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  1. art by afterblossom_art Welcome, to the mesmerizing year of Ahiuw le fleuve, an extraordinary season where friendships blossom, love ignites, and souls embark on the transformative journey from youth to adulthood. As the river weaves its way through the city, so do the aspirations of our young debutantes and gallant suitors. Amidst the splendor and grandeur, a coveted prize awaits—the illustrious titles of River Gems, a testament to the pinnacle of grace, charm, and allure. But beyond the pursuit of honor, let us revel in the profound connections and heartfelt emotions that intertwine, for Ahiuw le fleuve is a realm where dreams converge, and the magic of companionship lights the path to everlasting memories. -Mademoiselle Fleur DeLis, the Curator of Whispers Located Outside of Lurin within Vikela TIME TABLE DAY UN PRELUDE INTRODUCTIONS PRACTICE Welcome to the captivating "Prelude Introductions Practice"! Ladies and gentlemen, come together to refine the art of dance and presentation in anticipation of the grand ball. Expert tutors shall guide both females and males, ensuring every participant's grace and confidence enchant the dance floor. Afterward, join us at the tavern for a delightful, informal gathering, where laughter and camaraderie shall flourish. Embrace this enchanting prelude, setting the stage for an unforgettable night of elegance and revelry. TIME 3PM EST DAY DÉ AHIUW LE FLEUVE BALL Welcome to the grand Introduction Ball and presentations! Join us as bachelors and debutantes unite in a splendid celebration, mingling amidst a tapestry of enchantment. Debutes shall don exquisite gowns in resplendent River colors. Embrace the allure of formal attire, adorning oneself for this remarkable affair. Step into a world of refined enchantment and embark on an evening destined for cherished memories. TIME 4:30 PM EST DAY TRWA AMOUR AFLOAT: THE CHARMING BOAT RACE Embark on a thrilling race of lover boats, where passion and skill collide on the shimmering waters! Join us for an exhilarating competition as participants navigate their elegantly adorned boats to victory. Feel the rush of the wind and the beating of your heart as you steer towards the finish line. The winner shall be rewarded with a cherished prize, symbolizing their triumph and adoration. Let the race begin, igniting a playful spirit of friendly competition and unforgettable moments of romance on this enchanting day. TIME 1PM EST DAY KAT SECRET GARDEN SOIRÉE A captivating event that transforms a hidden garden into a realm of romance and intrigue. Bathed in the soft glow of floating lanterns, participants are encouraged to engage in secret trysts, whispered conversations, and stolen glances. Embark on a treasure hunt, where small floating lanterns hold clues, fostering teamwork and excitement. As you navigate the garden's mysteries, unravel hidden secrets, and embrace the allure of the night, let the floating lanterns guide your path toward unforgettable moments of connection and discovery. TIME 3PM LOVE LETTER EXCHANGE Join us for an event where participants can share heartfelt letters expressing their thoughts and intentions. Embrace the intrigue and anticipation as these letters find their way to a collection of charming chests, each labeled with its recipient's name. Discover the power of written words and thoughtful gestures, fostering connections and creating moments to be treasured. Step into this enchanting occasion, where expressions of genuine emotion and meaningful exchanges take center stage. TIME ALL DAY DAY SINK RACE OF GENTLE GIANTS! Gather 'round as these charming capybaras showcase their laid-back yet determined nature in a delightful race. Bet on your favorite capybara and give them a ship name to show your support! Legend has it that if a capybara from your chosen team crosses the finish line, it signifies everlasting love. Let the excitement and anticipation fill the air as these adorable creatures capture our hearts with their lovable antics. Join us for a day of laughter, cheers, and heartwarming moments as we celebrate the unique spirit of the capybara in this unforgettable race. TIME 1PM TRIYONF KÈ KONTINYÈL: TOURNEY Brace yourself for a spirited competition where chivalry and valor meet on the battlefield of love. Participants shall showcase their prowess and dedication as they engage in captivating duels to win the title of the ultimate champion of hearts. Witness the clash of swords, the twinkle of determination in their eyes, and the unwavering passion that drives them forward. May the bravest and most gallant warrior emerge victorious, winning not only the tournament but also the admiration of all. TIME 4 PM DAY SIS MARDIS GRAS BALL Immerse yourself in the pinnacle of elegance at the Madris Ras Ball, hosted by the esteemed Court of River Gems. This illustrious event honors the gems of Chalcedony, Jasper, and Sapphire in ascending order of distinction. The Court of River Gems, with their discerning taste, curates a captivating theme for this grand celebration. Prepare to be enchanted as you step into a world brought to life by their imaginative vision. As a symbol of unity and potential matches, couples are encouraged to enter the ballroom together, presenting themselves as a harmonious pairing amidst the opulent splendor of the evening. With each gem representing a unique facet of beauty and grace, the Madris Ras Ball promises an evening of refined revelry, where elegance and creativity intertwine to create an unforgettable experience. TIME 4:30 PM HOST YOUR OWN EXCLUSIVE FUNCTION If you wish to host your own function please contact Lady Larissa and her council for all inquiries. For those who need help with the ongoing of this new and exciting by all means please seek out a council member as well as pursue through this handheld (Ahiuw Le Fleuve Guide for Debutes) ALL GUESTS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND ANY THE EVENTS. Sign up will officially close before the events of Day Two. To sign up please open the attached letter.
