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Cult Of Veist


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Da Faltor ob Veist





“Whu knuwz wub iz hozh und wub iz nub’hozh?”

“Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

The Cult of Veist is composed of uruks whose very presence blurs the line of reality and fiction. An Uruk of Veist takes pride in the tricks and ruses he creates.

We convince friend and foe alike of impossible occurrences, true or false.

Uruks of Veist play tricks of humor on others and make use of the influence received from the tongue, pen, whip, or wit.   

None are above the Spirit of Illusion.  


Cult Practices


Veist is a mischievous, albeit powerful spirit. With each performance of one of his sacred rituals, yet more power is gained by a Shaman of Veist. The path this shaman will walk will not be an easy one, and the road will be cruel and require the sacrificing of ones they hold dear. Enemies, allies, and innocents. Veist does not distinguish.

Note all of these are not done against orcs but only of other races.


Pranks- Many members of the cult take pleasure in the small things including tossing cactus green on people, tricking people into eating sharp things, ding-dong-ditching, the Veisty woop cushen, and the infamous and deadly flaming bag of feces.  


Burning of Stolen Goods- Members of the Cult must go out and steal personal belongings/items of those outside of the cult. The Shaman will start their ritual with the burning of these misc stolen goods.


Persuading others into turning to darkness/lightThe nature of an Uruk is one of the most difficult things to persuade. Uruks are proud, and stubborn. No Uruk will change easily from good to evil, and vice versa. Strong is he indeed in Veist’s power who can persuade a Brudda to change.


Sacrifice via Trickery- A person and or persons will be tricked into joining the cultists for a ritual. They are then dressed in robes of Veist’s choosing and burnt alive. Many random offerings including chicken feathers, assorted meats, or feces are tossed into the pyre with the burning corpse


Execution of allies and friendsThe strongest of the cult practices that amplifies said ritual to an entirely new level. This is done in the first stage of the ritual along with the others who are involved. All those who will be apart of the ritual must take part in the mass stabbing of the individual but the sacrifice must only be friends/allies with the shaman who is performing the ritual.






Cult Ranks


Motsham- Prophet of the Cult who holds the strongest connection to Veist. He makes all major decisions including; ranks, declaration of war, exiles, and conrols the spiritual beings of the cult that he might pass onto others.


Vadokiprus- The council that serves under the Motsham, this includes the shaman teachers as well as the highest ranking soldiers. They hold power over all other ranks except for Motsham. Have their own direct connection to Veist and are given a blessed cloak from Veist. (T5)


Elder Shaman- After a shaman has been training under an ____ for an allotted amount of time and have a strong understanding of the spirits and shamanism. They are given a blessed staff from Veist. (T3-4)


FanaticStrongest warriors who have shown their love for Veist in battle on more than five occasions; this can involve a war, skirmish, or large battle. In time of peace the zealots will be given tasks to complete to achieve this rank. They are given a blessed set of armor from Veist.


Shaman- Those who have chosen the path of shamanism. These are those who are considered to be at the basic level of learning and understanding as it comes to the spirits and shamanism. They are given a blessed mask from Veist. (T1-T2)


ZealotA talented soldier who has chosen the path of a warrior after their time as a cultist. They are given a blessed sword from Veist.


Cultist- The first rank after an acolyte has been blessed. They will soon choose the path that they wish to take within the cult. Basically the fresh members.


(OOC) Want to join?


All orcs are welcome to join the cult, it doesn’t matter if you are from the Uzg or separate from them. The group has been created due to the lack of shamanism roleplay going on in the orcish community. We are currently working on some addons to the Shamanism lore as well as events to get orcs and other races involved in Shamanism roleplay. Due to the current High Shaman being a whitewash, the cult does not follow him as the direct leader and holds it’s own ranking. Other races could join as well, if they really wanted but be aware Shamanism takes a very long time to learn for non-orcs. We are currently looking for :

Students- To learn Shamanism that could be the following subtypes; Far Seer, Elementalism, or Lautaman.

Witch Doctors- This is the one subtype the cult doesn’t really have a teacher/knowledge of.

Cultist Warriors- Footsoldiers who will wear the blessed armor of Veist. They can also assist Shamans by defending them in combat or assisting in rituals.

Shaman Teachers- Obviously we also need people to come and help teach so if you want to up your roleplay come and join us :)


If you are interested pm me on the forums or in game. Thank for reading :D Or make a post on here.

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