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Found 10 results

  1. THE FLAMES BECKON -=+=-=+[-]+=-=+=- -=+=-=+[-]+=-=+=- To those damned, the sunlit peaks shone like salvation. To those liberated, they gleamed like succession. To those neither damned nor liberated, twisted nor blessed- the peaks were naught but ascension. Naught but glory. Rebirth. TO THOSE LOST. ||=||👁||=|| The days of harrowed pasts. ||=||👁||=|| The days of sweltered futures. ||=||👁||=|| The days of such past and future converge to the present. The time has come to become found. The gates of Tor’Praeth swing open- those who wish to visit may visit. Those who seek to know a place in the world; those who seek to know their sights within the realm are welcome. To seek flame is not a mere pastime. It is something further, an arduous task to seek one’s place in the realms. To seek what drives one- to seek Asioth. To seek beckoning flames is to beckon a seeking pyre. To tempt a stray flame is to be prepared to scorch flesh. Yet with that risk comes fruition- a pathway to a truth beyond apotheosis, knowledge beyond prescience, and willpower beyond sublimation. Reach the Northwest peaks of Redmont. Scour the lands, find thy gates which stand strong; find us. To those who seek us, seek power, strength, knowledge, wisdom, or Asioth: WE AWAIT THEE. [To seek an interaction, DM Pallodium (@pallodium) on Minecraft or Discord.] OOC:
  2. To all who roam the realms, hear the plea of the Nowak Household! We send this message to the winds, in hopes that it reaches the ears of our beloved kin, Stanisław and Borysław, twin brothers who have been absent from our midst for far too long. Dear brothers, if this message finds its way to you, know that our hearth and hearts yearn for your return. Enswerp now stands as our home, where we have settled and where we long for your presence to complete our family once more. The fires of home burn bright, and Our doors are open wide, ready to welcome you back with open arms. Join us in Enswerp, where we can share tales of our adventures, and create new memories together. May the winds guide you home, Dear Stanisław and Borysław, and may our family be whole once more. Original Nowak Post Nowak Send a bird to Jan Nowak II [Pork__] or Join the Discord if you are interested! Nowak Discord
  3. THE ORDER OF DEAD MEN Sulfur Trails It’s come to my attention, from one brother to another, a great skeleton has been lost in the line of calcified duty. Deadmen lost to their own ambitions, or ascended into something else. Loaned or stoned I would say they have a place, if only they knew which hours to roam, looking through old pages on cluttered bulletin boards. From now on it is a harsh and cruel test, and the cracks in the walls are sealed. So the word is given, once again they will march under a new general, for the sake of Iblees, the Red Emperor, Gashadokuro, and so people cannot drink tea in peace. May all our enemies former and future have a bad morning, a bad evening, and certainly a bad night.
  4. Recruitment for House Temesch et Martiel of Petra - Introduction - House Temesch et Martiel, a Comital vassal of the Commonwealth of Petra holds the lands of the County of Martiel, the Viscounty of Mies and the Barony of Resmore. Currently, there is one available child character in the mainline, born to the Count Adrian @Kaii, and Countess-consort Wilhelmina (née von Augusten). He is currently 9 years old. Please DM fire1003 on discord if you’re interested in learning more about / playing the kid below, and a skin can be provided: N/A - Family Lore - The Temesch et Resmore Household traces its roots to the founding of the Commonwealth of Petra. Since then, it has thrived as a part of Petra; with its history stretching back to the younger brother of the Commonwealth's Founder, Charles Joseph Temesch. Godfrey Marcellus, the son of Charles, emerged as one of the first individuals to attain his titles upon settling in the new lands. This marked the beginning era of a lineage that stands as one of the oldest noble families still thriving in Petra. Godfrey, a past figure in Petra's governance, served as one of the Grand Speakers of the Petra. In addition to sitting as Grand Speaker, Godfrey aided in funding exploration and the expansion into the lands nearby the City of Vallagne. As the Viscount of Mies, Godfrey, and Lorena were blessed with four children, with the youngest, Adrian Godfrey, assuming the title of Viscount following the revocation of his elder brother’s titles from the Commonwealth. In keeping with his father's legacy, Adrian took on the roles of Viscount and Grand Speaker of the Garmont Assembly. In 1953, he entered into matrimony with Wilhelmina von Augusten of the Viscounty of Azor in Petra. The couple was blessed with the birth of three children in 1954, followed by another in 1955, and 1956, thereby continuing the lineage of the Temesch et Resmore Household. In 1959, Adrian Godfrey saved the life of Queen Catherine in a valiant battle, and was rewarded with a County due to his service, and the contributions made by himself and his family during their span as a Viscomital House. In 1961, the royal house of the Petra took their historical surname Temesch of the Petra, and Temesch of Martiel split into a junior branch of Temesch et Martiel.