  2. Written by the Late Paramount Leika de Astrea Found By Lady Brasca. Contents | I |Proper Etiquette & Expectations II | Debuting & Presentations Etiquette and Expectations: Fashion: For proper reading please read “Vikela fashion” Remember, dear attendees, that the essence of fashion lies in embodying grace, sophistication, and cultural respect. Let your sartorial choices be a reflection of your impeccable taste and appreciation for the occasion at hand. Fashion choices should reflect cultural sensitivity, honoring the traditions and customs of Vikela and its guests. For those that need a reminder here are some rules and regulations. Footwear should be comfortable and suitable for the event, ensuring ease of movement without compromising on elegance. Adornments, such as jewelry and accessories, should complement and enhance the overall ensemble without overpowering it. Choose wisely, considering the harmony of the outfit. Gentlemen are expected to dress in tailored outfits, formal attire , displaying a sense of sartorial sophistication. All attendees, regardless of gender or race, are expected to wear attire that fully covers their chest during all events. Men with robes and half shirts, Translucent fabric is your friend, and it can show your Tattoos. For females, showing the abs or belly is permissible, but it should be done tastefully and with moderation. Excessive nudity is discouraged; choose outfits that exude sensibility and grace. On the note of Tiaras, circlets & sashes: Tiaras are grand ornamental headpieces worn by women on formal occasions, featuring intricate designs and gemstones. Circlets are delicate headbands adorning the forehead or top of the head, with minimal embellishments. Tiara: Reserved for royal bloodlines showcasing heirloom treasures. Circlet: Available for all, worn uniquely and without imitating others' tiaras. Royals may wear house sashes at formal events, symbolizing their lineage. Foreign guests (Outside Lurin and Vikela) may wear sashes in their city/settlement/nation's colors during the initial two days of the ball. On armor and weaponry: Regarding Armor and Weapons: In consideration of the council's understanding and appreciation for guards and knights, we kindly request that armor not be fully donned during the event. However, if one can creatively incorporate armor pieces while maintaining formal attire, exceptions may be granted. Weapons of any kind must remain fully sheathed unless an immediate threat arises or specific event permissions allow otherwise. We prioritize the serenity and balance of the occasion. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as we strive to maintain an atmosphere of elegance and tranquility throughout the event. Expectations: Ladies and Gentlemen, as we embark upon this social season, let us be reminded of its purpose: the pursuit of lifelong companionship. While romance between different age groups is not encouraged, let friendships flourish and the guidance of chaperones prevail. Should an exception be sought, frowned upon but nevertheless, direct their plea to the Paramount, for their wisdom shall decide your fate. In the realm of social graces, kindness and respect should flow like a gentle river, regardless of social standing or past affiliations. Engage in meaningful conversations that uplift and avoid the murky waters of gossip. Let decorum and intellectual stimulation guide us, so our reputations remain pure like sparkling gems. On the dance floor, let us embrace a different waltz along the riverbanks of Vikela. Ladies, with the strength of flowing waters, self-advocate and invite gentlemen to dance. Gentlemen, be open to the invitation and dance with grace and harmony. Remember, the joy of the dance matters more than perfection. When the heart's desires do not align, gracefully decline with honesty and respect. Navigate these conversations with clarity and diplomacy, treating each other's feelings tenderly. Let us handle matters of the heart with the grace of a river's current. So, dear companions of the social season, let us embrace the guiding rivers of courtesy, respect, and graceful interactions. Like shining gems adorning the riverbed, may our words and actions illuminate the path to a joyous and memorable social season. Debutante and Presentations Presentations are an intimate expression of oneself, meant to be shared with the inner world. As you enter the ballroom, whisper your last name or share it discreetly with the attendant, who will announce it proudly to the gathered assembly. The first presentation holds both a touch of trepidation and immense significance, as you stand before the Paramount and her council. After your introduction to the crowd, gracefully curtsy or bow, signifying your reverence. From there, you may choose your path, guided by your own desires, before the dance commences. In the spirit of unity, all debutantes, regardless of gender, shall don colors inspired by the river and the ocean, symbolizing their journey across the flowing river of life. The ensembles and poses of both debutantees and debutants (Male & Female) shall be assessed by the esteemed River Gems Court, bestowing upon them the coveted title that shall adorn them throughout the remainder of the season. Introducing the Exquisite Court of River Gems: Within the vibrant tapestry of Ahiuw le fleuve social season, the Court of River Gems emerges as a beacon of elegance and distinction. Honoring the captivating allure of Chalcedony, Jasper, and Sapphire, this esteemed court encapsulates the essence of timeless beauty and enchantment. Chalcedony, the first gem of the court, emanates a soft and ethereal glow, captivating all who behold its delicate charm. Representing grace and serenity, those bestowed with the honor of Chalcedony possess an irresistible Friendly appeal that leaves a lasting impression. The Chalcedony is generally given to the younger generation, though this is not always the case. Jasper, the steadfast gem of the court, exudes strength and resilience. Like the mighty river carving its path through rugged terrain, those graced with Jasper's distinction display unwavering determination and a commanding presence that captivates the hearts of many. The Jasper Title is mainly given to a male or gender neutral, though this is not always the case. Sapphire, the pinnacle gem of the court, radiates brilliance and magnificence, captivating all with its captivating hue. Symbolizing wisdom and nobility, those adorned with Sapphire's brilliance shine as beacons of refinement and grace, commanding admiration from all corners. The Sapphire title is mainly given to the older age status, though this is not always the case. Throughout the social season, the Court of River Gems selects individuals who embody the essence of these precious gems. With each exquisite debutant and debutante adorned with the honor of Chalcedony, Jasper, or Sapphire, the social landscape is adorned with unparalleled splendor. Just as the Paramount allows the water to flow to uncover the Court of River Gems, they reign alluring illuminating the path to an unforgettable and extraordinary social season. These Gems will Either be announced at the end of the ball or at the end of the first dance. These selected few keep their titles until the next social season which should be hosted every 8 years. Document signed off by Her Ladyship, Paramount Larissa De Astrea Found and revisited by Lady Brasca & Lady Medea De Astrea. Click the spoiler for signups :)
