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  2. riorr

    Cheap Skin Sale

    7 Sold!! To the dwarf with the great beard!
  3. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) Atulg Bur'zolm straightened his massive frame, the dim candlelight casting shadows across his green skin and muscular build. His deep voice rumbled as he spoke, "I am Atulg Bur'zolm, a humble merchant of the wandering roads." He paused, his sharp eyes scanning the old hag's weathered face. "My journey has brought me far, through forests and mountains, to this murky place," he continued, adjusting the strap of his heavy pack. "I was born and raised in Krugmar, the heart of orcish civilization. Growing up in Krugmar, I was surrounded by the hustle and bustle of trade, which shaped me into the merchant I am today." He took another step closer, the ground creaking under his weight. "My parents were both esteemed traders, teaching me the intricacies of commerce and the value of every deal. They instilled in me the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges. I trade in goods rare and valuable, from enchanted trinkets to exotic spices. Perhaps you have something of interest, or perhaps you seek what I can provide." "But first," Atulg's voice lowered, his gaze intense, "tell me, how did you know I was coming? What is it you wish to know of me?
  4. The skull of Gorkus, The Iron Boar, is locked away in some far away prison, doomed in eternal sealing, yet surely it ponders. "Why de skah am I nub in de list?"
  5. Today
  6. Discord: xmuted Bid: buyout for 7
  7. 7th of Veronica's Strength, 107 D.R. The del Maravillas; a household formed via the initial familial lines of the royal household of de Pelear. Many firsts came to be had, and the first of their titles, of their generation - formed a house of their own to make a legacy for ages to come. Twins, blonde of hair, born to Prince Arman de Pelear and Princess-Consort Harmen de Pelear came to be. His Highness, Infante Rafael Arsenico and Her Highness, Infanta Renata Alba. Born into a grey area, in which they were royals and nobility alike, they toed the line of something new as they ventured forth into the world. The duo wished for and strived for more, and so as they came into adulthood, they were granted the title of Dual Barony of Soles Gemelos - thus beginning the household of Del Maravilla. TRADITIONS AND VALUES As is with any household, traditions and values are something passed onto the future generations. While the del Maravilla household is new in name, the traditions and values they have been raised with will move on and to the family, while leaving room for expansion. Meritorial Heirship The household values competency, which is showcased in their meritorial heirship. While the founding siblings are known for their party nature, hard work is always put first and foremost, which allows for the finer luxuries in life afterwards. The Value of Twins Following the experiences of the founders of the house, and in honour of the patron twin saints, Clement and Evaristus, it is generally believed that twins are lucky or blessed. Household Revelry Variety is the spice of life, and what better to spice things up by coming up with unique parties and festivities. It is common practice for del Maravillas to throw feasts or celebrations, often showcasing something new or exciting to the rest of their peers. A House of Luxury Only the best is expected of the household, and only the best shall be had. Whether the finest dresses, or the flashiest parties, the del Maravilla household is one of luxury and excitement - never allowing for a dull moment to take hold. CULTURE Rule of Two The House, wielding a dual rule over its land. They believe in the Rule of Two, which means that something should generally be governed by two overseers. This idea stems from the founders of the house, Rafael and Renata being twins. Having two people lead something allows for different skill sets and views to be at play, as well as keeping one another in line. Arboriculture While many houses in Hyspia practice traditional agriculture, such as wheat and corn farms, the del Maravillas pride themselves in their skills in Arbori and floriculture. Or better known as the growing and study of trees and flowers. This distinction comes about due to the house's wealth, allowing them to invest more into these resource intensive fields. Astrology The house founders having been the founders of the Hyspian Zodiac, the del Maravilla household holds stock in the zodiac those are born under. They keep meticulous track of their monthly fortunes, and will go as far as to plan their day to day around them. HEIRLOOMS AND ARTEFACTS These are items that have come to be of importance to the household. As the household is relatively new, there are few heirlooms and artefacts to speak of, until some time passes. Saqr Al-Nahash: A Qalasheen invention gifted to Princess-Royal Renata Alba upon the Qalasheens departure of Hyspia. Granted for providing friendship during difficult times. It is a crossbow with a crank and a carved sight for greater aim and accuracy. Signed, Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba del Maravilla, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorado, Dual Baron of Soles Gemelos, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chamberlan of the Girasol Courts His Highness, Rafael Arsenico del Maravilla, Infante of Hyspia, Dual Baron of Solees Gemelos, Baron of Evaristus, Ministro del Pais, Envoy of Hyspia, Court Astrologer Su Señor, Carlos del Maravilla, Baron-Consort of Clemente, Ministro de Interior Su Señora, Persis del Maravilla, Baroness-Consort of Evaristus
  8. riorr