  5. The Tennallar Talonnii Searching For More Members As a new and upcoming Talonnii of Celia’nor, the Tennallar have been growing steadily and staking their claim as committed members of society. This is a Talonnii of well educated, properly mannered Mali’Aheral sailors. Whether adopted, or born. We are looking to bring 2-3 additional members into the family by such means. Should you be interested, I can be found through Discord to further discuss family relations and how to fit you in. Onwards and Forever Forwards! Customs and Appearance https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/224964-the-tennallar-talonnii/?tab=comments#comment-1975248 OOC Note Contact @Cassie#1225 or @Laeonathan#3614 on Discord if interested And we currently have 7 active members. Both new and old. Plenty of RP opportunities
  6. Mimosa Applefoot, Mayor of Bywater, stands on the roads of Bywater. She looks over Zidanna's observatory, the Cingedoz trading cart, and the Aurora Residence. Behind her lies the the Bywater Jungle, where brave Adventurers, big-folk and halfling alike, slew the Fire-Breathing Terror-Lizard that once threatened the village. She lies down against the grass, a quill in her hand, and begins to write: "My Fellow Halflings. It has been a long and arduous few years. There are forces at work that seek to destroy us; to drown us against the waters, burn us against the flames, and corrupt our hearts and souls. There are many who support us. Kind big-folks, be they small like us, or tall and green, or somewhere inbetween, come to Bywater to defeat Evil and defend us. Against all the odds, we have prevailed. Our vision, our dream, our future of a peaceful shire where we can till the soil and reap its fruits has shown through. Not all is as it used to be, however. We are no longer a state merely of halflings, but of adventurers, of farmers, and of friends. We are not isolated any longer, and there are others on Almaris who share in our vision. With this in mind, I make a few key changes to the village: FIRST: Bywater is a village by and for halflings, but we need others to truly thrive! Like-minded big folks are to be welcomed and given homes in the far corners of Bywater (Where ol' Bogwartz now stands vacant) so they may trade with us and help keep us safe. At the same time, city-halflings must be brought to Bywater at an ever-increasing rate to fill all vacant burrows with life! SECOND: The Quest Office is to be expanded, and Adventurers from all over Almaris brought into Bywater to further protect us, obtaining glory and wealth for themselves in the process (as all adventurers ought to!). THIRD: Keeping with our old Republican Traditions that date back to Dunshire, the Second Election of Bywater will begin shortly! I will be running for my third term as Mayor, and others are welcome to run against me or for the position of Sheriff! We have proven ourselves, and now we are to reap the fruits of our success! -Mayor Mimosa Applefoot" And surely enough, as the sun rose over Bywater, a new feeling comes across the village. Not one of worry, or of fear, but of hope. The hope of a good life not just for one's self, but for all. OOC: Bywater has gone through a lot since it's formation. We were threatened with eviction at the hands of the staff over only hitting 0.8% activity, yet we have pulled through and now must look to the future. We have active leadership as well as daily events. These will continue (obviously), but with renewed vigor. Unlike many LOTC communities, Bywater (and by proxy the halflings) is open to events and building by many people, not just our leadership. It is an ideal environment to grow comfortable with building and planning your own narratives on the server. On top of this, there are some other benefits to playing a halfling and/or living in Bywater: -No Taxes (ever!) -You can build your own burrow (or cottage, or observatory, or anything really, we don't mind) -Publicly provided and shared building materials via the Storage Burrow. No need to grind everything yourself (contributing is still encouraged!) -An overall fun and friendly atmosphere If you've ever wanted to make a halfling or live with halflings, now is the time to do so! Here is a link to the Halfling Skin Archive (I WILL LITERALLY PAY FOR YOUR SKIN COMMISSION IF NONE OF THESE SKINS SUIT YOU): https://sites.google.com/view/skinarchive/home/halfling-skins?authuser=0 Here is a link to the Halfling Guide (Made by yours truly): And, last but certainly not least, a link to the Halfling Discord: https://discord.gg/uXsA9wq Here's how you get to Bywater in the first place:
