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  1. Kharajyr Language - Kharahatla Completed Language Document For centuries, the Kharajyr language has been lost to time. Only fractions and remnants have survived history, continuing to build upon the lost and fragmented nature of the once mighty race of cat folk. However, with a new rise in culture and sustainment, numerous kha have come together to create a fully fledged dictionary. Basing off of their knowledge of the remnants of the language, new words were created to replace those forgotten, allowing for the race to speak unified at long last. Kharahatla is a language of numerous rules and discrepancies, which will be listed and further explained throughout the dictionary It remains under works as the days pass and Kharajyr piece together new aspects of their tongue, being updated often for all to use. Common Words/ Phrases All night - cenyohual All right, OK - ca ye cuallitlaz At the city - altepepan Do not worry - macamo tequipachoa For a while / for some time - huecauhtica Has it been long since (?) - cuix ye huecanh Hello (informal ) - Sa’vi Here it is / this is it - izcatqui How did it go? - quenin otimohuicac? I am called [name] - nemotenehua [name] I had seen you - onimitzittacca In a moment / just a moment - aocmo huecauh In the first place - acattopa In the wilderness - tepepan Inside the house - itech calli It is necessary - inech monequi It is said that - mihtoa It is written - ihcuilotic I’ll see you - nimitzittaz Just a little - zan tepitzin Like this, this way - yuhquin May you be well/farewell - ma xipatinemi Metztli wills it - Metztli nequitlanequilztli Nice to meet you - Cualli ic tetocihuia Not ... but - amo ... zan. Not any more - aocmo Not yet - ayamo Once that / as soon as - in oyuh Praise Metztli! - wahuetl Metztli! Something else / one more thing - occe tlamantli Thank you - Mul’ta That’s why - ic The one that - in tiein The one who __ - in aquin Very well - cenca cualli Why not ? - tle inic amo You’re welcome - tra’kul Familial Kharahatla words: Patta - Father Muuna - Mother Teciztli - Kin, Parents, Lineage Muuna - The Goddess (Metztli) Metz’al - Spouse/mate Per - Son Maut - Daugher Tlacho - Child Per’ta - Brother Maun’na - Sister Teco’ta - Sibling (teco’huan pl.) Tlatteco - Cousin Colli - Grandfather. Tlatli - Aunt/Uncle, also used to address non-related close adults NUMBERS One - ce Two - ome Three - yei Four - Nahui Five - macuilli Six - chicoace Seven - chicome Eight - chicuey Nine - chicnahui Ten - matlactli Twenty - cempoalli Thirty - treinta Fourty - imomtl Fifty - ommatlactli Sixty - yequimilli Seventy - cempohua Eighty - nanappo Ninety - noventa ___ Hundred - pohualli (To conjugate into first, second, third, etc, prefix of ‘tlen’ is used: ie First - tlen ce) PRONOUNS I/me - nehuatl, ne You - tehuat, te You pl. - tehuan, teh We - nehuan, neh He/She/It - yehuat, ye They - yehuan, yeh CONJUGATION *an infinitive is a verb in its basic form- to be, to know, to do. Conjugating an infinitive to present would turn them into I am, she knows, we do Pronoun Present Past Future Nehuatl - I/me ne + infinitive ne + infinitive + c ne + infinitive + z Nehuan - we/us neh + infinitive neh + infinitive + queh neh + infinitive + zqueh Tehuat - you te + infinitive te + infinitive + c te + infinitive + z Tehuan - you pl. teh + infinitive teh + infinitive + queh teh + infinitive + zqueh Yehuat - he/she/it ye + infinitive ye + infinitive + c ye + infinitive + z Yehuan - they yeh + infinitive yeh + infinitive + queh yeh + infinitive + zqueh Examples: I eat - necua (Ne + cua) She asked - yetlatlanic (Ye + tlatlanic) They will obey - yehtlacamatizqueh (Yeh + tlacamatizqueh) We play - nehtlacualoa (Neh + Tlacualoa) NOUNS A noun is a word that can be the subject of a clause, or the object (indirect or direct) of a verb. In simple terms, it is a person, place, or thing. In Kharahatla, there is one important way to identify nouns, four common suffixes, which are: -tli -li -in -tl Pluralization: Nouns ending with -tl are pluralized with -h: mountain: tepetl, mountains: tepeh Nouns ending in -tli (-tin): man: oquictli, men: oquichtin Nouns ending in -li the plural will be -lan: light: tlahuilli, lights: tlahualan Nouns with the -in suffix will be pluralized with -ac: singer: ohetin, singers: ohetac Irregular Nouns However, these suffixes are not always present, and like most languages there are exceptions to this rule. For example, ‘mizton’ is the term for cat, and is one of the terms that do not adopt this commonality. When faced with these oddities, pluralizing may come to be something of a challenge. As such, a miscellaneous plural of ‘-meh’, for example: Singular - Mizton Plural - Miztomeh POSSESSIVE NOUNS When a noun becomes possessive, regardless of pluralization, it obtains the suffix ‘-huan’. Singular Possessive Child - conetl My child/ren - conehuan House - chantli My house/s - chanhuan Bath - temazcalli My bath/s - temazcalhuan Fish - michin My fish/s - michuan A Acolyte - yencuiteopix Afternoon - tlaca Ancestor - achtontli Anchor - niman Ant - azcatl Anthill - azcapotzalli Antler - cuacuahuitl Architect - calmanani Arm (front leg) - matli Artisan - amantecatl Atole, drink made of corn - atolli Aunt - ahuitl Air - ihiotl B Bad Breath - camapotoniliztli Bad, wrong - amo cualli Bag - xiquipiltontli Bar - ocnamacoyan Barkeep - ocnamaca Base - nelhuayotl Basket- Chiquihuitl Bath - temazcalli Bean - yetl Bed - Pechtli Bedroom - Cochihuayan Belly - ititl Bird - tototl Boarder - tentli Body - nacayotl Bone - omitl Book - amoxtli Book Shelf - Amoxcalli Bowl - caxitl. Boy - telpochtl Branch - cuauhmaitl Bread - Tlaxcalli Brother - Perta Building - calli Butterfly - papalotl C Cactus - nochtli Cat - mizton Cave - oztotl Chair - icpalli Child - conetl Chocolate - chocolatl Clothes - tlaquemitl Commoner - macehualli Cooking fire - tlecuilli Cooking Pot - comitl Corn - Tlaolli Cougar - miztli Coward - Mauhcatlayecoani Culture - huehuetlahtolli D Dark Elf - rohuemati Dawn - tlathui Day - tonalli Deer - Mazatl Devil - tlacatecolotl Diner/Dining room - tlacualoyan Dinner - cochcayotl Dish - caxpechtli Divine King - tlahtoani Doctor - Tepahtiani Doctor - ticitl Dog - itzcuintli Door - caltentli Dormitory - cochiantli Dwarf - yotzinztli E Ear - nacaztli Earth - tlalcua Edge - tentli Egg - totoltetl Everything - mochi Excrement - cuitlatl Eye - ixtelolotl Entertainment- cecetli Elf - rohuente F Face - xayacatl Falcon - tohtli Family - nocenyeliz Famine - apizmiqui Farmer - millacatl Father - tahtli (reverential: tahtzintli) Female - cihuatl Female - ihuatl Fever - Atonahui Fingernail - iztitl Fire - tletl Firewood - tlatlatilcuahuitl Fish - michin Flat pan - comalli Flower - xochitl Fly - zayolin Food - tlacualli Foot - Icxitl Forest - cuauhtla Foundation - nelhuayotl Fountain - ameyalli Friend - Perta Frog - cueyatl Fruit - xochicualli Fur - platli Future - hualquiztia G Gatekeeper - ittacatlentli Garbage - tlazolli Gold - teocuitlatl Goodness - cuallotl Grandmother - cihtli Grinding stone (for salsa) - molcaxitl. Guts - cuitlaxcolli H Hair - tzontli Hand - maitl Head - cuaitl Head - tzontecomatl Healer - ticitl Heart - Yollotl Heaven - ilhuicac Hen - cihuatotolin Herb - mezi Hero - Icxicoatl Hill -tepec Honey - neuctli Horn - Cuacuahuitl Hospital - cocoxcacalli House - chantli Human - tlacayeliztli Hunger - mayana Hunter - amini Husband - namictli I Ice - cetl Ideals - tlamanitiliztli Illusion - tlamatili Imbalance - nemiliztli Immortality - amicqui Impulse - cuauhxi Inability - matetepon Inaccuracy - zatlamati Influence - metacti Insect - yolcatl Integrity - kametl Interest - necuiloa Iron - tepozhuitzoc Island - aztlan J Jaguar- ocelotl Jam - tzitzitza Jaw - tencual Jealousy - chahuatia Jewel - cozcatia Joke - camanalitoa Journal - aquiztli Journey - cuepca Juice- ayotl Jungle - macapitactl Justice - justicia K Kettle - meceptl Killer - temictiani Kindness - yolyamanic Kingdom - tlahtocayotl Kiss - pitzolli Kitchen - tlacualchihualoyan Knack - metlextli Knife - ipanocan Knot - pinacatl Knowledge - tlama L Labourer - millacatl Lady - cihuapilli Lamb - ichcatl Language - tlahtolli Leader - achcauhtli Leaf - xihuitl Leg - icxitl Library - amoxcalli Light - tlahuilli Lip - tentli Log - cuahuitl Lord - tecuhtli M Maggot - nacaocuilin Magic - iya Male - oquichtli. Map - mapa Market - tianquizi Marriage - namictilli Mask - xayacatl Mat - tapalamati Material - petztli Meat - chito Medic - ticitl Medication - ticitlapana Medicine - pahtli Meeting - tlanamiquil Melon - ayotetl Member - cofrade Menu - petarcatli Merchant - pochtecatl Message - titlani Middle - tlanepantla Money - tlaxtlahuiltia Moon Goddess - Meztli Morning - icippa Mother - nantli (Reverential: nantzintli) Mountain - tepetl Mouse - motla Mouth - camatl Mud - zoquitl N Name - motenehua Nation - tlahtocayotl Night - yohuac Nobles - tlahtoque Nose - yacatl Nothing - amotlein O Oasis - nehatil Obedience - tlacamatli Object - xotlmetapan Ocean - hueyatl Odor - chipayayaliztli Offence - tlahtlacolli Old Way - huehuetlahtoll Onion - xonacatl. Orc - chictatli Owl - tecolotl P Party - wacaitl Paper - amatl Patrimony - tlatquitl Person - tlacatl Pig - pitzotl Pigeon - huilotl Plant - meyotoc Plate - caxpechtli Plum - xocotl Poetry/poem - in xochtl / in cuicatl Prayer Water - atzintli Priest- teopixqui Prince - pilli Puma- miztli Pupil - tlamachtilli Q Quail - zolin Quality - michuacayotl Quarrel - cocolli Quarter - nacace Quartz - ayopaltehuilotl Queen - cihuapillahtocatzintli Quest - matlatzinca Question - ihioilochtia Queue - tecpana Quirk - tilocpan R Rabbit - tochtli Rain - quiyahuitl Rainbow - cozamalotl Refuge - axihuayan Restoom - axixcalli Respect - mahuizpiya Road - ohtli Rock - tetl Root - nelhuayotl Rope - mecatl S Salt - iztatl School - nemachtiloyan Scorpion - colotl Seed - xinachtli Signal - machiotil Singer - ohetin Sister - mauna Sky - ilhuicatl Smell - ineconi Smoke - cueitl Smoke - poctli Snail - teponaxtli Snake - coatl Somebody, someone - aca Son - pilli Song - cuicatl Source - ameyalli Speech - tlahtolli Spider - tocatl Spider web - tzahualli Squirrel - techalotl Star - citialin State (location) - tlahtocayotl Stewward - callimaca Stool - icpalli Story - zazanilli Stove - tlecuill Stubbornness - aquimamatcayoti Sunflower - acahualli Swallow (bird) - cuicuizcati T Throat - tozquitl Tavern - maclepitl Tamale - tamalli Temple - teocalli Time - cahuitl Trail - ohtli Tree- cuahuitl Tribe - calpolli Trio - eittitica Turtle - ayotl Tortoise - ayotl Tomato - xitomatl Turkey - huexolotl Tomorrow - moztla Tooth - huiptlatlantli Tongue - Nenepilli Turkey - totolin Tejocote - texocotl Teacher - temachtiani (reverential: temachticatzintli) Tradition - huehuetlahtolli U Uncle - tlahtli Universe - cemanahuatl Umbrella - tzacuilhuaztli Utensil - allacatl Uniform - tlacoocelotl Urn - tlapoa Unit - cetitilia Urchin - nectopli V Vacation - neahuiltiliztli Vase - tecomatl Vegetable - quiltonil Vein - ezcocotli Vendor - tlanamacaqui Venture - ixtlapal Victory - amehuatl Village - milpanecatl Vision - tlachiyaliztli Visitor - atecolotl Volcano - tepetl W Warrior - tlapana Warlock/witch - nahualli Waste - tlazolli. Water- atepin Whiskers - tentzontli White - Iztac Wife - icihuahuatzin Wife - namictli Wild beast - becuani Will- tlanequiliztl Wind - ehecatl Wisdom - tlamatini Wolf - cuetlachtli Woman - cihuatl Woods - cuauhtla Word - tlahtolli World - cemanahuatl X Y Yesterday - yalhua Young - xocoyotzin Z Zealot - pamactli VERBS (Note: To turn a noun into a verb, use the suffix -ahui) A To accompany - axiltia To answer - nanquilia To appear - neci To arrive - aci To ask - tlatlani To awaken - cochehua To be afraid - imacaci B To be born - hualnemi To buy - cohua To break - tlapana To brush ones teeth - camapaca To become - mochihua To break fast - teniza To burn - tlatla To begin - pehua To bury - toca C To be called - motenehua To call - hualmonochilia To carry - itqui To celebrate - ininbatoi To clean - chipahua To climb - tleco To close - tzacua To come - hualehua To command - nahuatia To complete - axiltia To comprehend - yeccaqui To continue - metakhan To cry - choquilia To cure - pahti To cut - cotona To get close, to come closer - axitia D To depart - onehua To descend - temo To desire - eiehuia To die - miqui To dine/ have dinner - mocochcayotia To do - chihua (to someone: chihuilia) To dream - cochitlehua To drink - oni To drink water (anything non-alcholic) - atli To get dressed - motlaquentia E To eat - cua To exceed - cempanahuia To exist - nequi To extract - copina To entertain - ceceltia F To be fast - iciuhca To be frightened - momauhtia To fall - huetzi. To fear - imacaci To feed - tlacua To feel - xitlamati To fever - atonahui To find - quimitta To finish - tlami To flee - choloa To fly - patlani To follow - hualtepotztoca To forgive - mopopolhuilia. To forgive - tlapopolhuia To free - momaquixtilia To fufill - axiltia G To gather - mocentlalia To give - maca To go - yauh To go out - quiza To grab - ana To greet - tlapaloa To grind - teci To guide - omaca To grow - cueponi H To be happy - paqui To be hungry - mayana To be hurt - cocoa To happen - mochihua To have - nochipa To hear - caqui To help - palehuia To hum - huitzitzilin To hunt - ami I To insult - tlatlacalhuia To invite - panoltia J To joke - camanallahtoa To juice - patzca To join - nehuantilia K To kill - mictia To kiss - tennamiqui To knock over - tlaza To know - ixmati L To land- tlalli To laugh - huetzca To learn - mamohtia To leave - cahua To let - cochcahua To liberate - momaquixtilia To live - nemi To look - tlachia To look for - temoa To love - monequiltia. To make laugh - huetzquitia M To massage - momotzoa To make - chihua To marry - monamictia To meet- tocihuia To meow - tlatzomia N To need - nequi To make new - yencuilia To nod - ixcueloa O To obey - tlacamati To offer - moyeca To open - tlapoa To order - nahuatia. To outdo - cempanahuia P To be in pain - tonehua To be poor - icnotl To be pregnant - tlacatilia To be proud - atlamachtia To pass - nalquiza To play - tlacualoa To please/give pleasure - pactia To pray - tlapohua To protect - tlapaanli To put - tlalia To put on - mocactlalia Q To quit - talazati R To rain - quiyahui To read - pohua To be ready - yenatix To release - maquixtia To remove - xiuhoc To reside - mochantia To respond - nanquilia To rest - mocehuia To reunite - mocentlalia To run - motlatoa S To be sad - tlaocoya To be sick - mococoa To be sorry - yolcocoa To save - maquixtia To say/speak - tlahtoa To scream/shout - tzatzi To see - itta To send - titlani To shake - papatlaca To show - machtia To sing - cuica To sing - cuicoa To sit - motlalia To sleep - cochi To slip - maiahua To smoke - popoca To sow - toca To squeeze - patzca To stand -moquetza To stay - ixtozoa To stink - potoni To surpass - cempanahuia To swear - notcta To sweep - tlachpana To swim - tlamaneloa T To be thirsty - amiqui To be tired - ciyahui To take - Itqui To talk - natza To teach - machtia To tell - ilhuia To throw - momayahui To transform - mocuepa To tremble - papatlaca To triumph - pehua To turn into - mochihua To think - yolpepena U To go up - tleco To understand - acicamatl To urge - ipan V W To wait - chia To walk - nehnemi To want - nequi To wash - paca To weep - choca To whiten/become white - iztaya To win - pehua To wish - eiehuia To work - tequipanoa To worry - tequipachoa To write - ihcuiloa X Y To yell - tzatzitia Z ADJECTIVES A Adorable - neteotiloni After - teotlac Alright - tepontia Annoying - cuemoliuhtoc Awesome - teotl B Backward - queptoc Basic - Cuatl Beautiful - yectli Behind - icuitlapan Black - tliltic Blue - texoctic Brave - colotic Bright - huehuetzcani C Caringly - zan tlamach Carefully - tempatapan Closely - axitlani Completely - cenquizca Creatively - tetl Cute - letmatz D At dawn - oc yohuatzinco Daily - cecemilhuitica Dark - tehmati Diseased - cocoxqui Disgusting - metaqua Distant - hueca Done - yemeta E Easily/easy - ayohui Evil - tahampil Exactly - icitamp F Far - hueca Fat - tomahuac Fifth - macuilli ic Filthy - chiyahuac Finally - zatlatzonco Frequently - achi miecpa Fun - tecoatl G Gladly - ica paquiliztli Good - cualli ic Green - xoxoctic H Healthy - chicahuac Heavy - yetic Horrible - temamauhti Hot - cococ I Immediately - zan niman Interestingly - xacotal J Jarring - xicall Jealous - chicotlamatini