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Homunculus Lore


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Homunculi are creatures with imperfect life created by alchemy. Only master and legendary (in rp terms, not skill terms) alchemists can make the greater two types of homunculi, the weaker type can be created even by mistake by mediocre alchemists. This will be controlled by an application. Creature application.


Fiends are the weirdest and most short lived homunculi. They are small, greatly deformed fiendish beings created from normally failed potions. They may have extra limbs, out of place limbs, shortage of limbs, big lumps and tumors growing out of them, hair everywhere or nowhere, and weird colored skin. They are animalistic, with little smarts, and are the only type of homunculi that can be 'tamed'. They are extremelly short lived, only able to live up to 2 IRL months, but most reach only to 1 IRL month. They have no chance of staying alive after being defeated. Being unnatural and a creature, they have weakness to gold, holy magic, and a new weakness that depends on what major symbol they belong to.

  • They don't look normal, they are fiendish and disfigurated.
  • They aren't strong or smart.
  • Played as a Necrolyte race, but they are not allowed to wear armor.
  • Short lived, 2 months tops.
  • No magic.
  • Weak to gold, holy magic and whatever weaker symbol.
  • Being killed means a PK.


To make a deviant the alchemist needs to use a dead body. These are normally creations from attempting a potion of revival. The creations are humanoid figures with small disfigurments, but still a weird skin color. The skin color would be closer to the symbol they associate better with. Blue for water, yellow for earth, white for air, red for fire. The small disfigurments can be a misplaced eye, a lump, a extra finger, or lack of one. These ones aren't smart, but they have instincts that would make them go against being tamed. They can speak and have emotions. They live longer, and can reconstruct their body after being destroyed, though it lowers their lifespam greatly. There is a way for them to live for longer. Being unnatural and a creature, they have weakness to gold, holy magic, and a new weakness that depends on what major symbol they belong to.

  • Must be created from a corpse.
  • Normal strength, not smart but can't be tamed.
  • Played as a Necrolyte race.
  • Short lived, 5-6 months. This can be extended by use of a special potion.
  • No magic.
  • Weak to gold, holy magic and whatever weaker symbol.
  • Being killed does not mean a PK, but they will be forced to PK if they die a lot, or if they go innactive without warning. (1-2 months with not logging in on the char, or 2-4 months with very little roleplay on the char. A warning is done before.)


The greatest homunculi kind, and the rarest. They look identical to the person that had to trade it's life for it to be created, meaning someone has to PK for the doppleganger to be created. Even though they are identical in looks, they do not share the same memories, nor do they act the same, though they can be quite smart, depending on the symbol they associate themselves with.The way that a homunculus acts will depend on the symbol they associate themselves with. Air will make a doppleganger very smart and fast, Water will make them calm and careful in their thoughts, Earth will make them resilient to sugestions and make them strongly want to enact their thoughts, and Fire will make them slightly less inteligent, with emotion controling the actions of the homunculus. Even though the memories don't carry with the doppleganger, they will be able to have the same skills as the one used to create them. They live the longest of the homunculi, and their body when killed, desintegrates into the symbol (water/ice, dirt/sand, fire or air), and then rebuilds itself in a safe place. Since their bodies are different, fighting them is normally considered harder than the other homunculi, but they have the same weaknesses of gold, holy magic, and an extreme weakness to the weaker symbol. The greatest worry of a doppleganger is mistaking him for a normal person.

  • Must be created from a living person, which PKs.
  • Looks like the PK'ed person.
  • Greater strength, smart, and has the skills of the PK'ed person.
  • No memories of the PK person.
  • Played as a Construct race for earth and water symbol, and spectral for air and fire.
  • Long lived, yet shorter than the races. This can be extended by use of a special potion.
  • No magic.
  • Weak to gold, holy magic and whatever weaker symbol.
  • Being killed does not mean a PK, but they will be forced to PK if they die a lot, or if they go innactive without warning. (1-2 months with not logging in on the char, or 2-4 months with very little roleplay on the char. A warning is done before.)
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