  3. The Last Goodbye Pride in myself was something I swore would never die Gaining respect means giving up a past life As I lie here, my strength waning, I reflect on the path I have tread and the legacy I leave behind. I have dedicated my life to their prosperity, to ensure a better future for them. There is nothing left for me to do now but to embrace the twilight of my existence. The light at the end of the tunnel It is their time to flourish, to rise and shine in the light of their own achievements. They are capable, resilient, and I have every faith in their ability to thrive. Yet, as I surrendered the reins of responsibility, a mixture of hope and pride swells within me. I have witnessed their growth, their resilience, and their unyielding spirit. They possess the strength to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. It will be difficult at first, for change always brings uncertainty, and the unfamiliar can be daunting. But they will adapt, they will learn, and they will forge their own destinies. They must. However, I have lived far longer than I ever imagined. Old enough to witness the rebuilding of what was destroyed and to see my grandchildren. Remade into something that is a tremendous achievement compared to the horrible past we experienced. It fills my heart with pride to know that I have played a part, however small, in shaping a brighter future for those who will carry our legacy forward.. Leika sat her herself down, her knees weak the very idea of what was going on. She came to terms with it.. Long ago, and yet it was bittersweet. She never foresaw this, after so many years. This couldn't be the end their lives could it? To feel the very life slip through her own breath. The illusion crafted by my arrogance had protected me from the wrong that I couldn't admit In the pursuit of happiness, I found moments of joy and followed people blissfully, basking in their smiles and finding my own contentment. Amongst this journey, I discovered those who became my steadfast companions. My sister Amethyst, who embraced me into her family with open arms, even though she barely knew me. Their laughter became the lightness of my existence, a true embodiment of happiness. Ellathor, a remarkable man who may hold resentment towards me, but remains a great warrior. He always gave his utmost effort in every breath, a Vanari in his own right. He was my greatest confidant. Rosalyn, a recent addition to our circle, holds an intense fire within her soul. At first glance, she appears quiet, but lay next to her sword, and you'll quickly learn the error of your ways. Ahmanu , you came at just the right time. You filled a hole in my heart where once was held by previous military leaders. I was so used to being betrayed Fo I was skeptical of your every move. But every time you strove far beyond my own sword. You were there to command what i could not. It was always an honor fighting with you. Floria, our fates intertwined in rocky fashion. Both ambitious when we first met, she was a young Vanari, still finding her footing. Our minds clashed from time to time, but as the days grew longer and darker, she returned to help pick up the pieces I had broken. I never truly understood why she came back, and I suppose I'll never have the chance to ask. She saw us as family, and I willingly welcomed her in, scared of being alone, terrified of being abandoned once again. Valindra, one of my oldest friends, despite our different outlooks on life, we never strayed too far from each other. Even when we lived apart, I could proudly proclaim her as my oldest friend. I defended her, defended who she was, and stood silently by her side, ready to embrace her whenever she allowed it. Madoc, my cherished drinking partner, our friendship began with laughter and games. Through the years, we witnessed each other grow into distinct individuals, yet our bond remained unbreakable. In times of disappointment, you were the friend who gave me hope, and I could never hate you or turn my back on you. Thank you for being there, my dear companion, throughout our shared adventures. Fal’leon, oh, I always joked that he would steal my husband from me. They were much closer than I could ever be to my own husband. I would jest that it was all part of their druidic connection, but maybe I wasn't too far off the mark. Falleon's helpful nature extended beyond the realms of knighthood, becoming the foundation of the Vikela system. I admired his gruff yet loving demeanor, his carefree nature that seemed to envy his infectious smile. Floods of memories drown me in the abyss Ceiling fades, empty space, hanging barely from a cliff that's thousands of feet tall Ehrendil, my second love, the only love I could hold onto. Our story, tragic and poetic, akin to something a bard would create for the stage. Perhaps one day, our love will be immortalized in a play, and I often wonder what title it would bear? I still remember the playful banter we shared, the bets and games that entertained us. "Are you dangerous?" he would ask, as I fired a dart while Valindra watched as a fair referee, blindfolded shots aimed at a hidden target. "Maybe I am, so what?" I echoed, firing the dart that cost me the game. It seemed I would not receive free tattoos as we had wagered. I would have to find a new teacher, and surprisingly, he offered, "I don't usually do this, BUT I'll show you how to create one tattoo." My voice resonated with hope, for a new teacher had been found, despite losing the game. "Really?" his gruff voice inquired, "Don't let me regret it." The vision shifted, transforming into a bird of paradise pin, then a tattoo a symbol of our smiles and a pledge of eternal love under the night sky. Pledges we never broke, devotion to one another despite the challenges we faced. Our enemies may have been vast, but they could never comprehend the depth of our love, nor know us beyond their own limited perspective. We loved deeply, and our love bore beautiful children. Kaev and Larissa, our first born twins, an unheard-of occurrence within our family. They emerged from the crucible of war, perhaps explaining their divergent views and stances. If I had one last chance to see him, I would wish for him to be alive, and Larissa, a blossoming flower of growth, a remarkable young girl. May she outlive me by far, surpassing my years with her own accomplishments. “Little dandelion take care of our people, Do what I could never do.” Cyprien, the next in line of our bloodline, a strong-willed boy. One day, he will break free from his shell and embody the dramatics of his father. He may not see it yet, but I do. His father resides within him more deeply than I ever could. I hope he finds someone he loves. He's everything I wished for him to be- he exceeds my expectations every day. Medea, Raell, Solus, children not of my blood, yet bound to me as if they were. They bleed for me, and I entrust them with their own futures and lives. They hold the keys to their destinies, but they will always find comfort in knowing that a De Astrea will be there to catch them if they ever fall. I love them beyond words, for they gave me a different perspective. I used to resent the concept of adoption, for one child is always left behind. Yet, this did not happen to them. They will grow into fine warriors and leaders. The memories of happiness far outweigh the bad, and I treasure them deeply. They deserve to be cherished even more. I often wonder if the friends I made still think of me as I think of them? And now I fall Now I fall into oblivion The void of memories that plagued me, was it Oblivion? The ideals that motivated my actions were preserved in my mind during the last decisive moments of truth. Was it a fall from power or a fall from grace? I still had no