  7. After years of slumber, we rise our heads from the rubble. The Mali'ker clan, R'ikarth opens its doors once again for aspiring monster hunters, warriors, and medics. We have won the battle against destiny and time. We are here with our heads up, and stronger than ever, United once again to build a legacy that will not be broken through time, conflict, and death. We encourage all mali'ker and other races that share the love of adventure to fight and join us in this Exciting journey. We shall train and test your abilities to see if you are worthy of carrying the r'ikarth name and its legacy. If we have convinced you spirits to join us, send us a bird, and we will gladly meet with you to anwser any questions you may have. We wait for your arrival. Delra R'ikarth, Daughter of Zirath R'ikarth. (OOC: Discord is Gage#8152 Repost for new information Ps- sorry for the formatting, not used to the forums here quite yet)
  8. Calling all mercenaries, sell-swords, highwaymen, vagabonds, adventurers, or any man of low or otherwise questionable morals. The Red Company is hiring! Perks of enlisting include, but are not limited to, being supplied with armor and weapons, a salary of 40 minas a week, participation in battles across Almaris, and entitlement to an equal share of any war loot The Company acquires. (Men of The Red Company in full uniform) If you or anyone you know is interested in joining the Red Company, tell them to contact the Captain, Friedrich Radclyf, commonly found in Urguan or Elysium. (The Red Company in Brynrose during the Tour of Sutica) If you are interested in joining, add the discord in the spoiler and comment on the post in this format Discord: MC User: IRP name: IRP race:
  9. Halflings are actively seeking to recruit new players! We have 2 villages on Almaris at the moment, Knoxville in Haense and Bramblebury in Elvenesse. Both of them are pretty decent and have cool stuff going on in them! Link to Knoxville discord: https://discord.gg/q2g2PYbv8e How to get to Knoxville: Knoxville usually has roleplay from around 2 PM EST to as late as midnight EST. It has some nice neighbors out in Attenlund and decent farming RP. Link to Bramblebury discord (also used for general halfling discussion not related to any village): https://discord.gg/uXsA9wq How to get to Bramblebury: ((not sure if this road path is accurate)) Bramblebury runs events on the Spicy Shrimp (the big ship moored in the village) and has a bakery ran by @Rioling Link to halfling roleplay guide (slightly oudated): Link to halfling burrow building guide: Halfling Skinning: Let me know if there's anything else you want or need if you're making a halfling persona!
  10. Silver Keep Defence Force The Silver Keep or Simply silver order, is a group or soldiers and workers who fight to protect house Radah and all of its members. We will fight for glory and prosperity for the house and for our religion we worship the canon church. We will house our troops/ soldiers and give the food, weaponry and everything needed. A small, yet powerful ranking system, used among us within the keep… Ranks: Officers Master The leader of the defense force, he is the top man in charge of the troops. He will handle all decisions that have to do with the force, unless the lord where to intervene. He must be strong and have proven himself to the lord, that he is the man for the job. Commander: This is the second man in charge of the force, the the master is not around he will handle decisions that are up to its level, he will also help the Master of Leader of the force organize rallies such as training or war rallies. Soldiers Guardsmen The guardsmen have proven themselves, and are now a large part of The Silver Order. They are required to help new recruits out as well as being present at all times when duties call. They will be treated with respect because of their work within the keep. Footmen This is the basic majority of the group, they have surpassed the test and have been oathed. Footmen well work hard to keep the place safe. They will also be sended out to recruit and mission most of the time. Unoathed: They are yet to prove themselves, though they are respected for trying to join the order, they will be put through hard challenges and missions. They will not rest until their bodies have reached the required amount of training to be a footman. After their hard work, they will receive a secret oath by the order. Optional Ranks: Battlemages: This is the rank given to those who which to join the force, and have the power of magi. But new mage users will have to go through the uncoated rank, even though the have the power of magi, they will still have to prove themselves. Any time of magic is allowed, from healing to evocation. Any type of dark arts is restricted. Uniform/Armor Joining Application: Many stacks of paper would be place on top of each other under the posters, they would contain the application to join. Mc Name: Rp Name: Race: Age: Skills (miner, blacksmith, etc): ((Repost since last one was a mess and didn't state correct facts))
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