Justified - yectilia Joyful - acocholoa Judgemental - tzontequi Juicy - patztic Juvinile - toznenetl K Knowledgeable - toltecatl L Lastly - zatlatzonco Later - zatepan Left - opochtli M Muddy - zoquiyo N At night - yohualtica Near - nepantlatic New - yencuic Next to - neteci Nice - tletlalia O Old - huehue on/on top of - ipan Orange - naranja P Perfectly - cenquizca Pretty - yectl Purple - camopalli Q Quickly - iciuhca Quiet - tlamatilia R Real - tomin Recently - quin axcan Red - tlauhyo Right (side) - yec S Sadly - tlaocoya Safe - yepenti Scary - temamauhti Sickly - cocoxqui Slowly - ayaxcanyotica Small - xocoyotzin Soft - yemania Sour - xococ Spicy - cococ Straight - melahuac Strong - chicahua Suddenly - atenemachpan Sweet - tzopelic T Tasty - huelic Thin - pitzahuac Tired - ciciammicqui True - mitzamato Tough - chicahuac Thick - tomahuac Terrifying - temamauhtiand U under - nexpiqui unusual - achpilli V W Wet - paltic Wonderfully - hueitlamahuizoltica X Y Yellow - cozahui Z OTHER WORDS (adverbs, determiners, etc) A Again - occepa Also - nohuican All - mecht Always - cemiac And - auh Another - occe As - in yuh B Because - pampa But - tel By - metap C Can't - metqui D Don't - macamo E Either - nozo Every - ixquich F For - acht Forever - cemiac From - ihuicpa From - in ihuicpa G H Hello (formal) - niltze Hello (informal) - Sa’vi Here - nican How - in quenin I If - intia Is - ye it - meht J Just - quilin K L Like - in yuh M Maybe - cuix More - oc achi N Never - aic No - amo Nonetheless - yeceh Not - maca Now - nimanic O Or - nozo Other - mittlic P Perhaps - azo zan Pardon - tilcrin Q Quite - pitzahua R Right away - nimanic S Still - oc Should - tiuikilia So - quitli T That - inon There - ompa These - iniquein This - inin Those - iniqueon Though - yeceh To be - ca Too - nohuican U V Very - cenca W Was, were - catca Way - ohtli What - tlen When - itquin Where (?) - campa While - in oquic Who - aquin Why - Teica With - ica X Y Yes - quema Yet - oc Z
  2. Maca Tocaitl ༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓ One of the most prominent cultural events of the Kharajyr is naming ceremonies. Names are incredibly important to the Kha, as it is a representation of who they are within society. Prefixes are the key focal point of this celebration, as they are given throughout the key points in a Kha’s life. As such, this ceremony can occur at various times throughout ones life, and it comes to vary from person to person. The focus comes to be representation of self, to convey aspects of the Kharajyr by introduction, and to demonstrate progress throughout ones journey. Coming of The Name When a Kharajyr cub comes of a certain age, that being 5 human years, they are to be given their first prefix, and first name. Prior to this time, they will have simply been referred to as ‘cub’ or ‘young one’, as who they are hasn’t yet been determined. This time allows the elder to determine the best fitting name for the young cub, basing it off who they are in their rawest form. This version of the ceremony is one of the most dramatic, is it included both the base name and a prefix. The cub is to rest at the feet of the elder as they lead the ceremony, offering a speech to highlight the parts of the cub that aided in determining the most sufficient name. Following the speech and explanation, the cub is then given their name, accompanied by the prefix S', until they meet adulthood. [Example: S'Xochitl] Coming of Age The next aspect of the naming world in which Kharajyr traverses is when a cub grows into themselves, and into an adult. The age of 20 is when their life truly begins, in many ways. This is the point in which a Kha is considered a true member of their community, and has earned the title of a fully grown adult. However, this is not a point in which the Kha has entirely figured out who they are, thus they are given a simple and general title. This stage of life is one to allow room to explore self, to find what it is that calls to them. Kha later are granted titles to adhere to their greatest call, what areas in which they are most attuned to in their society. The Kharajyr believe it’s important to allow their young and new members to take the time to discover themselves before committing to any one skill or path, ensuring when the choice is made, it is the correct one. This ceremony is similar to the last, in which the newly adult Kha will bow before the elder as a speech is given. This speech, however, pertains much to the aforementioned concepts of exploring oneself, as so the Kha understands what this stage of life is meant for. Once the speech comes to a conclusion, the newly adult Kharajyr may take on the title So’, Si’, or Sa’, chosen by the Elder. [Example: Si’Xochitl] Coming of Self Perhaps the most important name the Kharajyr will be given is that of self. At this point in life, the Kha has come to find themselves and their calling, settling on a sense of self they most identity with. Ranging from artist to warrior, this ceremony is grand and full of celebration. Drink, feast, and festivities are to be held when a Kha decides they have found themselves in such a way. This ceremony can occur at any time in a Kha’s life, and can even happen more than once if they come to grow into something else more fruitfully. Because of the flexibility, Kharajyr experience no pressure to have come to their choice in a certain time frame, but rather to simply focus on doing so with the greatest success possible. The elder in this version of the ceremony spends the majority of their speech going over the Kha’s journey, discussed prior to the event. This is done to display to young Kharajyr how diverse and adventurous their journey can be in finding themselves. The name taken in this instance is determined by the role the Kha has chosen to take, and can be the following: Do’ for Warriors The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are identified as skilled warriors which should be treated with great respect. Akin to a knight, these individuals are noble Kharajyr who have behaved honorably in battle, have acquired and expressed finesse in warfare or are considered skilled battlefield commanders. Any High Aelkos or Aelkos are permitted to grant this title to a Kha’. Ji’ for Artists, Writers, and Poets The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are those of a creative mind. Typically obtained by artists, writers, chefs, dancers, tailors or skilled craftsman including art in their work, this title identifies an individual of great cosmetic talent. A Kha’ may only obtain this title by creating and gifting their work to an Aelkos or the High Aelkos. If they enjoy the work, the title will be granted. If it is not, their work will be returned and they may attempt again after the annual new year. Dra’ for Doctors The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are those who are skilled in the art of aiding the weak & ill. They are gifted in their craft and maintain a wealth of knowledge of anatomy, ailments and their cures. Often, doctors will clothe themselves in white linen to represent their role and purity in regards to filth. A Kha’ will receive this title by a peer when they are decided proficient. Ka'/Ki'/Ko' for Merchants The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are those with a silver tongue. Capable of bartering for great amounts of wealth or maintaining large companies that power the industries of Kha’ society are granted this title by an Aelkos. Jo' for Magic Users The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are considered magic users. Any Kharajyr may carry this title, so long they maintain the ability to connect with a Spirit of Khalenwyr. Other magic practices are frowned upon as they betray Metztli. Ja’ For Priests or Religious Leaders The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are those who maintain temples as the head figure or as a temple guard. Assigned by an Aelkos or High Aelkos, a priest is one who leads all rituals, sacrifices, annual events and maintains the spiritual health of a pride’s population. Their wealth is a good indicator of their greed, causing many good priests to be poorer than other Kha’. Regardless, they maintain the highest authority beneath an Aelkos. Ri' For Leaders of Prides These are the leaders of their own pride/family. The Kharajyr that carry this prefix are one of the Kharajyr pride leaders with their own family to lead, responsible for maintaining entire pride(s). Those who take these roles have one of the more difficult positions of power, cting as advisors for the Aelkos or leader above them, depending on where they have taken residence, they inform them of happenings in the world and the standing status of the people in their pride.
