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Raide of Ashford


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Name (& pronunciation): Raide of Ashford (Ray-d of Ash-ford)

Date of Birth (& age): Of his twenty-fifth (25) year, though birthdate is undefined.

Place of Birth: The Isle of Ulmsbottom

Gender: Male

Species/Racial Origin: Human of northerner features.

Social Class/Community Status: Noble-blooded, but transient; homeless.

Language: Common and Old Common.


Physical Description


Height: 5’11

Weight: 160 lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: A paled gray

Limb Dexterity: All limbs are strong and toned beyond that of his right leg, which bears a limp derived from a past magical injury; forcing Raide to use a cane or brace to walk straight.

Detailed Physical Description: Raide stands straight and tall; his form stanced to match that of royalty, yet dressed in the armaments and the ragged cloths of a battle pilgrim upon the road. Though in the past, as a young knight, Raide kept his appearance noble and moderated, years have whittled these habits away-- leaving him rugged and tied up, with a stubble lingering when a beard does not, and black hair being tied back loosely when grown too long.

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Dark platemail is worn, though not in abundance; offering both the ability to manuevar at the cost of the protection of heavier armor. A dark, ragged cloak hangs about Raide’s shoulders, lined with old furs to assure him warmth. When not bound in armor, he adorns a traveling coat and shaded spectacles to hide his eyes from others in a subtle disguise tactic.




Personality/Attitude: Patient and warm, knowing strangers as friends and associates as brethren; though these qualities have become bitter-sweet and dulled over the years.

Skills/Talents: Swordsmanship hand close-quarters-combat are his most prime, and more combative, skills. He also knows some degree of conventional healing, alongside a knack for writing and interpreting literature.

Favourites/Likes: Honor/limitless travel/honest friendship/camaraderie/piety/truthfulness

Most Hated/Dislikes: Deception/sophistry/malignant forces/darkness/users

Goals/Ambitions: Raide seeks to make rise of a covenant that serves Tahariae, the Aengul of Purity, and to apply the way of the patron’s view so thoroughly that the world would forever be at peace, and as he dreams, “as it originally was before sin”. There lies a step of finality to his plan, which includes the creation of a kingdom wholly based on faith, piety, with a culture aligned with brotherhood, and an economy based on keeping the world safe from it’s darker corners.

Strengths: Strong-hearted and determined, and wisened by his years as a pilgrim despite his relative youth. His skill in the art of the sword is honed, and able to be utilized well despite his limp. His faith to God and his “Vehement Lord” is without a single shred of doubt, yet without the lingering aspects of blind zealotry.

Weaknesses: Too trusting. Though he has come to make due with it, the limp in his right leg prevents him from doing much he’s done before- such as running, jumping, or being very mobile beyond a stiff jog.

Fears: Raide fears to die alone and to be forgotten- not only to history, but by those he will come to value and live past his age.  

Hobbies/Interests: Serving the Vehement Lord, Tahariae, via prayer, pilgrimage, and building his covenant.

Regular Routine: To wander the isle of Vailor in search of absent adventure, though only as side-priority until he meets with his fellow camaraderie.

Philosophy of Life: To seek the greater truth of things, and to chase after a goal designed to help all in the future, instead of some in the present.

Attitude Toward Death: To embrace it only when your mark on the world is left and known by many.

Religion/Beliefs: The servitude of the Vehement Lord, and the worship of the Canonist Maker.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Finding himself “replaced” in a relationship he half-heartedly pursued in his youth, and discovering the king Olivier de Savoie's death.

Education/Special Training: Formal education of noble quality, as taught in Ulmsbottom; to read and to write, and to swing a weapon when within platemail with some degree of efficiency.

Place/Type of Residence: Nonexistent, currently. He is transient.

Occupation: Cleric of Tahariae and adherent to the Covenant of the Vehement Lord.


Noteable Attire & Items: Of all items he carries, there are three that Raide carries that mostly mark his distinctive presence. They are;

--his cane to assist with his limp, carved by the Paladin Alicia Horen III herself;

--a long tan coat of tattered make, sewed best for travel;

--a pair of shaded, round spectacles to help shield his eyes from the grand, though sometimes uncomfortable, and incandescent visage of the sun (as well as other various lightsources). The foreign glasses are of Ulmsbottom craft, as a small engraving on the the temple would imply. 

Edited by Swgrclan
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