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Perdric Wanderwine


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"I'm Perdric Wanderwine, the fighter o' Boggles and finder o' caves. Bean climber an' Wolfspeaker, I live on th' Trail an' off th' trail, over tree an' under tree! I's th' talkin' pumpkin' an' 'pprentinced t' snow! I've eaten an' been eaten an' come out again jes fine!"

~Perdric Wanderwine

Perdric Wanderwine, also known as Per, Perry and Piggy, is the only current surviving member of the Wanderwine family. He is a male Halfling, about twenty one, and stands roughly two and a half feet tall. Perdric's hair is a startling orange and his eyes are, to quote, "kinda' bluey greyish". He tends to range a bit on the plumper side, with pale, easily burnable skin.



"I've never seen anyone act so friendly while being robbed! He even offered to help carry the loot back to the cave!"

~Biggun' Bandit

Per acts extremely cheery and is friendly to everyone, even people who have previously tried to kill him. He has a hard time accepting the bad in people, and is subsequently very naive and trusting. He is a bit superstitious and takes a lot of stock in old legends and tall tales. Perdric loves reading and writing and is often caught pursuing a book when bored. He is daring, excited to take chances and travel to new places. Perdric also has an unusual gift for burglary and enjoys the challenge of "borrowing" things from other, larger people.



"All'ys carry lot's o' stuff Perry, ye'll nevah know when ye'll need it..."

~Grampy Wanderwine

Perdric carries a satchel at his waist filled with various bits and bobs he has collected from his travels. He will often carry plants and reagents for healing when he can find them. However, Per always carries a small knife for chopping up plants and the like, a fist-sized bag filled with Redstone dust and his good luck talisman.



"I wanna be on everyone's side an' if'n I can't, then I'll jes be on me own side!"

~Perdric Wanderwine on international relations

Perdric is aligned mostly to Neutral Good. He will always do what he thinks is best and has developed a surprisingly accurate gut instinct. However, he can be mislead and lied to easily, so it may not be hard to convince him to do something. Per follows the wisdom of the Aspects of Nature, Cerridwin, Cernunnos and Nemiise. He believes the Pumpkin God, Knox is an aspect of Cerridwin, so he respects him as well. Perdric is a dedicated vegetarian and refuses to eat meat. In fact, the very smell of meat is enough to throw him off. He is very loyal to his friends and his home, Gimblewood as well as the Druidic Order. Per is a semi-skilled woodworker and is in the midst of self-taught healing.



"Why would I carry a weppin' when I could jes run away?"

~Perdric Wanderwine on gun control

Perdric carries no weapon aside from a small, impractical knife for cutting things that aren't alive. If attacked, Perdric would most likely run as fast as his stumpy little legs could carry him and hide in a nearby bush. If he has no way out, he always carries a small bag of Redstone dust that he throws at people in an attempt to temporarily blind them. The powder stings and burns for a short while, but may be washed or brushed off.



"Why would I 'amember things me brain wants me t' ferget?"

~Perdric Wanderwine

Perdric's first years were short and quite sad to tell. While the combined effects of shock and denial have left him clueless to his origin, what is written here tells the truth. Perdric was born in a small Halfling village out in the Wilds, His parents, Grampy and Bird Wanderwine settled in the Wilds of Athera and lived a happy, sheltered life. Perdric was born in the small burrow dug by his father Grampy and educated by his mother to the best of her ability. Seeing as neither of the Wanderwines were scholars, most of Per's education consisted of farming. His mother Bird did teach him to read and eventually write when he was around thriteen years of age.

Then, one night when the moon was dark and the stars hid their faces from view, Perdric's life changed. Wolves, hungry and lean from a harsh winter, attacked the Wanderwine's small burrow, smashing through windows and ramming the door in! Grampy tried to hold the beasts off with his shovel while his wife Bird bundled little Perdric up and tucked him away in the closet. She locked the door, leaving her precious son alone, telling him this was all a game of Hide and Seek!

Perdric stayed in the closet for days before finally being driven out by hunger and thirst. What was left of the burrow was not a pretty site. Per's house was trashed, with blood staining the walls and floor. His parents were gone...

Little Perdric didn't even consider the fact that his parents may have died! Somewhere in the back of his mind, the culmination of shock, grief and denial twisted his memory. He believes his parents are hiding somewhere, waiting for their son to come and find them...


No artwork for now! Maybe when I find out how to use a printer, I'll scan some drawings in! Feel free to PM me any drawing of Perdric you may have!

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