idea. At the end of such a long life, you would think I knew more. But each truth I discovered didn't change only the world and its great mysteries. I was envious of my father's authority and respect, especially after seeing my friend Karl achieve it with Haense. They possessed things I did not, but by the time we were through, I had far more. I still held onto the memories that had just surfaced—bitter, sweet—a mixture of my life. It was something they could not take from me. Landing back at the beginning of our prime We'd built ourselves and our kingdom in the summer sun one brick at a time I missed my mother, being in the desert, the kharasi, and the people I loved. And yet, I longed for the heat and the light on my face. But as I stepped into the stone city, everything was taken away from me. Chaos engulfed me, and I formed new friendships and found lovers. Initially, I was content with being no one, having only my family and a few questionable companions. I treasured those relationships. However, time passed, and I was given tools and bestowed with a title. At first, I despised being referred to as a princess, as I wanted my mother's title. I simply desired to be a wildflower. I recall doing my best to maintain the favor of my father and sister, willingly fulfilling any request they made. The reasons behind the drastic changes they imposed upon me remained unclear. From being a diplomat to an ambassador for the south, I received assistance and a title that I initially detested. The Ashford name, unfamiliar to me, was one my father took pride in, yet he never used it. Astrea... Ashford, a title with a bloody history. Nonetheless, here I am in the city while the rest lies in ruins. Is our world truly crumbling? Is everything I dedicated my life to falling apart? There is no salvation this time. Not this time. I was labeled a wildflower, but appearances can deceive. Like delicate petals, my spirit was once whole, but the world had cruelly pruned me, leaving me to languish in a vessel of uncertainty. A mere façade of beauty, I withstood the weak sun, all the while lacking the nourishment my heart yearned for. I clung to the edges of a glass, my existence teetering between sinking and floating, lost in a tumultuous sea of emotions. As a protector without a shield, I embraced the weight of responsibility, shielding those unable to fend for themselves. But as I built walls of obligation, the ones I cherished most were forcibly pushed away. With each bond severed, I found myself retreating, cornered by adversaries lurking on every side. Society's expectations for a perfect princess became my cage, confining my vibrant spirit and preventing me from soaring free. Oh, how I longed to bloom with authenticity, to embrace my untamed nature! I sought the gentle touch of empathy, the nurturing soil that would help me flourish. Until I had someone to be my shield. Now those walls are nothing but rubble and dust What was once silver lining of us has turned to rust SA 85. With fierce determination, my arm swept across the chessboard, shattering the delicate balance of the pieces. My voice echoed through the heavens as I unleashed a primal cry of defiance, challenging the very fate that had entwined me. Every step I took toward the West sealed my doom and, with it, the fate of my people. Each stride became a tempest raging within my mentality, a relentless torment tearing at the fabric of my being. The weight of my decision pressed heavily upon my shoulders, threatening to crush my spirit. Should I fall alongside my beloved city or offer them a sliver of hope, a fighting chance at life? The agonizing deliberation consumed me, as I questioned whether there would be people left, whether they could endure the encroaching wars looming on our doorstep. My heart writhed with the torment of remembrances and conflicting ideas. Yet, this was not the perspective of a mere puppet manipulated by external forces. No, this was different. This choice held a potency that allowed me to stand as something more. We had fought relentlessly and tried our hardest to safeguard our world, but this judgment, this sacrifice, stirred a force within me that kept me standing. In the face of despair and against overwhelming odds I marched onward, embodying the defiance of a fallen kingdom. A monarchy that disapproved of the custom of kneeling and pleading with a city that was significantly worse than their own for forgiveness. They had done nothing to warrant such treatment, yet they expected it. No outrage came from those we once thought were our friends. We were betrayed by friends, betrayed by those we had extended a helping hand to. I accepted the weight of my decision, the ultimate expression of sacrifice and the embodiment of hope, as a lone figure against the backdrop of a world in disarray. A deal was struck, our hands shook, and a bottle of wine was opened. Our fate was sealed, without so much as a council. Was this where everyone turned on me? Or was it before ? In those days when we’d fight our demons together If we had started over, oh, I wonder... Returning to the gates, I, Leika de Astrea, was met with a scene of chaos. Guards fought guards of the same colors, engaged in a fierce skirmish. Then their accusatory gazes turned toward me, their words laced with frustration and anger. "Where were you?" one of them shouted, his voice filled with resentment. My eyes flickered to the side, my grip on my crown tightening before I abruptly cast it aside, the symbol of my authority discarded onto the cold street below. But as I spoke, a revival of tenacity erupted from within me. The restrained hatred and resentment, the weight of treachery and hidden intentions that had tortured me from behind closed doors, erupted. So much time spent raising the city rather than my own kids. Was it all for this? I stopped trying to act like my sister or my father. Instead, I was engulfed by my ancestors' ferocious hatred. My golden eyes narrowed at the guard, my voice cutting through the air like a sharpened blade. "Did you truly believe I was blind to the intricate web of deceit you spun, the plots you orchestrated behind my back?!" My voice thundered, each word infused with seething anger that resonated through the air. My eyes blazed with a fiery intensity, piercing through the guard's facade of arrogance. My grip on my emotions tightened, my rage fueling my words as I continued, my voice a whip crackling with righteous indignation. "But now, you shall bear witness to the repercussions of your grave underestimation of me. I Am no longer the little girl you once knew. Let's see how you fare with this." My voice resounded with Fierce grace. My tone carried a sense of dignified authority, befitting a monarch who had been wronged. For the first time, I was no longer the warrior princess, the war-torn queen. I was the wildflower queen, Leika de Astrea. In my final moments of strife, I stepped into my role. The chaos broke my heart. Heart breaking, If I has tears to give them it would be spilling out. Flooding the streets. How far had I let them all fall to come to this? Would we have fallen? The guard's facade of bravado faltered under the weight of my presence. His eyes widened, a glimmer of trepidation betraying his realization of the formidable force standing before him. The force he had forgotten had thwarted so many plans and coups before. This was just a droplet of my anger. "I have grown wise to the intricate schemes woven behind my back, and I shall not be swayed by the deceit that once ensnared me," I declared, my voice filled with measured resolve. Infused with an air of regal