  3. Haulquiz’Metzli ‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙ The Festival of the Future Moon is dedicated to reading the Meztli for the next lunar season. The Kha seek the heavens above during a celebration of the moon, doing so to predict what aspects of their lives will be prosperous within the following season, dependant on the stage of the moon during the reading The activities of such a festival may vary when the lunar cycle is decided for the season, however much remains the same from celebration to celebration Often led by the Elders or Priests of the Pride, the Kha and others joining in the festivities come together for a day of partying. Traditional Kharajyr meals are often served during this time, as food is an incredibly important part of the health of any group of Kha. Alcohol is also commonly shared during the initial activities, however is limited so that the ceremonies may not be interrupted Once the partying has come to a close, often decided by the lead of the Hauluiz’Metzli festival, the group of Kha converge into one location for a religious ceremony directed towards the Spirits and some aspects towards the Muuna herself, however it is up to the discretion of those leading the rituals and ceremony. To conclude the festival, the moon itself is to be observed closely, and the present stage of the lunar cycle is to be decided. Once this has been decided, the prediction of the season is to be made, and thus allow the Kha to better prepare for what is to come in that time, and further orchestrate their social activities to reflect what will be most prosperous. New Moon A season of political prosperity, Kha may come to find ally ships easier found, a good time for celebration and festivals . Young Moon A time of invention, the creative flow of Kha is enhanced during this season! There is to be prosperity in all creations. Waxing Crescent The season shall be full of bravery, inspiring Kha to act on things they may otherwise be too fearful to challenge. Waxing Quarter Dexterity comes from these times, Kha are presented with a time in which their craftsmanship is heightened significantly. Waxing Gibbous A prosperous season for merchants, the season shall bless all with fortune. Full Moon The Spirits bless the Kha of this season, fortune of all kinds are to come. Waning Gibbous A time of good health, this lunar season offers times of healing and rejuvenation . Waning Quarter This season is to be filled with joy, a time in which the voices of Kha shall be heard louder than before, in all situations. Waning Crescent A time of quiet, these times are filled with secrecy, it is wise to keep one’s thoughts to themselves. Kha are to be more reclusive during this season. Old Moon Inspiring intelligence, this lunar season bares wisdom to be found in each ordeal, all things are a lesson in these times. ‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙
  4. The Moonlight Sanctuary [!] The entire page appears to be translated from Kharahatla The Remenant Kha, being a people met with near constant adversity, seek residence where they can find it. Some of such have come to be those who occupy the Moonlight Sanctuary, a community in which the Kharajyr wandering the world might find home amonst their own kind. The Kha of this place take solace in their culture centered around both old and new traditions. Intermingling the shaman ways of their host kingdom with the old ways of Kharajyr since passed on. The Sanctuary, settled with new Kharajyr blood and teeming with potential, bares arms opened to all Kha who seek a place to stay and foster a community, one in which they can thrive amongst their own peoples without strife. A place in which the remnants of our language, and new aspects of it, can be spoken without the hindrance of new descendants being ignorant to our words. Built upon the ideals that the Kha remain a strong group of individuals, the Sanctuary is a place in which one can exist peacefully and indulge in the cultures of the new Kha without worries. Come join your Kharajyr brethren and uptake a free home within our community of friends, brothers, and sisters Sanctuary Law 1. Violence within Sanctuary walls is forbidden 2. Speak our language as often as possible 3. Disrespect to the moon is forbidden and is clause to be asked to leave 4. Accept all Kha who wish to join us 5. Respect and obey the Elders Sanctuary Culture Cultural events such as the Haulquiz’Metzli and naming ceremony, while not mandatory, are recommended for all Kha to take part in! Led by the Sanctuary Elders, these events offer wisdom of the future for the residence of our home and spiritualistic experiences. Our community attempts to uphold as much of the ancient ways as possible, while continuing to adapt to our new world, one lacking our Muuna. Health, dietary and other such practices are taught by the Elders of the community during communal teaching events. Along with such, ancient traditional ceremonies are often held in the name of the Moon Mother's, both the old and new, to maintain connection to the old ways. Clothing offered by those capable of making it are often akin to that of the generations before, and are highly suggested to be worn when in the community The Moonlight Sanctuary offers cultural experiences led by its Elders so that our brethren may continue to pass down the ancient history of our kind for centuries to come. Present Elders Yhl'Kabuki
  5. The death of Nossir Khurhukar left his per, Kabuki, alone in this world. Orphaned at 12 years of age, the young Kha'Tigrasi was forced into adulthood sooner than wished for himself. As son of the Patta of Clan Khurhukar, it was his duty to uptake the mantle of Patta. However, his young age would leave the clan stagnant for some time. 8 years passed, with near silence from the Kha clan, no new blood, new rules, new anything popping up. Seldom was Kabuki even seen, in a state of mourning for his fallen father. However, at age 20, he finally decided enough was enough. Taking on the new title officially, Tul'Kabuki Khurhukar emerged from silence, new blood flowing through the veins of his clan. Officially dubbed his new title, he begins his task of revitalizing what his father envisioned to be a strong clan of Kha, comprised of warriors and merchants. And thus, missives scatter the lands, a call to those who wish to join such a people. "Sa'vi, reader. I am Tul'Kabuki Khurhukar, Patta of the Khurhukar Clan. Kharajyr are a scattered people, roaming Almaris with little community and little family. This is why I extend this invite to all Kharajyr in Almaris. Warriors, tradesmen, merchants. You are all wanted, you are all to be embraced with open arms into my clan. I wish to help unite our people, to rebuild what once was. I live in many and no places. My patta placed us in Elysium, but I travel all around. A bird will suffice to get my attention, to all those who wish to join us. We are small now, but Kharajyr are bound by origin and we can become something strong. Family, friends. Adventures and stories. Challenges and triumphs. I can offer you all of these things and more. So please, send me a bird with your interest. Amehuan huel ma nohuon acicamatl cemanhuatl!" The bottom of the missive is signed with a rough signature.
