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The Shadow Crow Stilletjies


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The Shadow Crow Stilletjies



Before you read any further you must take one look at yourself and think carefully.


Are you willing to fight for justice?


Are you to be loyal to your king?


Are you willing to die for your brothers?


This is not a guild created for my own power and gain. All the corruption and war in Anthos today is unavoidable, many call the Abresi Guard corrupt, but I see them overwhelmed by hourly attacks and violence. There are a few reasons I created the Stilletjies and if you are unsure where you stand as a man then ignore this poster, if you are in any way deterred from restoring Abresi to it's original greatness then leave.  


History, why I created this


Well there I was, alone and broken-looking for one to pull me out the dirt. He helped me do this, he helped me make something of myself. Now he is away seeking a personal matter, all he told me was to do something to help. Hogvir Ironcrow, he is the one that wanted me to do this, to turn a group of men into a elite task force of elite soldiers that can preserve Anthos, helping the just side of any fight, and being respected. So the history of this place is to be made with those who board the ship of justice and fight alongside me like brothers. I must admit I am not a rich man, my influence isn't great, My friends aren't lords, I don't have 50 sets of armour for each man, despite this I have respect for the men that will join me, and as a starting organisation who is to say that we won't have all of this in due time. So I ask any Man, Orc, Elf, anyone willing to fight, patrol, guard and lead to apply for this. Although it will be small at first, we can become something worth our time.


General Code


We are a respectful group, the rules are as follows


-Each man is equal in their own specific rank.

-No stealing of any form is permitted from each other.

-Fighting with each other outside training will result in a necessary punishment.

-Getting drunk in public not only embarrasses you, but embarrasses the group.

-Getting in a relationship with another Stilletjie is unacceptable.

-Always respect the man in the rank above you.


Rank (Lowest to Highest)




-Kraai, translates to "Crow" this is the lowest rank, recruits get called this. This is the period where you will get dropped if not adequate for service.


-Skaduwee, translates to "Shadow", this is a more established rank. When you reach this you will have earned more respect and 


-Stilletjies, translates to "Stealth" this rank is basically serjeant, you would be in command of Kraai and Skaduwee a lot of the time.


-Algemene, this rank is left for the top. This is my rank.





Mc Name:


Time Zone:


Skype (optional):


Character name:


Character Age:




Why your character should join? (paragraph):


Your strengths?:


Anything else I should know?:



With all that done, those who read and decided to apply thank you.


-Hoscus Evron-

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