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Character Name;  Ecael. 

Nicknames: Just Ecael.

Age: Fifteen years of age.

Gender: Male.

Race: Mal'ame (Wood elf.) 

Status: Alive and well.



Height: 5'6

Weight: 106 lb.

Body Type: Thin, skinny ,with ample amount of muscle.

Eyes: A subtle sky blue.

Hair: Wavy Hazel locks. 

Skin: Tanned.

Markings/Tattoos: Non-existant.

Health: Healthy.

Personality: Ecael is a rather happy young boy, and loves to be around others. His only flaw is his knack for talking, no matter who you might be, he'll at least try to get a conversation out of you. ((By any means possible.))

Inventory: Copious amounts of food and drink along with a few dusted knives.

Further Details: To be added later.


Life Style

Alignment: True Neutral. 

Deity: The Aspects.

Religion: He acknowledges Druidism.

Alliance/Nation/Home; Lenniel, wherever his fellow mal'ame dwell.

Job/Class: Nothing really, but is quite well connected with animals.

Title(s): "Chatterbox.", as given by most people he meets.

Profession(s): None.

Special Skill(s): None.

Flaw(s): Is frail, un-muscular. Talks a little too much to be healthy and also is very timid to girls his age.



Current Status: Not a magic user currently. ;)



Fighting Style: Up close and personal.

Trained Weapon: Is fairly knowledgable with his daggers, but oftentimes does't resort to them

Favored Weapon: His fathers dirk.

Archery: Worst shot you'll ever meet.



Parents:  Unknown.

Siblings: He knows he has a sister, but hasn't seen her in at least a decade. 

Children: None :I

Extended Family: None that he is aware of. 

Pet(s): Asher, a snowy pet owl whom has been with Ecael for as long as he can remember.



Being worked on.




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He's 15...


He hasn't seen his sister in decades.

As in multiple groups of 10 years.

As in a minimum of 2.

Equaling at least 20.


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