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Everything posted by ThatFunkyBunch

  1. Generations of ancestors peer down into reflective pools. A collective murmur of agreement rang through them. The hallow land boat.
  2. [!] The Following letter below is available for members of the Court of Azul and those they share it with [DO NOT META GAME IF YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER OF THE COURT OF AZUL] CHASE THE EMBERS Orders of Kiel Vuakudah It has come to my attention that the Maehr beyond our flock have begun to aspire to greatness. An investigation into the nature of Clan Val'taelu, their ordeals, true beliefs shall commence to able body Azulytes able to blend in. We know little of modern interactions, but they attempt to catalog and record a wide variety of Maehr customs. A second matter of Clan Oussana. Of all the clans to escape the rock and our TOTAL AZUL VICTORY over Nor'asath-Nor'velyth, this is not one of our ideal clans. Though commonly heretical to a degree and part Mori, members of Clan Oussana are known to possess a zealot craze. Do not take them lightly if they begin to garner power. Investigation is required: If deemed fit, you may execute them as made available to you in the field. As for remnant clans that left before like Loa'chil, Jusmia, and Maiheiuh are deemed [NOT A THREAT] until further notice. With little action made on these Maehr ends. It is safe to say for now they lurk in the corners of the world and keep quiet beyond a few bold members of their clans. Do not engage with them that you are of this Court until you can confirm their status as a supporter or possible supporter. Keep your head on a swivel. Report findings to the Udax for catalog and review. Lastly, on a far better note. We are pleased to announce the coming Blood Bowl within the next two Infernal Months. Get prepared.
  3. A dark elf squints. "THEY FOCKIN USIN AN ALTERED KER'NOR BANNER. THE SANCTUM BANNER!" He points forward. Floored. It doesn't look half bad. Finally we got an official flag
  4. Name: Daichia Jusmia Race: Dark Elf Type of Shaman: Haruspex, Farseer Teachers: Dak'ir Des'nox, Thurak'Yar, Tedyn'Yar, (Scykos old orc Farseer) (BEZERKS WD Goblin: Snawt'ox?) Gusiam Jusmia
  5. Some shaman woman in Stargush blinks as she visits the HALL OF ENDLESS STUDY. Spotting Enomi, Qudlia quirks a brow. "More and more by the days. Years?" Puzzled, she settled herself for her search. The advance art of Forks
  6. In Llirs final act of service he displays how to leave Lord of the Craft. Get a Replacement and make a Forum post. Here's to years of service Llir. For Josh, glad to see you on the team and good luck!
  7. A Cerusil stares at the Pyre for a moment. Before the GREEN POWER RANGER returns to his reading for the day. "The other shoe just dropped."
  8. An Inferi slinks by as night covers the fort. Peering down to check in on the bodies it left nailed to their gate.
  9. An Inferi looms over the gates of the Hexicanum. Ready for the stragglers of the Moz touched. "Prove your worth in the forest, you may yet live to see greatness."
  10. A Cerusil rests in a cot in the hospital. Having broken his arm training for jousting. He nods slowly. Perhaps.
  11. A Cerusil readies his jousting lance. Running head first at the tree up the hill. Surely no harm could come from this.
  12.  Creamy just dropped Codes of Krug and now I stare at an old orc skin

  13. Another Cerusil sits in the lounge. Watching an old man pace back and forth. He sets his book to the side, and reaches out to a scabbered on the table. The elf might as well get some training in. Time to head down to the Barracks. The joy of the last cup of tea before the chaos of war is something few truly knew.
  14. -1 As an Inferi player I find it vital to proper demon RP, that I must watch my Warlock do Romance RP for two hours in a corner room while I just stand there on guard. @femurlord
  15. The armored form of Kiel lurched over beside a campfire in the dreaded fort. Ripping cloth from a bed roll to clean it's maul. Before tossing the rag back into the flames. This was only the beginning
  16. Some Inferi is seen in the cursed forest near Sakura. It adjusts the weighted training gear. And looks down at the wagon wheels it's laid flat on the ground. With an old set of armor from before it had turned into a demon and been a local terrorists for Celia'nor. The Inferi starts to run drills. Moving quick with its legs high and narrow as it navigates the wagon wheel obstacles, avoiding touching wood as it tried to run the course as fast it could. Someone could stretch out it's silver armor. And in the chaos of war, who'd notice the Inferi plunging down into the streets?
  17. If old Ele was implemented it's combative stuff needs some nerfs yeah. Personally, I think we just take the good things from both and smash em together. Having a combative bite is good but old Ele suffers from the fact that it was designed to be combat heavy. At least that was the writing goal I was told. Shaman Soldiers. So, it became that. It's extremely strong which does need addressed. Combat is never really where I had issues with Animism (As you know I wanna land surf). But it serves as a good cultural piece. It can be hard for new players to read as well. Rewording, clarifications could go a long way for Animism/Elementalism. Forgot to say: I think alot of Animism rituals could be rephrased. It's hard to digest. (U know you many times I asked if I could do X and either you or divine or someone else would say yes.) But it takes a couple of reads to make it click.
  18. As the writer of the lore games Elementalism I am not biased at all More Serious note. I like Animism, I like parts of animism. I dislike other parts. Frum could be kept or converted over to a new system. Remove the elemental wheel so I can say my Earth Fire Elementalism is granted from a Lava spirit. Rituals are alright in Animism, but they need to be altered be more friendly, easier to do, and give more reason for Animist to do these rituals. For Ele, alot of the Spirit Mark stuff can be converted over to rituals and vice versa. Ele needs some changes, emote timers etc, tweaks, buffs, nerfs. I prefer Ele over Animism. My ideal world, we merge the two.
  19. An Inferi carefully tends to a horrid spear. "Another fracture. Let us see if they kneel upon arrival. Chaos, truly. But strategic? Time will tell, if the flames of Xion scatter, I believe. It will...evolve. Those which spurn divinity chase the flames of god-hood." "Perhaps now, the Mystics will reclaim the legacy paved by generations and generations, from the dawn of the dark arts."
  20. Some green caped menace knows few things. The local cathedrals teachings and devotion to the state. However he remains in a clinic. Smoking with an Orc.
  21. A herald of Sin continues to creep through the overgrowth of the cursed forest. Shovel in hand, watching the leagues of ghouls begin their own march. Its gaze settled out towards the land of Cherry blossom and mushroom.
  22. Some very busy elf nods in approval. The green caped menace departs, for now.
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