    Cheap Skin Sale

    3, 5 and 8 Sold!!
  9. Discord: Lirinya Bid: Buyout for 3, 5 and 8?
  10. Freja


    User was successfully implemented!I am a bot. Please contact a staff member if you need assistance.
  11. NotAPan


    Changed Status to Accepted
  12. NotAPan


    Hi there, as you can see, you have been accepted onto the server! Well done on your application, you’re doing great! Welcome to the wonderful community of LotC! To get started, The server IP is mc.lotc.co The server is 1.18.2 - 1.19.3 To get started, I suggest going to tutorial island or do; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me? Here are some links to help you start out! https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Settlement_Guides https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Nations_and_Major_Charters If you need help, Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord notapan . I’m often online, so you can message me with /msg NotAPan to find me in game. If I’m not around You can always do /creq with your questions or you can also use the LotC Discord which is right here! : Discord Lastly, here is the new player hub, I recommend you look over it! New player hub Have fun role playing! :D
  13. Hello! This will be a quick auction I’m running 16th-18th. It is mostly old skins of mine but a few are recent, so shading styles vary. Starting bid for ALL skins is £2 and buyout for all is £5 USD equivalent is $2.50 to $6.30 Please write your bid in £ to avoid confusion. I take payments through PayPal only. The buyer is free to edit/recolour these skins as they see fit. If there is a reference for the outfit it has been included! None of the models for the skins are included, this auction is outfit only. BIDDING RULES @ the person who bid before you Bidding increases by £1 Please write bids in £ and use the titles to avoid confusion Please be courteous Follow the bidding format BIDDING FORMAT Discord: Bid: ( if applicable, @ the person who bid on the skin you're wanting before you) Auction ends at 10pm BST or 5pm EST on the 18th June. Bids placed after this time will be considered invalid. Happy bidding! 1) Rosalia 2) Marshmallow 3) Frenchie 4) Adventuring Lady 5) Floral Tea Party 6) Fairy Druid (2 versions, both included) 7) Mango Man Go 8) The Poet 9) Sherbet Melon 10) Strawberry Baker
  14. Freja


    User was successfully implemented!I am a bot. Please contact a staff member if you need assistance.
  15. NotAPan


    Changed Status to Accepted
  16. NotAPan


    Hi there, as you can see, you have been accepted onto the server! Well done on your application, you’re doing great! Welcome to the wonderful community of LotC! To get started, The server IP is mc.lotc.co The server is 1.18.2 - 1.19.3 To get started, I suggest going to tutorial island or do; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me? Here are some links to help you start out! https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Settlement_Guides https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Nations_and_Major_Charters If you need help, Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord notapan . I’m often online, so you can message me with /msg NotAPan to find me in game. If I’m not around You can always do /creq with your questions or you can also use the LotC Discord which is right here! : Discord Lastly, here is the new player hub, I recommend you look over it! New player hub Have fun role playing! :D
  17. you forgot about spleef we could solve the spectator problem by doing a gigantic free-for-all where the last man mounted wins
  18. Damn, love the deity art ❤️, the more uncanny it looks like the better
  19. It is neat that someone finally came forth with a new rewrite. This one is pretty faithful to my old lore down to the last wisp. Not very cool to leave me out of the credits though… as ya know, the creator of every spell, concept, and configuration you used in this post. It doesn’t really matter but respect your elders, kid. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/158140-canon-guide-to-arcanism/?tab=comments#comment-1496430
  20. A certain masterful aeromancer takes note of the missive.
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