certainty, my words hung in the air like a delicate tapestry of power and perseverance. My graceful authority resonated, transcending the realm of petty revenge. My purpose lay not in obliterating my adversaries, but in showcasing my unwavering strength and resilience as a ruler. I was not my father; I was not my cousin who stood above them on the staircase, the weight of my words being calculated in his head. Behind him stood my son, my sweet son, brainwashed by his own family to turn against his mother. Did I blame him? No, the answer was clear. I could never blame him, I could never even let my heart and my mind battle to hurt him. If he had wished to kill me, I wouldn't have stopped him. Every regret, and yet... I could never turn my anger toward him. I watched as he turned tail and ran. Would I ever see him again? The answer was no, I would never get to hold my son, see him grow up. His sister left to be the eldest, his name erased from history.. Snatched by the very people who sought to kill me countless times. Fallen into oblivion? Then it was just my cousin left. Faust witnessed his own plans crumble to dust, his treacherous raid against his own people unraveled by my cunning. And yet, here I stood, one step ahead. My hands curled tightly around the draft of the western concord, rage burning in my eyes, and my voice trembled with a mix of heartbreak and fury. "How dare you! How dare you betray our own kin! You could have come to me. We could have found a way together. But no, you chose silence and darkness, plotting behind our backs, until your actions led to the slaughter of our own people! Tell me, do you feel any remorse? Do you regret the blood on your hands?" I spat each word, my voice laced with a deep anguish and a seething anger that threatened to consume me. He gave no answer, his cowardice on full display, and he fled before I could even give the order to capture him. At that moment, Leika de Astrea emerged as a force to be reckoned with, fueled by a mixture of righteous indignation and sorrow. I became a beacon of defiance against the dwarves, the wood elves, and all those who dared to challenge me. My resolve, hardened by the fires of betrayal and the sacrifices of my fallen comrades, propelled me forward. No longer burdened by the weight of leadership, I embraced my role as a warrior, a strategist, and a symbol of resistance, vowing to bring justice to those who had caused so much pain. Yet, such a memories only brings me anguish only brings me the option could it all have been changed? How fragile of me to break so easily Fear took the lead, now I'm still falling Falling deeper, faster, I find myself weighed down by the burden of choices. My world is torn by war, and yet I wear a mask, a smile on my face that only my husband sees through. He knows the cracks in my facade, the torment that keeps me awake at night. I see the toll it takes on him too, trying to shield me from the weight of it all. The pain, the screams, the never-ending paperwork—if my hands were real, perhaps they would feel the same pain I do.So many lives were lost in the service of our country . Gratitude fills my heart for those who remain steadfast, while regret lingers for the bridges that have burned. So many people I will never see again. Fallling I yearn for Astrid, her blade gleaming with determination, and her unwavering support that bolstered me in the darkest of times. I wish I could have done more, offered solace and strength in her moments of need. Her absence leaves a void in my heart that echoes with lost battles and unfinished conversations. I miss seeing Roy's smiling face, his eyes alight with mischief, always trailing behind the woman and princesses. His unwavering loyalty and playful banter brought a lightness to our heavy burdens. I shall miss seeing Mikas Face, Riding along on his chicken.. simply observing Lord knows that man has seen it all. Nikko and Luca, my brothers by blood and bond, with whom I shared countless childhood memories. We laughed, we fought, we dreamed together. The distance between us now weighs heavily on my soul, and I long for the simplicity of those carefree days. Roylan, whose warmth enveloped me in his embraces, his words a balm for my weary spirit. The void left by his absence feels unbearable at times. I ache for his presence, for the comfort and understanding he offered without judgment. Plume, the young child known as the heart of the city, whose green thumb nurtured the plants that adorned our once vibrant streets. Now, as the world crumbles, I worry for the fate of those beloved flowers. Who will tend to them with the same tenderness and care? Verrona, whose motherly presence brought comfort and direction during difficult times. In the middle of the confusion, her wisdom and compassion stood out like beacons. She instilled strength in me, and I long for her kind words. A second mother when my own has abandoned me. Theo, my half-brother with whom I shared blood and who I cherished company. I miss the connection we shared, his laughter, My little brother. Where have you gone? Will you even care that i am gone, you have no one left. No one that knows your name. Frisket, whose fascinating demeanor and ever-winding wisdom offered clarity to even the most complicated of situations. I yearn for their advice and their enigmatic puzzles, which frequently held the solution to our victories. Your highly developed hyspian culture, Would you be alive today if I had pleaded with you more to stay at the wedding? Our Sorvian Monty the friends that stood by my side through my trials and difficulties. I am terribly saddened by their absence as I consider the significance of their sacrifice. What should I do with their unclaimed books, tales, and wisdom now? When he learns that yet another colleague has perished, lost in the never-ending flow of battle, who will be there to console him? Absolon, whose talents and charisma commanded admiration from the people. His legacy still reverberates, his name whispered with reverence and respect. I mourn the loss of his light, extinguished too soon. Flour and his bakeries, their delicious creations that brought joy to our civilization. Ereine, with her infectious smile that could light up the darkest of days. I yearn for her laughter, the way it lifted our spirits and kindled hope within our hearts. Her absence is a void that cannot be filled, the sky lost a star that day. Aylin and Esmond, the true heroes, whose wisdom surpassed measure. They were taken from us too soon, fighting for the very ideals I shattered. Their loss weighs heavily upon my soul, reminding me of the consequences of my actions. I often wonder what would Aylin have done? A question I often asked myself in times of need. Falling into oblivion Into oblivion But it wasn't all bad. Not at all. And as I approach the end of my journey, I can leave behind a legacy of both triumph and lessons learned. It's time for me to find my final rest, to embrace the peace that has eluded me for so long. May my enemies learn the consequences of their actions and may those who come after me forge their own paths. I shall miss the people who I called home. [!] With her aged body, the former monarch closed her eyes one last time. She held onto hope, finding solace in the idea of finally being at peace. These were the last wishes of a dying woman, her farewell to the world and her hopes and aspirations for the future. Goodnight, Leika Juno De ishe Astrea , Little Butterfly, Lady Dangerous, Warrior Queen ,Queen Leika De Astrea Wildflower of Elysium, Lady Paramount, Mother of the Realm, Countess of uhrie, Princess of abhrami.
