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Zane Lucas Capette


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Character Name
Zane Lucas Capette

Basic Information

Nicknames: Luke, or Zane

Age: 125

Gender: Male

Race: Snow Elf

Status: Single


Height: 5'10

Weight: 110

Body Type: In shape

Eyes: Green

Hair: Light blond with green highlights.

Skin: Pale, sometimes with green markings.

Markings/Tattoos: Dragon tattoo on his left arm that reaches his upper back

Health: Very healthy, no problems.

Personality: Zane is a nice man, trying to leave his past as a warrior behind. He tries to talk with everyone, and try to make them feel better.

Inventory: Two journals to write in, a long sword, and food.

Further Details: His skin is cold to the touch.

Life Style

Alignment: Neutral Good

Deity: Miras, Aeros and Drakios

Religion: The Three Divines

Alliance/Nation/Home: The Republic of Salvus

Job/Class: Baker/Bard

Title(s): Mr.

Profession(s): Baking

Special Skill(s):  Trained in fighting.

Flaw(s): Zane is very touchy about his past and his ex-nation. He usually lashes out when he is asked about his past and how he got to Salvus




Fighting Style: He fights with his left hand

Trained Weapon: Bow, Long-sword

Favored Weapon: Long-sword

Archery: Trained in it, not his favorite.


Parents: Rhegon Drakon and Arya Drakon

Siblings: None

Children: None

Extended Family: He has cousins which are in hiding.

Pet(s): None

After the second fall of Fenn, Zane changed his last name from Drakon to Capette, so that people would not recognize and harass him for his name, although a few still were able to remember who he was. He was born from the noble family during the Fringe, after Lin'dale was destroyed and rebuilt. He took in his father's step and became Lord Chancellor after his father died during the plague. The Drakons and Tundraks were always very connected. The Drakon house was an offshoot from the Tundrak house after all. But after Prince Tundrak II was frozen due to a lesson taught  to him by Wyrvun, the Snow Elven deity, he took over for a little while before the princedom faded into nothingness. He spent a few years wondering the realm. No one would take him in because of where he came from. When he thought all was over, a man in a black robe told him about Salvus, and how they would accept anyone no matter their race. This were life-saving words for Zane. He rushed to Salvus, and is now trying to forget his past and start a new life in the republic.


He looks like my profile picture


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