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  2. CONTEMPLATIONS IN HOARFROST Anxious toes stood on the precipice of rimestruck lake, teetering on the edge of the waters. Already, an errant elf could feel the chilling burn on the soles of his feet. To the side his belongings were laid- a hat and a simple bag, his linen shirt folded neat and dry inside. With boots clipped under-arm, the errant man waded into the water with a hitched gasp as frost ran up his spine. The water welcomed the elf with all the grace of innumerable frozen pins boring into the bark of his bones, each stroke a step deeper into torture. The chill was a weight on his chest, chilling his lungs and stoppering his his ragged breath. His goal stood in the center of the frozen lake, a dry bar where he was to sit. After his labor through the bitter, biting water, panicked fingers grasped for frozen earth, clawing to remove himself from the agonizing drink. All the while, the question he was bade to consider rang in his mind. He was to wait to ruminate until he’d reached his perch at the water’s center, but the elf was taken by a wandering mind. He had given thought to the Um’ei his entire journey, during each stroke across the water. He had mulled over countless answers to the given question; By the teachings of Eresar, why are we? “To endure?” he thought, introspective of himself, huddled and freezing on an islet. But endurance is part of the journey; Asioth was a destination. The man knew one thing for certain; He knew nothing at all. Not what he was, not what he would become. Often, he saw himself as ‘journey’ incarnate, always moving but never coming to settle. The thought clawed at him nearly as much as the biting air at his wet skin. How terrible, it would be, if his tale ended here, if he could do no good by anyone, if he could not be the warrior-erudite he once envisioned himself as. ‘To suffer,’ murmured he, clutching his freezing and soaked form tightly. A bitter laugh fell from his lips as he attempted to make warmth of what breath remained in his lungs. But suffering didn’t feel like Asioth, or what he had read of it. If suffering was Asioth, he had attained it, as the tundric air made his eyelids hang low, each blink longer than the last. Barely could he bid flingers to flick, or arms to lift, only the energy to ponder remained in him. ‘My form will be rendered a block of ice, and I will shatter,’ he thought. The tundra would take him, and he would perish with no amount of pride in his accomplishments. Would he die a novice in all of his pursuits? Would he be broken, and never rebirthed? A chill ran through the elf. Not of ice, but knowledge. His jaw went shifted and went taut at the notion he remembered, glanced betwixt vellum pages; Strange liturgy that seemed to be an auld sage’s nonsensical ramblings. Their mere thought seemed enough to bid his extremities to move, and feet to support him as he stood. The elf leapt back into the murky water with abandon, a pair of boots left lingering on the floating islet, becoming a figment in the distance as his pain wracked body fjorded the water, and pulled itself agonizingly to the snowy shore. He began a limp across a frozen plain, headed towards sweltering stone. His answer would not be spoken to the air, unless first-heard by a waiting master.
  3. "Wonderful. I feel - so important now." Muses Arakawa, newly appointed Vizier of Earth. "I should make up some badges." He then goes back to the renovation of his home, humming happily. "Oh. And a sufficiently long signature."

  5. Thank you for your Map Art submission, a Community Team member will contact you via Discord when it is ready or with any issues. I am a bot, contact a staff member if you require assistance.