  4. ISSUED BY LEIKA DE ASTREA & THE CULTURE EKSPÈTIZ AND CONFIRMED BY HER GRACE, PARAMOUNT LARISSA DE ASTREA Foreword Between elves and humans, Vikela fashion and textiles are a specialty. One might even argue that they are more far folk than traditional human threads. Because of a society with such mixed-race ideas and systematics, it is only fair that they integrate each element into what might be deemed traditional. Nonetheless, the moods are considerably more dramatic and passionate. The original vikelians were generally raised in human environments, but the present Vikelia Free Spirits were mostly raised after the population shifted back to elves. Looking at this is like diving deep into the origins of such an odd civilization. Using influences from Abahambi, Ishe, Auvergnian, and wood elven cultures. Developing brilliant finery and fundamental design elements that are then layered upon each other to produce something distinct. As a result, a perfect balance of vibrant materials and textiles is created, with just the degree of skin varying from each. Both Vikela fashions have traditional clothing styles that can be incorporated into your outfit. Mixing Vikela fashion's brilliant colors and strong designs with Ishe fashion's elaborate embroidery and cultural influences may result in a gorgeous and distinctive aesthetic. Vikela uses vivid patterns, so combine a combination of geometric and organic shapes in your clothing. Try combining these motifs in prints for a unique effect. Beadwork is an important part of Vikela fashion, so try to include beaded jewelry, belts, or purses in your ensemble. Search for pieces with detailed patterns and motifs that complement the overall appearance. Don't be scared to mix and match materials and textures. Look for complementary textiles, such as cotton and linen or wool and leather. Layering is an excellent method to add depth and intrigue to your ensemble. Layering a patterned Vikela blouse over an ame-inspired skirt or adding a beaded vest is a great way to update your look. Begin by selecting a color scheme that combines Vikela fashion's bright and vivid colors with Ame Fashion's earthy tones and natural materials. Warm oranges, reds, and yellows contrast with deep browns, greens, and blues. Though many stray from this to combine neutral colors with bright blues, and sometimes even pinks! Traditional Vs Contemporary Traditional clothing is a more covered approach to the way of fashion to be more conservative in aspects of clothing while still using beaded and layered aspects in bright colors to help the elements, and while one may switch from one style to another, it is noted that many of the older citizens seem to adapt to traditional overtime. Girls are not usually bashful about their shoulders or arms, as most of them have tattoos on their skin displaying them with pride for everyone to see. Therefore it's fairly typical to see low-cut blouses or shoulderless gowns with only a few slips of translucent cloth here and there. Men are more drawn to traditional features of life and attire than females are. they were using vibrant designs for shawls to attract attention to their dull hues. Shawls and cloaks are very popular among these men, who wear a nice neutral-toned shirt and pants with a little flair by adding a more extravagant shawl on top to flaunt both their status and wealth. The bravest are frequently spotted wearing half-shirts or more exposed clothing farther into the city. vivid colors and half shirts or more robes mimicking the attributes of a sort of garment. These free-spirited people are recognized as contemporary because they use Abahambi and wood elf skills to make unique cloth and designs that appeal to themselves and others. The usage of a scarf or shawl to hide their front or tie around the waist is a typical characteristic that deviates from tradition. Formal Coronations are comparable to social seasons in that they are staged by the river for the benefit of the river. Blue, teal, light greens, and browns are among the colors visible in the river. A sash is passed down through generations and the Avonlea crown is never altered, but the garment itself may change depending on the person. Akin to the lavish parties of Coronation is the Highlight of most young adults' life, the social scene is made up of a range of occasions, such as formal balls that allow the wearing of robes and gowns in a variety of designs. Women are significantly more lavish than men when it comes to drawing attention to themselves and requesting to dance. The first dance of the season inaugurates the river court of gems, and all competitors must participate while wearing river shades. Weddings are unquestionably one of the most important ceremonies in Vikela. When a couple marries, the bride receives a white gown adorned with fur that their soon-to-be husband has captured and deems worthy of such embellishment. Though it is typical for the groom to wear white or blue, others opt to make more drastic changes, such as wearing black. Presents fashioned from materials hunted by the two are usual and can be shown in a variety of styles. Married men wear circlets or headbands to cover their heads, but married women wear anything from a simple hat to a circlet of beads in the colors of their family. Accessories Gold is the word, and with such richness within Vikela mines, it would be a mistake not to emphasize, with gold bands or gold headpieces to wear, a mainstay that has been seen in both: "Avonlea" and Many royal headdresses. There is a little custom in Vikela that every newborn seems to be covered with gold beads. They are hand-carved beads created by the mother and etched with runic qualities that represent who she wants them to be. Maintaining a clear head and a pure heart. Among the accessories are gold necklaces, earrings, and bangles on both men and women. Scarves and sashes are highly vital in adorning the body from head to foot in vivid glinting colors. Afterword Vikela fashion is an intricate yet simple design, and as such, the vikelian crew is working hard in their weavers and threads to bring you a shipment so you may appreciate their culture and appreciation for all things cultural. For free to use skins, please click the spoiler underneath for both male and female skins that are all free to use. Her Highness, Paramount Larissa De Astrea Ofisyèl Leika de Astrea Wildflower of Vikela,
  5. [!] Representation of lavishly adorned coronation day halls The moment has come to lay aside the generation and elect a new leader, The Republic of Vikela's Paramount deserves a full celebration and coronation, which is now. One that the previous paramount never experienced, a sigh of relief within the realm, the bright optimism that the river will wash away the doubts as the roots are washed anew. This Grand Harvest, the coronation will take place in the courtroom of the Vemvane Ardrossan Castle. Following the coronation, the new Paramount will offer a brief address, to start their first day a festival will be held within the gate to square to celebrate. As long as goodwill is maintained, all are invited to the coronation. Please be mindful that everyone will be searched at the gate. VALLLO TOUJOU COURI VALLHIUW Her Grace, Leika Juno De Astrea, Paramount , Duchess of Ardrossan. Princess of Abrhami, La Renarde of Uhierie The Council of Vikela