  6. The Clan Khurhukar is a clan of the most worthy of Kha merchants and fighters. Short History: Ranks: The Patta: The Patta is the current leader of the Khurhukar and must be a descendent of the family. His role in the clan is to guide the Kha to a better life. The Per: The Per is the heir to the Patta. They have to be part of the family and The Patta's son. Their role is to take over the role of The Patta when they die. The Elders: The Elders are the direct advisors of The Patta. These individuals are chosen by the Patta, and are usually over 70, and have experience in battle. The Members: The Kha who are worthy of carrying the title Khurhukar. These Kha are the most worthy in their fields, and they are mostly fighters and merchants. The Initiates: The Kha who carry this title are ones who did not prove themselves to the clan yet, but want to become a member. What we provide: We provide the resources to the Kha who are the greatest merchants and fighters. The Trials: The Trial of Power: In this trial, an initiate must prove their power to an Elder, the Per or the Patta. This can be done in two ways. First, they can fight a member of the clan, and second, they can tell a story of a great battle they fought in, and won. The Trial of Merchantry: In this trial, the initiate must prove themselves worthy in merchantry. The initiate must sell a product to a clan member. This trial isn't necessary, and instead of this trial, the trial of power may be done. The Trial of Loyalty: In this trial, the initiate must prove their loyalty to the clan, and they must swear an oath to Metztli, that they will not betray the clan in any case. Application:
  7. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ This is just a simple little page I've put together with examples of my skins! My PMC Scroll down and open the spoilers to reveal the examples. :0 Latest: Edits made: -Added 'Other' spoiler -Requests Closed -PMC added -Halfling and human spoilers added. Request Form: CLOSED Username- Description- Ref- What will you pay with? (Mina, items, etc)- CLOSED..
  8. The Phases of the Moon: (Second Generation Muun’Trivazja) “Strands of fate now do entwine, / Both mind and soul are my design. / Safeguard not my children near, / Mine is the vessel of love and fear.” ~Visions of Nightfall I Introduction: As the moon waxes and wanes, so does the goddess who embodies it and the powers of those who worship her. The Kharajyr, through their faith in Metztli, were granted a boon from their divine mother. Yet as the seasons change, and the tides ebb and flow, so does the magic of the Kha’ change and twist in new and surprising ways. After their move to the Xerdali Isles, the Priests of the Kha’ were struck with a trinity of powerful visions, all foretelling great changes in the life of the Kharajyr. The first came to pass in the destruction of the old island and the rise of a new Tla’. The second to come was the rebirth of Muun’Trivazja. In the past, the Priests of the Kharajyr wielded great power in the form of Daemonic energy, yet like the ever changing moon above, their powers warped and twisted in great and terrifying ways. While the very essence of the magic remained with the Kha’, the nature in which it manifests itself differs greatly from what it once was. Muun’ and Metztli: Metztli is the goddess and creator of the Kharajyr. Old tales speak of her spiriting away children in the dead of night, with only the stars to witness, to bring to an island paradise of her own making. There she fused the children body and soul with the ocelots of the island through many twisted, magic-riddled experiments. Casting the husks of her failures into a pocket plane known as The Ordium, Metztli toiled on until one night the fruits of her labors were rewarded. Upon the beaches of the island stood an ocelot in human guise, his fur white as freshly fallen snow. The first of the Kharajyr was born, Tla’Jhaan, he of the purest form. Metztli was filled with the maternal need to protect her creation, to nurture him in a cold and unforgiving world. She had created the pinnacle of perfection, and sought to replicate her accomplishment, but could never achieve the level of beauty imbued in the first. Nevertheless, she continued to fill the island with other, lesser copies of her creation until the day came where they were able to sustain themselves. She then left, departing the island to leave her children to thrive on their own. Though the Kharajyr had no knowledge of their creation, they continued to live on their island paradise, presuming they were always there and always would be. They had no inkling that a divine power had created them, and their worship was nonexistent. To the ancient tribes, survival was all that mattered. Metztli, feeling neglected by the very things she had birthed, decided to become once more entwined in the lives of her children. She returned to the Kha’, gifting their oldest and wisest with signs and visions, hoping they would unravel the secret of their own creation. Through much trial and more error, Metztli bestowed upon the Kharajyr Priests the ability to harness and utilize her Daemonic energy to further carry out her wishes. She also gifted them with the Stone of Metztli, a jurassic relic that would allow Priests to attune to her will. The Magic (General Overview/Muun’/Uses): Moongazing is based around the summoning and manipulation of the Daemonic energy of time Metztli gifted to her most devout followers, often referred to as ‘Muun’. A Priest would not use Mana to power their spells (Although using it to manipulate the spells that they summon), instead calling upon the energy gifted to them from their goddess. Each priest, instead of naturally regenerating Muun’ at a fixed rate, has a certain amount of energy that they can store within themselves. Priests must routinely visit a Moonpool to restore their energy, regardless of their individual capacity. As a side note, Metztli’s Daemonic Energy can be channeled in a variety of colors, ranging from silvery-blue to dark purple. This is purely an aesthetic thing, however, and does not impact the magic in any way. A priest can channel their Muun’ in a myriad of ways. Moonbinding, Moongazing and Chronoshaping are the three schools of Muun’trivazja and all follow the basic principles of time manipulation. Moonbinding is the ability to channel Muun’ energy into lapiz lazuli that has been specially prepared in order to enchant it with a variety of properties. Moongazing is harnessing Muun’ in order to see events that have transpired, have yet to come, or are occurring at the present time. Finally, Chronoshaping is the ability to manipulate time within an area, slowing, or speeding it at will. Stone of Metztli (Manifesting, De-Manifesting): The Stone of Metztli is an Ancient Kharajyr Artifact created by Metztli. The Stone manifests itself as an enormous fragment of lapis lazuli, with waves of immense power emanating from its core. It is extremely fragile, to the point of shattering with very little force. It would not withstand an attack, shattering into a myriad of crystals should it ever be broken. The Stone’s purpose is dual in nature, as both an attunement stone, as well as an anchor of time for the area directly around it, created by Metztli. Without the Stone to govern the passage of time, temporal anomalies would be a frequent occurrence within the surroundings of the stone, yet they would not cause huge issues within the realm and hardly be noticeable. The maximum distance from the stone that this happens is a hundred meters. Due to its very nature, the stone possesses the ability to reform itself soon after destruction, utilizing a level of Chronoshaping unique to its very being. It can only remain shattered for a short while, one may as well try and put an end to time itself. Whilst the stone would be summoned, any Priests within the immediate vicinity would find their energy naturally replenishing for the first time at a fixed rate. This is not permanent, as the energies would cease to regenerate once they strayed further from the stone. As part of the Higher Arts of Muun’trivazja, those who utilize the magic to the highest degree are taught how to safely summon, as well as dismiss the Stone. This would entail a lengthy process, in which the Priest would spend days on end in a deep meditation, ceaselessly chanting the same prayer repeatedly under their breath. As the Stone manifests, a thick shroud of Muun’ would fill the area, slowly