  6. MC Name: seannie Discord: seannnnie Image: Description of Image: The Butterfield Map of Aevos Dimensions: 2x2
  7. The King of Ravenmire looks over the map "Ah one did not travel to the far northern sea, I see." giving a slight nod.
  8. THE SEEKER’S QUERY An Errant, faith-seeking Elf walked up to a group of High Elves in the Principality of CELIA’NOR and asked, ‘OUGHT WE HATE THE SHADOW’ They ignored my query as they nailed an Ibleesian’s head to a spike. The elf traveled into the White City of NUMENOST, where he met the Adunian Queen and a Knight. He interrupted their conversation regarding the slaughter of demons, undead, and dragons to ask, ‘OUGHT WE HATE THE SHADOW?’ The Queen asked in turn, ‘Are you attempting to get me to draw my sword on you?’ in response to the question, while the Knight said ‘I do not hate the shadow itself, but the one who casts it.’ The Queen then said ‘Yes’. The faithseeker found himself between the coppershelled rises of URGUAN , where he saw a lone Dwarf hammering white-hot metal. To the stout one he asked, ‘OUGHT WE HATE THE SHADOW?’ The Dwarf responded, ‘Depends on the Shadow’, in his brogue. He became too uncomfortable to produce an answer to a question of Canonist faith. Then, he walked betwixt walls he ought not venture into; He found himself in the Wood Elven hold of NEVAEHLEN, where he encountered a Dedicant of the Druidic mission; A librarian, and former apprentice to an Ownyst Lectorate. He asked him, ‘OUGHT WE HATE THE SHADOW?’ The Dedicant responded, “Nay, we should pity it.” He continued, “We should slay The Shadow where it is found, but not hate it.” The elf took his query to REINMAR where he found a child, who insisted he ask her the question, ‘OUGHT WE HATE THE SHADOW?’ The little girl answered simply, “Yes we should - Because they are spawns of Iblees.” She thought he was Darkspawn for asking. Onto HOKHMAT he went, where he found a pair of voidal mages he had met several times before, along with a talking tome. He looked between the two familiar women as the academy beyond loomed over them and, gleefully, rendered the question unto them, ‘OUGHT WE HATE THE SHADOW?’ The first mage asked, ‘The Shadow of What?’ The second said ‘No. The Shadow is the unknown. We may hate what is within the Shadow, but not the Shadow itself.’ The speaking tome answered with confusion, ‘The world was dark, before it was light. There is no reason to hate the Shadow, for it came first.’ The first mage, upon hearing of the querying elf’s travels spurned the people of Reinmar, agreeing with the tome when it said their people ought to be anointed in Voidal Flame. Dwelling deep in the desert, after a sweltering journey, the elf found himself beyond sandy cliffs in the home of THE IRON HORDE, where he stood before a group of Orcs who looked upon the seeker strangely when he asked, ‘OUGHT WE HATE THE SHADOW?’ The leader of the group said, ‘If you refer to Darkspawn, then yes. Kill them all.’ The Orcs reported to the elf that all Canonists were to be killed by them. The seeker felt relieved to have been allowed to leave. After seven groups, and seven holds, the errant elf- exhausted- found himself back within the lands of HANSETI-RUSKA, where his journey began. He stared around himself, at a quiet city until the hoof-falls of an impending stampede beckoned his attention to the front gate. There came a glittering force of the faithful, the honored Patriarch among them. The errant elf thought to himself- he’d queried Aevos’ people, all but one. So he would ask, staring at his reflection in a puddle. ‘OUGHT WE HATE THE SHADOW?’
  9. Andrea smiled as she looked at the map. "Interesting lost art"
  10. Today
  11. To really help drive the point home Dhen released a short solo that was pinned below the Balian version of this publication Irene you have been beat. Sit back listen to my technique. For you, the outcome is bleak. Young Primordial is on a winning streak. Is this war that you seek? now listen as your bones creak You are nothing but a freak this song, was my treat.

  13. "Well- That's a pleasant surprise!" A young mali says with a smile to her face, "I'm sure lari’maronn is pretty pleased, let's hope this truce stays this way."
  14. ON: 5th of Sun’s Smile, 179 S.A 5th of Javier’s Justice, 101 D.R With the signing and promulgation of this document, the Sovereignty of Hyspia and the Duchy of Brabant, henceforth referred to as ‘the signatories’, do agree on their honor to the terms laid forth hereafter. ARTICLE I - RECOGNITION The signatories recognise the authority, legitimacy, leadership, & titles of the counter-signatories, with mutual respect of each ability to exercise their powers within their realms, the recognition of their respective borders & to conduct diplomacy as they see fit. ARTICLE II - NON-AGRESSION That the signatories pledge to adhere to principles of peace between each other, and, on the basis of sharing belief in the one true Canonist faith, shall not wage war upon one another or try to bring harm to the integrity of each other’s territories in any way, shape or form ARTICLE III - TRADE & TRAVEL A. The signatories agree to allowing the free movement of their respective citizenries between the two realms. B. The signatories grant each other one shop or stall in each other’s capital which shall be free of tax, to enable trade to flourish between the two realms. ARTICLE IV - DARKSPAWN The Signatories agree to lend mutual support, such as in the form of military, in all cases that involve a darkspawn (vampires, demons, undead, etc.) threat in one another’s domain. ARTICLE V - FRIENDSHIP To commemorate the friendship between these two states, the Sylvan Duchy of Brabant will gift the Viceroyalty of Hyspia 4 llamas and 3 purebred horses. ARTICLE VI - DURATION May the pact be in effect for 15 years, and the friendship be in perpetuity. Signed, His Grace, Ser Sterling Blaxton-Whitewood, Duke of Brabant, Marquis of Lotusgrad, Baron of Blackwell, Lilenburg and Swan’s Keep, Lord of the Peaks, Protector of the Weefolk. HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Ramona de Pelear, Sovereign Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Pacazu, Baroness of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lady of Ladorada, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestress of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Matriarch of House de Pelear HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Korvia, Sovereign Prince-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk
  15. "Our cook is deeply accomplished!" Exclaimed HEDWIG OF WARSOVIA as she showed her husband the Butterfield Map. "My curiousity on his culinary skills only grows." @Olox_