  6. The Union of The Butterfly valllo toujou couri vallhiuw The De Astrea invites to witness the marriage of Medea de Astrea & Aerin Sinan We shall celebrate within The Paradine Keep following the ceremony to conclude the reception in the Tavern During this festive period, we urge that everyone at the party continue to treat one another with respect. Please keep in mind that there will be speeches after the ceremony, so please come with your best interest at heart and your best stories to fluster both bride and groom. Following the speeches, the bride will host an unique drinking competition. List of Invitations: The Groom’s Father Monsueir Sinan The Brides Mother The current paramount Leika de Astrea and her pedigree @Tigergiri The brides Father, Chief Ehrendil Taliameonn and His seed @DrunkCapybaraa ARISTOCRACY OF VIKELA Her Grace, Princess Beatrice Ishe and any remaining line of Ishe. @JuniperSeason Countess Lunah Vanari and their House. @Arashiha Banner lord Flour and any company they wish to accompany them. @Turbo_Dog Ri’Keidha and the inhabitants of Aelkos of Eittitica Lord Ahmanu Chaephyra and their House. @sofsitar @THEKINGOFPIRATS All ravens are formally invited and encouraged to wear armour (no helmet) Lord Roy d'Avre and their house @CombatRolePlay Bal’ance the bear Floria Starling & her Their House @Pixicat The Waywards Hermits, and its inhabitants @Ratsack The Wanderers guild, and her guild members @MokoMochi ARISTOCRACY OF CELIANOR & VASSALS Her Highness Princess Valyris Ibarellan | @Cepheid Evarir Veralya Wynasul, and their Talonii | @Amuletic Evarir Aurelius Haelimah, and their Talonii | @aWhyte Virar Serigne Py’lrie, and their Talonii | @Allien Virar Theoden Akaln’riv, and their Talonii | @FredrickTeufel Virar Aestenia Aevaris, and their Talonii | @Maevlin Virar Thalon Nullivari, and their Talonii | @_Sug Laurir Ante'ahern Athri'onn, and their Talonii | @Air Laurir Senna Cerusil, and their Talonii | @Sailor Lauririi Raziel Aevaris | @Laeonathan Lauririi Aearion Tawarenion | @Smol Noron Kraal of Dralguuna, and their Talonii | @_Hexe_ The Celia’diraar @Sailor FOREIGN DELEGATIONS Mika Anarion The Silver Lubba of Lurin, and his citizens | @mika1278 Netseth Loa’chil, Prince of Nor’asath, and his citizens | @ColonelKuehl1 Lenora Jusmia of Vortice, and her citizens | @Bethinwonderland High princess Idril Sylvaeri and her citizens | @JJosey The King of Norland Odin and any of his citizens @ichigomaster98 The inhabitants of the Mothers Grove @WaveLincoln SPECIAL INVITATIONS Jakob Castington, and his Talonii | @Oh_Ontario Madoc @Sewer_Rat Vakas @Disklexia lllarion Siol
  7. I Bannerlord Flour “Orc-Lifter” have seen a need for a Mayor in the city of Vikela. And where their is demand supply must be given. I wish to be your mayor! As mayor I will bring to light our recent issue of robberies and try to prevent it from happening again with my four year plan. Vote wisely Vikela their can be only one and only one will do you justice. Vote Flour for mayor!
  8. Gouvènman an Vikela AS ISSUED AND CONFIRMED,SA 112 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Gouvènman II. The Conseil des Ministres III. Terms and Vocabulary Hierarchy of the Government The Paramount Paramount Leika de Astrea & Ehrendil Taliame’onn To represent the Council. The Heir Apparent Larissa “The Butterfly” De Astrea To represent House De astrea PATRICIAN COUNCIL Lord Ahmanu Chaephyra to represent House Chaephyra Lord Roy d'Avre to represent House d'Avre Sole heir to the D’avre fortune. This seat will be held for any D’Avre but will forever remain held incase of decease. Ri’Keidha, Aelkos of Eittitica To Represent Eittitica His Lordship, Fal’leon Maehr'uhier to represent House Maehr'uhier Her Grace, Princess Beatrice Nobomi to Represent House Ishe Countess Lunah Vanari, Countess of Yvresse to represent House Vanari Duke Cyprien de Astrea to Represent The Duchy of Ubuntu MAYOR VACANT to Represent The People *held by Cyprien until a seat can be nominated -To run for this position you may not hold a government position currently. The Conseil des Ministres The council of ministers was established with the concept that an amazing government would emerge through the collaboration of the working talents of the city and the people. Each ministry has its own leaders, but there is no single individual in command; rather, decisions are made collectively, with the Paramount having the last word. MINISTRES OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS Minstie’zafè entèn The Ministry of Internal Affairs manages all aspects of daily life for the populace, including housing, health care, and protective services. This makes it possible to have a central location where everyone may go for assistance. Though each head may be able to assist you in their own manner, The Paramount will be able to lead you through the project with more familiarity, so you can be certain that you are in capable hands. Tèt Steward Ofisyèl Scarlet Mennaj Ofisyèl Otellia Steward Bannerlord Flour Steward Leika de astrea Tet Chevalye Ahmanu Chaephyra Saint Plumes Circle : The Ravens The Spriggans Circle: Inactive 13 flowers of Justice seats unfulfilled Tèt Medic Ofisyèl Suika Vanari Traiteur Alona Heartstring Traiteur Fal’leon Temp Traiteur Astrid Marlow Tèt Koudyay Ofisyèl Vacant All celebrations that take place under the Vikela roof are under the control of Tèt Koudyay. Including the social season for all citizens, as well as all parades. For any outgoing, enthusiastic official looking to enter government, this position, which has been empty for the last year, may be the ideal fit. MINISTRES OF EKSPÈS Minstie’Konesans The bare minimum of information, all occurrences in Vikela's history, present, and future are recorded in writen records. Additionally, these personalities possess connections to the Vikelian law intreruper better known as Magistrate who may render judgment based on all the facts and without prejudice. These knowledge keepers make every effort to spread their expertise and make it available to everyone. Tèt of Konesans Ofisyèl Vaen Maehr'uhier Puerith Ofisyèl Flour Gadyem Indoran Ofisyèl Medea De Astrea Naelu’Gado Ofisyèl Vaen'lian Tèt Magistrate Ofisyèl Vacant As the head of the legal division, the magistrate has access to draft legislation and serves as the highest authority for an impartial third party collaborating closely with the Ravens to uphold the law. They are able to study the regulations and propose new laws to the patrician council for approval. Along with their other obligations of being a judge that weighs the scales of a criminal. Ten seats are available, while these seats are open the Tet Chevalye may work closely with the Paramount for each case to case basis. Vikela Government Terms: Chevalye : The word for Knight Gadyem Indoran : The Keeper of Books better known as the librarian Gouvènman : The word for Government Ekspètiz: Expertise a word used in sparse terms, only for the most knowledgeable ad experts. Konesans - The word for Knowledge Koudyay:Festivals, events, and other activities designed to keep people active are the main sources of social attention. Impôt du sang "blood tax": Nobles are required to serve the sovereign.. They are required to go to war and fight and die in the service of the people l'honnête : Families of military value that have fought or have fought within the service of Vikela. Given A nobility Title as a good faith, and retirement plan. Magistrate: The lawmakers of Vikela, they are able to pass judgment as well as amend laws for any sort of official case. Mennaj : If you don't pay your taxes, there is no guarantee for your safety, according to the housekeeper or, more accurately, the assistant to the housekeeper, the all-powerful tax collector. Minstie’zafè entèn : The ministry of Internal affairs Noblesse de robe: Government Officials with nobility titles from acts of service to the kingdom Their rankings: Naelu’Gado : The book teacher, a teacher in their own right. Being able to fill in for the Gadyem Indoran. Ofisyèl : The word of Official Tèt :The phrase employed by the district's department head. Traiteur :The word for healer or medical personnel