coalescing before more would begin to move through the air and collect into the space, followed by a flash of light. When the light would fade, the stone would have appeared in place. While the stone would be manifested, the Priest who summoned it would remain in a state of exhaustion for however long it remained, often leading the High Priests to take turns with it summoned. The process would be repeated when it came to de-manifesting it, although the given prayers different. This would appear as the Stone of Metztli glowing a soft blue hue as wisps of the same colored light would slowly peel off of it. The stone would shrink all the while whilst this happened, until it would be gone fully. Throughout both cases, the Priest would be left exhausted. However, the stone cannot be de-manifested for an extended period of time. When the stone would not be in place, the same resulting ‘shattering’ of time would happen. Slowly at first, pockets of time across the land would begin to form anomalies of sorts. Areas might find themselves moving backwards in time, whilst others might find it sped up or simply slowed. The damage would increase the longer the stone remained unformed, until it would naturally reform randomly in Vailor on its’ own. Even if it were to reform, the Priests would easily be able to track it through moongazing due to their inner connection with the ancient artifact. Quick side note: Stone of Metztli only affects about one hundred meters(blocks) in any direction from the stone. The affects on time are not major life changing things, and remain only a minor issue when they do occur. This distance is also true to how far away a Priest must be to have his energy 'naturally' regenerate. Attunement: While ordinarily only those of Metztli’s kin work to spread her influence throughout the land, other Descendants may choose to pioneer her cause. Those who worship Metztli reverently, be them Kha’ or not, may be selected by the goddess to uphold her will. However, a special ritual enacted through the power of the Stone of Metztli will have to be undertaken; should any race, be they Descendant or Kha’, wish to rise to the task. Despite the Kharajyr’s intimate connection with Metztli, a Priest would have to fully immerse themselves in the goddess’ power via the Stone of Metztli in order to progress in learning the magic. An Elder Kharajyr Priest, one who has mastered the Higher Arts of the magic, is able to channel their energy into a Non-Kha’ acolyte of the Priesthood, forging a bond between them and their goddess and allowing them to harvest Daemonic Energy from the Moonpools. Non-Kha’ who touch the Stone without the aid of an Elder Priest would soon find themselves regretting their decision, as insanity grips their bodies and their wits scatter like dust in the wind, the unfiltered power of Metztli thundering through the halls of their fragile minds. The Magic (Moonbinding): Moonbinding is a manner of binding certain attributes that pertain to Muun’trivazja to objects. While simple in theory, this magic is capable of making a diverse array of fantastic items. However, there is a limit to what can be done with this magic. All enchantments must fall, in some way, under the Gazing or Chronoshaping subschools of Muun’trivazja. As this is energy granted by Metztli, the Daemon of Time, your enchants must still follow that basic theme. That means that you cannot Moonbind a sword that shoots fire, or gauntlets that allow you to trap Orcish Spirits (As cool as that may be). Moonbinding is achieved through a several step ritual. Firstly, the aspiring Moonbinder must find, cut, and polish a piece of lapis lazuli. The stone must then be engraved with scenes and prayers in Va’kharajyn that depict the abilities and attributes the item will have, in order to further focus the energy to its purpose. Finally, the Priest must fill the stone with Daemonic Energy drawn from their own bodies, turning the gem into a piece of Charged Lapis. It should be noted that Charged Lapis is a very fragile and delicate material to work with. Once it has become saturated with energy, the slightest mar upon the surface of the gem could cause it to violently shatter, as the energy inside of it escapes into the air. On a more technical note, a priest would find themselves unable to bind a spell greater in power than their current Moonbinding level. This means, that in order to bind, say a Tier 3 Cronoshaping spell to a piece of Charged Lapis, then one must possess a Moonbinding level that is at least one level higher than Tier 3. However, a priest of any level is still capable of channeling undirected energy into a piece of lapis to create a Focus. Focus’ are stones that calm and soothe the holder and are commonly used to help focus the energy of acolytes. Recommended Progression: Red Lines: -Items cannot hold an infinite supply of Energy. They will eventually weaken and degrade with time. -Any enchantments must be possible to accomplish with, or at least some variation upon the other two magics. -Although a non-priest can use these without any MA, they must be taught the workings of the item in character before they can do anything with the item besides blowing it up. -If anyone were to use these as a non-priest, they must read the magic lore pertaining to the enchantment they are using. The Magic (Gazing): Moongazing is the magic worth the most praise to the Kharajyr. It allows them to turn their gaze on events long past, those yet to come, and those taking place at the moment. To Moongaze into the past or future, no further preparation would be needed aside from one’s own supply of energy. However, this practice grants visions that are fuzzy and indistinct. To further focus one’s sight, a priest would require an object that pertains to the event they wish to view to act as a catalyst for triggering and focusing the vision. Thought the art comes at a cost. The use of Moongazing slowly turns those who practice it blind. By the time one has mastered the art, they would be doomed to forever walk in darkness, the price paid for their gift. Gazing into the future is an imprecise art at best. The best visions of the future, those that are most clear and direct, come when Metztli issues a prophecy to the Kharajyr. On their own, without divine intervention, the Priests are able to call up minor prophecies and omens of things to come, though the messages are often littered with misleading visions and strange riddles. Future-Gazing does not show a Priest the specifics of an event, however. Time is fluid and ever-changing. They may perhaps glimpse upon the climax of a grand crusade, but not the events leading up to it. Some visions may never come true in the first place. ((On an OOC note, one MUST have the permission of a GM before a priest is able to call up a vision of the future!)) Recommended Progression: Red Lines (there’s a lot of them): -You can not ‘Metagaze’. In this case, to find out something about someone’s character you would require their consent and speak to them in private messaging. -Moongazing into the future requires a GM/Lore Master who knows of Kha Magic, and they would be required to emote what you see. -Moongazing MAKES YOU BLIND! There is no way to avoid this. Your sight degenerates as you learn the magic. Follow the guidelines above! -Moongazing into the past can only be done up to the point where ‘Ancient History’ ends and Players had started. -To focus your Moongazing on a specific event, you would require an item or person who was there at said event. -Moongazing can currently only be projected to multiple people at once whilst using a Moonpool. This can be bypassed rarely though, and always with GM intervention (For example, the fallen Meteors for the Tomes of Power). When this would be, it would heavily tax the Priest- more so than Chronoshaping. The Magic (Chronoshaping): Chronoshaping is by far the most useful art a Priest can master, allowing them limited mastery over time itself. A priest would begin by gathering their Energy before shrouding the targeted area in a thin layer of mist. Through this Temporal Fog, one could see the flow of time being manipulated in the area, be