her mutated features. Lofting it high, and pinning it upon stone. "BEGIN OPERATION SHATTERED MOON. Build the Isthmus" She calls out to those around her. "This one...we'll take alive. their mana, will serve us well...tell the Lord on the throne. We're starting."
  23. An Azulyte begins to dig out pit falls in the cursed forest after nearly falling into one herself. "******* singing rock mother fuckers I swear to Iblees I'm going to break their ******* flutes and their ******* song rocks. " The voices begin to take hold.
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