  9. The Union of Crow and Butterfly valllo toujou couri vallhiuw The De Astrean invites to witness the marriage of Larissa and Vaen . We shall celebrate within The Park following the ceremony to conclude the reception in the Burrow. During this festive period, we urge that everyone at the party continue to treat one another with respect. List of Invitations: The Groom’s Father His Lordship, Fal’leon and his pedigree @Periphonics The Brides Mother The current paramount Leika de Astrea and her pedigree @The Republic of Vikela The brides Father, Chief Ehrendil Taliameonn and His seed @DrunkCapybaraa ARISTOCRACY OF VIKELA Her Grace, Princess Beatrice Ishe and any remaining line of Ishe. @Junipersandwhich Countess Lunah Vanari and their House. @Arashiha Banner lord Flour and any company they wish to accompany them. @Turbo_Dog Ri’Keidha and the inhabtiants of Aelkos of Eittitica @KeiLynx Lord Ahmanu Chaephyra and their House. @THEKINGOFPIRATS All ravens are formally invited and encouraged to wear armour or not- we dont care about dress code. Lord Roy d'Avre and their house @CombatRolePlay Bal’ance the bear ARISTOCRACY OF CELIANOR & VASSALS Her Highness, Princess Valyris Ibarellan @Cepheid Virar Serigne Py’lrie, and their Talonii @Allien Virar Theoden Akaln’riv, and their Talonii @FredrickTeufel Virar Aestenia Aevaris and their Talonii @lillyeveans Laurir Ante’ahern Athri'onn and their Talonii @Air Laurir Senna Cerusil and their Talonii @Sailor Lauririi Raziel Amethil @Laeonathan Lauririi Aearion Tawarenion @Smol The Hermit's Grove and its inhabitants @Birch The Wanderers guild and her guild members @MokoMochi FOREIGN DELEGATIONS Mika Anarion, The Silver Lubba of Lurin and his citizens @mika1278 Netseth Loa’chil, Prince of Nor’asath and his citizens @ColonelKuehl1 Lenora Jusmia, of Vortice and her citizens @Bethinwonderland Arch-Druid Aerendyl Hawksong and the inhabitants of the Mothers Grove @TwilightWolf Renilde I , Archduchess of Petra and her citizens @tilly SPECIAL INVITATIONS Astrid Marlow and any company she wishes to bring @RMW01 Scarlet and any company she wishes to bring @Xx_Scarlet_xX Mystery Scarlet may come as well@Scarlet Rose Kleodora Thulun and any company she wishes to bring Suika Lorenthus Vanari the Unicorn @Fluttershy Aurelia-Jay and any company she wishes to bring Madoc Floria Starling and any company they wish to bring
  10. [A painting of a field of heather] For far too long the Wood Elves have been unaware of the growth that has been taking place outside the walls of Amaethea and The Vale- I, Ehrendil Taliame’onn, took it upon myself to take the name of Chieftain of the Taliame’onn after the disappearance of the previous chieftess, Melawen, my lari’onn, several years ago. Despite my exile from the Wood Elven nations at the time, I endeavored to restore the seed after Melawen left it in turmoil. When I started passing along parts of our culture— some of which had been believed to have perished with Briar Taliame'onn— to my children, who underwent the traditional trials, the seed slowly started to resurface. I rekindled old ties with my mal'onn, La'io Taliame'onn, by expressing my intention to assume the chiefdom's obligations also while spreading the seed outside my immediate family. Kholi’brii asks that we bring vibrancy to this world and I worked for decades to do just that and bring honor to my seed after my own failures in the past-- both to my seed and my people-- and the unfortunate happenings that the seed had endured since Briar’s passing. Since the scattering of my people, I've amassed ten members who are currently alive and strong, there were several more who have regrettably passed away since joining (Aspects guide them on their path to the Eternal Forest), and various others who have joined but are indisposed for a variety of reasons. I encourage all of the members to wander freely for, as the chief, I do not believe that the forest's children should be chained to one location. We are, after all, "of the trees." We have no allegiance to any nation and are subservient to no one other than the will of our Mani- we are to bring vibrancy to a world that is ever covered in darkness. Some may question my decision to rebuild the seed without a public proclamation- and to them, I understand your concern, why do I decide to announce this now? To what advantage do I have to proclaim this today? With my exile from Amaethea now lifted, and the seed strong and healthy as a mighty ironwood tree- I have decided to name the individual that I wish to succeed me, my eldest daughter -- Raell Taliame’onn, for I have laid the roots of a tree that may thrive under her leadership. She understands the customs of our people, and she possesses leadership qualities so great that she takes it upon herself to teach others what I have taught her of her own volition. She brings vibrancy to every room she walks in, and embodies what it means to be chief of this seed. To name her as my successor and to soon lead the seed that I have nurtured and loved for more than a century fills my heart with immense pride. I also write this message so that all Taliame’onn that I have been unable to contact since I took the mantle of Chief know that we have not been crushed under the weight of the splittings of our seed and our people. Furthermore, I welcome anyone, Wood Elf or otherwise, who chooses to join the Taliame'onn and aid in our creativity, so that we may continue to be a beacon of vibrancy in this world full of darkness. You may find me or one of my kin among Vikela or Amaethea. Chief of the Taliame’onn
  11. ISSUED AND CONFIRMED BY PARAMOUNT LEIKA DE ASTREA VALLLO TOUJOU COURI VALLHIUW DECLARATIONS OF CANDIDACY We shall begin accepting declarations of candidacy for mayor with the first decree of the patrician council. You must have one individual speak on your behalf in a nomination post, or missive, in order to be nominated. Any petition that meets the eligibility requirements will be subject to a court speech that will result in a vote after. Mayors serve four-year terms and may be re-elected just twice. ELIGIBILITY Before a candidate may run for office, they must fulfill the requirements listed below: Must not hold a current TET government position. May come from any background (Royal, Gentry, Commoner, etc) A minimum age of 18 is required. Must be operating in the best interests of the state
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