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Character Profile: Lorena Faeliel


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Lorena Faeliel

Lorena stands 5 foot tall. Scars on the tips of her ears indicate they have been shortened at some point in her life though they would still be noticeably elven. She’d wear a simple sapphire pendant around her neck and keep an Aurum pocket watch in her. . pocket!


Nicknames: Rena, Lore, Lori, Loren, Lor.

Date of Birth: 23rd of Snows Maiden, 1394.

Age: 130ish (Autoage is off)

Gender: Female

Race: Elf - A presumed mixture of mali’aheral and mali’ame. With her head a natural shade of brown, she is certainly not a pure aheral.

Status: Alive.



Height: 5 foot tall or 152cm

Weight: 40kg~

Body Shape: Hourglass. Fairly wide hips for someone her height.

Eye colour: A grayish green

Hair colour: Naturally a light ash brown colour though she changes colours often using a dye that would easily washed out. The dyes range from her usual bright red, which has left a slight pink stain to her natural colour, to an aheral sort of white. The pink tinge still showing through this dye, so on closer inspection - it would be noted to not be natural.

Skin: Pinkish. Her skin tone is from her mothers side, who was mali'aheral. It is very fair and scar free, save her ears. Due to living in the Caliphate, it’d now hold a fairly inconsistent tan.

Tattoos/Markings: The tips of Lorenas ears would be scarred though they would still be pointy, indicating they have been shortened at some point in her life.

Health: The girl eats healthy, doesn't drink and is generally quite active. Though she doesn't have any interest in fighting and keeps fit by running around and swimming.

Personality: Lively and bubbly. Lorena loves to make friends and will talk to just about anyone.

Fun Facts:

  • Reading is Lorenas favourite pass-time.

  • Her favourite colour is blue.

  • Lorena currently has a stutter, brought on by head trauma. Though she’s no idea of the incident as she woke with the monks. She simply assumes there is no cause.

  • Favourite drink is Rose Tea.

  • She’s teaching herself to speak properly, her words being slower and more thoroughly pronounced than normal.

  • Lorena now speaks with a tad more confidence. Her stuttering almost gone and her words spoke at a more normal pace.

  • The girl often dyes her hair. The colours bright and wonderful, though it would mostly wash off in water.


Daily Carries

Lorena has a book bag used as her general day-to-day storage. Similar to this one [ ! ]

Long Scarf: The scarf itself would be long and tattered. Though it’d look like it was clean, it’d obviously been well loved and well used. If she isn’t wearing it, it’s being held in her pack.

Store Spreadsheet: The parchment would be a hand drawn layout of the bookstore along with locations of each book.

Spare Book and Quill: She’d carry around with her, a neatly wrapped book and quill set - should the want to write ever arise!

Sketch Book: Whilst her skills aren’t fantastic, Lorena enjoys studying the folk she meets. There are plenty of different characters for her to admire in the Caliphate and she finds interest in drawing them.

Sapphire Pendant: Given to her by Guarger, the pendant itself is fairly simple but blue - to meet her favourite colour.

Aurum Pocket Watch: A watch given to her from Sarrion on accepting to join his fancy guild. It hangs on a ferrum chain and a steady ticking emits from it.


Life Style

Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: The Aspects and Allah. Lorena, having been influenced by mali’ame as a child, was brought up with the belief of the aspects. She now resides with the Caliphate and, as such, has taken a respect of their god, Allah.

Religion: In saying this, Lorena does not follow one specific teaching.

Alliance/Nation/Home: The Caliphate - 7 Jibya Lane

Job/Class: Store Assistant at Guargers Bookstore.

Title(s): N/A

Profession(s): Training Fisherwoman.

Special Skill(s):  Being Organized. Lorena is strict on organization, loves to plan ahead and keeps a diary for any important events. She keeps a rough ‘floor map’ of the bookstore with her and when idle, can often be found planning potential changes to her store.

Flaw(s): Lorena is overly friendly and very honest. It wouldn't be unusual for her to be found speaking to people from all walks of life. She is also no good at keeping secrets unless it’s for someone she really cares about, and even then, she’d be hesitant.


Loved Ones

Parents: N/A

Partner: N/A

Siblings: N/A

Children:  N/A

Extended Family: N/A

Pet(s): A white, fan-tailed,  messenger dove named pickles. [ ! ], A small, white rabbit named Pern (potato)

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