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Tahariae (Aengul)


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Tahariae’s thoughts are located in that of blind perfection, constantly seeking to ensure that the realm in which the mortals walk remains cleansed of anything that affects his ideals. The unnatural, the unneeded, the unsafe. They were his conditions, what deemed something to be that of impure, firmly engraved into his mind like that of carving upon a stone. So much so that the concept applied to the Aengudaemon’s themselves for they also hit the three conditions, and should never wonder the mortal realm unless he believed it to be needed. Despite his belief, which to some are acceptable, his decisions are usually taken with a sense of bias and ignorance. The pleas of many commonly ignored to reach his own goal, and yet even when a greater threat underlies that of his own he merely throws it aside as it fails to meet his demands.


The Three Ages.


Knowing his neverending cravings for the mortal realm to remain that of perfection, he soon considered means in which he could achieve such an ambitious goal. Somewhere deep within his thoughts sparked a faint idea, to bless those of natural birth with the the watered down powers he holds and thus, the clerics were created.


The first time he laid his hand upon the mortal realm would be within the age of disease. Within his mind sat his ideal view, with the only threat present being that of other mortals. However he soon found  that this image was distorted by plague, famine, suffering. So he granted a few individuals with the capabilities to remove this extraneous variable from his absolute image and soon he saw pieces fall into place to form what he desired.


Come the age of undead within the lands of Aegis, his once successful healers become under threat from a plethora of sources. They lacked the abilities required to protect themselves and within days his ambition became halted by the oncoming brutality that was the undead. So he tasked himself with creating a new string of blessed individuals, the war clerics. Holding greater abilities than that of their predecessors they soon set about assisting in the eradication of the undead (who being a creation of Iblees, easily hit his conditions.) and thus, the imperfection removed.


The final of the three would be the age of Setherien. Within this era two further threats emerged from the crevices of Anthos, that of the harbingers and wraiths. To further balance out the tipping scales he broke his own terms, the formation of the Itharel casting that of the unnatural to Anthos. He held grand regret over this decision upon the coming years, for even though it may have been required to achieve utmost perfection, his own creation now cursed the mortal realm to never achieve what he desired.


The final age exposed Tahariae to the truth, that the more he altered upon the mortal realm upset his own causes, he was adding imperfection. So he withdrew his ever manipulating hand, leaving the few empowered individuals to hold responsibility over his blessing.


His Realm.


It’s believed that every Aengudaemon resides within their own realm and for Tahariae it would be no different. A giant of a building would dominate his, built from the finest of white quartz fashioned into bricks and moulded to form the image of a courthouse. With colossal pillars that consumed the outside of the building it almost would appear threatening to the ordinary eye, a place of judgement and with it, punishment.


However should you enter his courthouse the layout would not be that of a mortals thinking. There would be no jury, audience or even a place for a defendant to place his case. Only a single seat; that of the judge.


Xan’s Revival.


During the age of Setherien, Xan joint amongst the few aengudaemon’s that granted the mortal kind power as he re-formed the order known as the Golden Lance and upon the forges of Xan a once forgotten artifact was granted that of purpose once more, the golden lance itself. The process had not been left without victim however, for the mere power the lance demanded drained the Aengul entirely and  left it  within a state of utmost weakness as he balanced himself amongst the edge of death.


Xan sat within his realm, the very fabric that formed its existence crumbling into nothingness as the raw power of the Aengul dwindled further. However within the chaos emerged a figure, bringing a spark to the furnace that had since died to nothing more than ash. Tahariae had granted his brother a second chance, for his own mission would have never been accomplished without the dedication that Xan continued to submit.


The event left the pair with further strengthened friendship, to such a degree many consider them literal brothers. Tahariae even forgave Xan for intruding upon the mortal realm, which despite stuttering his strive for perfection he could not hold anger against.

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