it quickened, slowed or reversed. While Chronoshaping is a very powerful art, it has its limitations. One cannot create a paradox effect with the magic. The mist that forms surrounding an area is an indicator that that place has been severed from the regular flow of time. The displaced segment of time then begins to flow in accordance to the Priest’s whims, speeding, slowing or even reversing at their command as opposed to the regular flow of time. This means that once someone enters the area being affected they continue to flow with the original timestream. However, anything that was in the mist prior to the severing of the timeline will move with the new flow. That is why Chronoshapers don’t turn themselves to dust when speeding or rewinding time. The magic can be limited to a small area, as when one needs to heal wounds or rewind a small object, or it can be spread wide over a large structure. As a general guideline, the larger the area you want to affect, the thinner your mist is spread, and the less control you have over time in an area. Recommended Progression: Red Lines: -No one can enter or leave the area being changed by the magic, as it is cut off from time. -No temporal paradoxes! You cannot team up with yourself to dish out a beatdown, as cool as that may seem. -This stresses the Priest’s body greatly. If they were to rewind time on a large area, they themselves would find their bodies rapidly aging in tune with how much they rewind the time. -This can be used to heal wounds, but to regrow a limb would take many days of IRL sessions with said injured person. It can not be done all at once. The Higher Arts of Muun’Trivazja ((To accomplish any of these greater magics, the Kha will have to have studied under one who knows them. They would be required to learn the correct prayers and ceremonies in order to create a temporary and direct connection to Metztli after reaching Tier Five in two categories of the Magic.)) At this point, a Priest will have spent countless years of their lives learning Muun’Trivazja, and will have mastered Metztli’s Daemonic energy in its many forms. Those who are deemed worthy will continue their education, delving into the hidden aspects of the magic. Blessing the Waters: The first of the Higher Arts is the creation of a Moonpool. In doing this, a Priest would commune with Metztli, and direct her blessing towards a pool of water. After sending the entirety of their Muun’ into the body of water, they would seek to channel Metztli herself, beseeching her with an ancient Va’kharajyn prayer to bless the waters as was once done in days long past. This would leave the water glowing a blue hue and the Priest(s) who created it would be unable to cast nor control their Muun’ except to the smallest degree for an elven week thereafter. Attunement: The Rite of Attunement is a series of rituals in which a Non-Kharajyr is intimately linked to the Stone of Metztli, allowing them to harness and store the Daemonic energy gifted by Metztli. The rite begins with the Filling Of the Vessel, where the Priest conducting the ritual fills the aspiring acolyte with their own Muun’. The Descendant then goes to touch the Stone of Metztli, heralding the next stage of the process, The Breaking of Chains. Once they touch the stone, the acolyte is gripped with madness as the power of the Stone rips through them. With the aid of the Priest and the Muun’ channeled through them, the Acolyte can survive the madness, sharing the burden with the Priest with whom they are linked. If the Acolyte fails, the bond between the two is shattered, the Daemonic energy escaping from their body. They would remain in a state of madness, their minds shattered by contact with the stone, until they died. If he succeeded then both the Elder Priest and Acolyte would find themselves tossed in the throes of madness, ranting and raving before sinking into blessed sleep. The Priest’s connection with Metztli cut once more whilst the two sleep. So undergoes the final stage of the ritual, The Patching Of the Soul. As the Descendant sleeps, Metztli judges their worth in a manner unknown to any, as the incident is wiped from the mind of the sleeper. If they are found worthy, the bond is forged between them and the Stone, identical to that which rests in all Kha’ as per their creation. If they are found unworthy, the fragile bond dissipates, and the ritual must be undertaken once more. Calling the Stone: Calling the Stone is a High Art of Muun’Trivazja that entails the summoning and de-manifestation of the Stone of Metztli. This would serve no purpose in combat and only used when attuning Priests. The Priest would invoke the Prayer of Calling, in which they once more become immersed in their connection with Metztli. As long as the Stone of Metztli remained in place, the Priest that had summoned it would remain exhausted until the burden had been passed to a second Priest, or the stone de-manifests. Chronosleep: The final High Art is not that of spellcasting, nor requires a direct connection with Metztli, yet it is often revered as the highest of magics a priest could cast. As a priest lay dying, they could glance once more to the moon, and offer a prayer to Metztli. Goddess willing, the priest and all of their belongings would be frozen, permanently, in a form of temporal stasis, their body perfectly preserved at the last moment of death as their spirit sails off to join Metztli. General Red Lines: -General rules: It takes at least one emote to connect to your Muun’, another to summon it, and a third to begin its casting. One more in between connecting to your Muun’ and summoning it if you’re connecting directly to Metztli, and more after. -One must learn all three magics to be able to master any one of them, or be able to teach another Priest. -Making a Moonpool leads the priest(s) that made it to be unable to cast for up to an IRL week. -Priests MUST Roleplay regaining Muun. If no one is there for them to emote to, then they need to sit in the pool anyways. -This counts as a total of three magics, just to be clear. With our previous lore no one could tell if it was one or three. Current Lore Owner(s): Fury_Fire ((Writer & Idea-Monkey)) ForeverGinger (( Format Man & Word-Sound-Better-er)) Message us with questions, or post them right here! Final Words: With this, we hope to bring more attention to the Kharajyr Priests and Priestess’, and shift the magic from a combat based perspective to a more mystic and fun feel. We hoped to get rid of Moonfire, as the Kharajyr have begun to focus their attention around peace, and replace it with a form of enchanting that could bring fun to all, even non magic users <3. Of course this would require studying and speaking to us for the owners of said enchanted items, but we’re hoping this remains as unmoderated if possible. We’ve added things such as the Higher Arts to set the leaders of the Priests apart from the rest, as well as give priests a nicer death. The creation of the moonpools was already a closely guarded secret in which only two Priests know(Myself included). In general, we hope we’ve both nerfed the magic with our red lines and removal of Moonfire, as well as just make it more.. Fun! We decided that to do important things Kharajyr might already be able to do, we would require prayers that can help one connect directly to Metztli instead of through the Moonstone (Stone of Metztli, take your pick), in hopes of adding more to the mysteriousness surrounding Kha’ Magic to most people IRP, as well as give Kharajyr a feeling of being closer to their Patron. Non-Kha’ learning! Something we’ve always wanted! As well as bringing the Stone of Metztli into existence (It’s always supposedly reformed, and there is apparently lore on everything I mentioned in it) only now it’s safer! Hope you like it, and a special shout out to everyone in the current Priesthood who tolerated our incessant ramblings on the subject and helped form the baseline with which this re-imagining was formed. Without you lot, I doubt either of us would be able to keep up the flow of great ideas! -Fury_Fire and ForeverGinger <3 Edit:Forgot to put tier progressions in spoilers.. Fixed.