  16. The Duke of Brabant was stoked to be put on the map. "I must offer this company a sizeable donation!"
  17. Christos Voskrese!!!!! Voistinu Voskrese
  18. "Huge." Says the 2 foot tall gnome.
  19. Christos anesti (Christ Has Risen) Happy Easter to all those who celebrate orthodox easter
  20. "hohkmat stays winning" - sarah artenin, local woman who was appointed to vizier status
  21. (High Resolution: https://imgur.com/a/CTWAFsa) Produced by Montague Butterfield, owner and operator of The Butterfield Company, the Butterfield Map is a stylized projection of the continent of Aevos in the One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Fifth Imperial Year of Our Lord. Montague Butterfield has ventured around the continent for decades as a traveling merchant peddling the world's most exceptional libations and culinary delights. Over the years, he compiled meticulous notes on the locations and boundaries of natural wonders and civilization. Initially produced for internal routing of trade caravans, the Butterfield family decided on a public release of this essential travel companion to celebrate the one-thousandth successful voyage of their trade fleet. Butterfield artisans faithfully reproduce this product using state-of-the-art block presses, powered by Heartlandic ox and muscle, available in all sizes, from pocket to floor murals. Discrepancies and Complaints Discrepancies identified by the public should be expressed in writing and addressed to The Butterfield Cartography Division. Mail can be received by raven or messenger at 189 Butterfield Lane, Heartlands. Complaints can be sent by raven or messenger to Complaint Burning Pit, 190 Butterfield Lane, Heartlands. Brought to you by: The Miller's Mark™, King's Ivy Tea™, and Hammer Time Road Repair LLC are subsidiaries of the Butterfield Company.
  22. Vizier Appointments to Government “FULL TIME POSITIONS” We declare the following changes within the Chamber of Stars, the government which manages the state of Hohkmat, to better suit the academic institution which it is meant to support. Resignations Having served our nation admirably, Lady Rhae’lin of the Magister House Ashwood, has determined it is time to resign from a near 75 years of tenure at the Academy as the Vizier of Earth. Under her leadership the Chamber of Earth has become one of the most institutionally important organizations of the government. She will continue to serve, at her leisure, within the Chamber and amongst the Academy as she takes on a more relaxed role within the Academy. The Vizier parted the following words to the Academy upon her retirement, “Effective immediately, I submit my resignation as the Vizier of the Chamber of Earth. This decision was made after careful consideration and reflection on the coming academic renaissance within the realm of Hohkmat. My focus hereon will be shifted to a depth of research that will prevent my full confinement to Chamber duties. To my colleagues and friends, I thank you for the time and support you have offered throughout my tenure here. It would not have been possible with each and every one of you.” Lady, Rhae’lin of House Ashwood Weaver of the Void Appointments Effective immediately, we do appoint Sarah of the Great House of Artenin to the position of VIZIER of the CHAMBER OF FIRE. Effective immediately, we do appoint Tatsu Arakawa of Clan Tatsu to the position of VIZIER of the CHAMBER OF EARTH. Both Magi do come to this chamber highly recommended with years of service already to the Academy and the free peoples of Hohkmat. SO BOUND GRAND-MAGISTER, Sorcerer-King, Hierophant of the Mysteries, Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat FAERYEL of FAHRAZAD GRAND-APPRENTICE, Mistress of the Chamber of Stars
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