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Eric De Montfort


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Eric de Montfort




Forward: This is something I intend to update as my character grows. He is currently young and has very few skills. 


Character Name: Eric Montfort


Basic Information: Eric is the youngest son of House Montfort, which holds land in Owynswood.  

Nicknames: None
Age: 7 (30 April 2015)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Status: Alive 
Description: He wear's noble attire. 
Height: He is short and growing. He will be tall.
Weight: He is rather big because he eats, and he is young. He will grow out of it in his teens. 
Body Type: Pudgy
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Skin: White
Markings/Tattoos: None
Health: Well
Personality: Crybaby, craven
Inventory: None
Further Details: None as of yet. 
Life Style: Eric leads a posh, protected life style. He tends to be quiet or timid, but he may occasionally make a rude remark because he does not know any better.
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: Creator
Religion: Church of the Canon 
Alliance/Nation/Home: Montfort/Owynswood
Job/Class: None
Title(s): None
Profession(s): None
Special Skill(s): None
Flaw(s): He is young and cowardly so far. 

Magic: None, unlikely to learn magic. 
Current Status:
Current Spell(s):


Weaponry: None, unlikely to master weaponry. 
Fighting Style:
Trained Weapon:
Favored Weapon:

Biography: Eric does not have much of a story yet.


Artwork: None

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Ecthallion throws a rock off the bridge from the Cloud Temple, smiling as he remembers spending time with the young noble.

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