  9. Character Profile Sage Mukar Elder Priest of the Moongazers Basic Information Nicknames: Muk, Fat khat Age: 203 Gender: Male Race: Kha’Leparda Status: Alive Description Height: 5’’3 Weight: 305Lbs Body Type: Obese. A thick coat of ochre fur. Eyes: Would be lime green though both are missing, instead there are empty eye sockets. Hair: N/A Skin: Has a thick pelt of bright orange fur dotted with brown spots. Markings/Tattoos: Large scars across his face, from when his two eyes had been torn out. Health: Overweight, though he regards himself in perfect health. Personality: Mukar is an aged kharajyr, probably the second oldest. The oldest being the Sage Natayshi. With age comes wisdom and knowledge. He often considers himself one of the most knowledgeable of the Kharajyr, when infact he actually is. He often explores and acts more weaker than he actually is. Though while his eyes are gone, he can ‘see’, this is due to his knowledge and experience with the kharajyr magic. Though it is only brief sight every so often. Inventory: TBA Further Details: TBA Life Style Alignment: Neutral Good Deity: Metztli Religion: The Kharajyr Faith Alliance/Nation/Home: The Xerdali Isle Job/Class: Moongazer of Metztli and Elder Priest. Title(s): Having been both a citizen, merchant and priest he holds the titles: Sa’, Ko’ and Ja’. Though due to his job he prioritises the priest title so he uses this in his name. Profession(s): TBA Special Skill(s): Knowledgeable of the old ways of Va’Khajria. This would benefit him as he is able to use this knowledge to re-write and discover old tomes from the past Era’s. This would also include relics. He would know a lot about the relics of Va’Khajria and the fallen Empire. He is also able to speak fluent Va’Khajrian and in the common tongue, through which has an accent. Flaw(s): Bukkahkoj is often very careless, always misplacing things and taking a long while to remember where he put them. He also has very bad hand-to-eye coordination, which means if things are thrown at him and he's expected to catch them, chances are he will not be able to. Sometimes clumsy, often locked in a task which needs to be done and not paying attention to what is in front of him causing him to walk into things and trip over things such as tree roots on Xerdali, though this is mainly due to his blindness. Magic Current Status: Tier 5, one of the masters of the magic. Arch-type: Muun’Trivazja. Sub-Type: Lunar Harbinger, Twilight Priest and Moongazer Rank: Elder Priest Weakness(es): Due to his blindness he often uses his energy from the moonpool quicker then most, this is due to his state of present moongazing every so often for ‘sight’.. Strength(s): Due to him having studied a lot before joining the Moongazers he has learnt a lot about the ritual practises that are to happen and has found multiple tomes from the past and ancient time of Va’Khajria. Current Spell(s): TBA DUE TO REWRITE Weaponry Fighting Style: Mukar does not like fighting, while he is peaceful he can try to act intimidating with the use of Muun’Trivazja. Though due to his blindness he is unable to fight, unless blindly charging into a large crowd and swinging his sword madly. Though sometimes he has weapons on him for affect and often for the consumption of food. Bamboo-sword. The bamboo-sword is created from a large bamboo shaft. Three quaters of it has been cut off and the smaller end has had a metal blade atached to it, the smaller bamboo part acting as a handle. The other side of the bamboo shaft has been hollowed out and acts as a sheath, the metal blade easily being able to fit inside. With a twist the two lock together forming a bamboo cane which he uses as a walking stick. Also disguised as one so he can sneak a weapon into places where one would not be allowed. This is often used as a walking stick while not using his staff, and for the consumption of food. The D’fu staff. sa Biography Parents: Ko’Dato (Father/Presumed Dead), Siblings: Tlatlanni daro (Younger Brother/Presumed Dead), Va’Sharr (Younger Brother/Presumed Dead), S'Tarkin (Older Brother/Presumed Dead), Sa'Seetah (Sister/Presumed Dead), So'dawka (Brother/Presumed Dead), Sa'Shela (Sister/Presumed Dead). Children: Raena (Daughter), Itotian (Daughter), Lunaw (Daughter), Zhikar (Son), Odion (Son). Extended Family: Ja’Kaharal (Wife), Yuulpria (Mother-in-law), Jaitra (Sister-in-law), Rameethar (Father-in-law). Pets: Mihyn Mihyn translates to Lunar in Va’Khajrian. Mihyn is a Gy’Waka from Karakatua. Sometimes brought onto Xerdal though often kept on the mainland due to Xerdal’s small size. Though Xerdal is a tough bird, he has to be to be able to hold Mukar obese weight. Though is quite aged and worn out, he manages to do his task, spending the majority of its days resting. History - Born near to the end of Kalos, the litter of his brothers and sisters. - Birth of Rynsuho and Vyallu, daughters to the Tlatlanni, Morthawl. - Orcs pillage and destroy the Kharajyr village of Kalos, and travel to a new home - Beckoned by the monks to travel with the descendents into a new realm known as Anthos. - Move to Anthos and onto the island of Karakatua. - Studied within the Grand Library of Metztli located within the Tlatlanni’s palace, learning of the ancient ways and rituals. - Mother, Ko’Vafeera, dies. - Prophecy of the Great Stone of Metztli exploding, causing evacuation of the Island in search for new lands. - Settles with the other Kharajyr near to the city of Gronkkston under the reign of Rex Gronkk - Kharajyr move to a grove near to the new Cloud Temple grounds, a grove gifted by the Druid Order. - Fringe opens and Mukar joins his fellow people in the city of Tahn’Siol with the high elves, his brothers and sisters having been lost, along with his father. Their locations unknown. - Defeat of Setherien ment Mukar could not return to the ruins of Karakatua or Anthos. - Mukar found his father, Ko’Dato, within Alras, in the mages guild. - After the great storm and plague of The Fringe, of which Mukar suffered from greatly, the races traveled to Thales. - Once more the Kharajyr situated themselves close to their High elven allies, creating their own settlement known as Karak’Tuum. - Great snow storm, kharajyr travel to Athera to inhabit Ohlokhar. - Ohlokhar destroyed pillaged by the Orcs which later was destroyed in place for the Ordium, the kharajyr’s new home and citadel. - The Ordium had fallen and with that many kharajyr had died or went missing, including his first wife, Mara. Though he talks to nobody of this. - Va’Khajria kharajyr took over government, his brother, Dato, becoming the Tlatlanni. - Feast in the Va’Khajrian camp, Rokhan came and delivered Metztli’s message and solution to our hardship. - Followed Rokhan and the other Kharajyr with this new way of life, sailing to Vailor. - Travels back to the present Kharajyr residing within the large temple. He sets up a home there too, becoming the Varkolu under the reign of Tla’Rameethar and Tla’Atl. - Finds the body of his dead wife placed in his bed. - He faked his death in order to keep his reputation, many believing he had died when infact he went into solitude to study and increase his experience in muun’trivazja. - The Devourer devourers the island and the residents are forced to travel to Tla’Rokhans abode. - Settles on the island of Xerdali to live this new way of life that is The Way of Bayla and The Art of Cano’hedo. - Present day Artwork
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