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The Void Creature


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Before we start, this creature does NOT kill.

What is a void creature?

A void creature is a creation using anti matter threading of space and time. The void creature is a calm celestial being. The creature is a form where it’s origins are time and space itself, and it has existed forever.

How was the creature found

The creature was found through void magic experimentation, which only resulted in showing a being created by the void. The creator was dumbfounded when the creature came out, and found it to speak in a shriveled manner, creating a sound that no one could explain. The creature is everywhere, but nowhere at the same time.


The void creature is a tall, slender creature, whose skin looks like that of a child's scribbles. It has no mouth, and no eyes, but somehow can make sense of what is going on and speak it’s infinite tongue to those around it.


The void creature does show some sympathy towards others, and can help in varying situations. The void creature also however, can show little sympathy, such as having no feeling when a person or creature around it has deceased. The void walker also has no sanity, or insanity, he only features a mental serenity.

Touch of death.

The void creature can make things into void-like material at the touch of his fingertips, the material looks like an oily substance mixed with a video game glitch.This touch however is strongly controlled, and it has only been seen when the void creature attempts to make contact in life, only flawing it and leaving a dreaded feeling on his shoulders.(Note he does not use this to kill, only to attempt to feel life.)


The void creature has a very strong ability in telekinesis, an ability strong enough to split every atom in a body and contain the blast. However he only uses this ability to carry himself, and hover over the ground.


The void creature can teleport, however he rarely uses it, and does not use it for evil, he only uses it to observe life. He may also use it to stop massive calamities around the world.


The Protector

Theoretically, a void creature looks at life as a sacred thing, as it’s something he never had, and he will do all he can to stop something from ending it.


If the void creature is somehow destroyed, it will just recreate itself through a quantum level, and continue life as it was before the destruction.

To finish

I do not feel this is too overpowered. As it does not fight, nor create issues. I feel this would be a great addition to the LoTC to show people the negatives of life, and things they can not explain.

(I would like to RP as this)


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You have made a fair point however many attributes differentiate the voidal horror, and the void creature. My creation is not that of a chaotic, animal like, horrendous creature that does as it wishes. The only comparison you can create between the two is the mysterious void figure it is. I am sure if there were a "hellish horror" you would not have brought that up.

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Secondly to push my reasoning further my creature can not die and only wishes to know the true meaning of life. This character does not kill, and there is not many versions of it. So stop blabbing about any similarities what so ever to the chaotic version of my creation. As my creation is roleplayable and has meaning behind it.

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K, so jest afew questions....

1. Did this idea originate from the unofficial endermen Lore from the old wiki and some of the viodal horror lore?
2. U meen to play tis yourself? or is this jes a non-playable/event thing?
3. In my opinion  the OPness  of something is not justified if the user Of the OP power or ability is passive. And any vase, if the thing hardly uses the power, why dose it even have it?
4. Your creation is Jest OP, it has no weakness, and, tho its hard to see sometimes, weakness is as important as Power.

Edited by Teaspoon
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Like already said, this is way too similiar to a voidal horror.


I don't see a reason to implement this, doesn't really bring much to the table when it comes to RP. It all just seems like an attempt to play an overpowered thing tbh.

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Alright anyone who wants to come here to debate this please explain your reason other than how they look or that they are from the void. Also, the power may be high but it could be useful for certain situations. Also, another thing do not say it is OP, if you do explain your reasoning. Also, I feel this has more in common to a master wizard the to it's other the voidal horror. Such as it being a calm, timeless creature.

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To the man stating the weakness factor: The void creature also however, can show little sympathy, such as having no feeling when a person or creature around it has deceased.

Theoretically, a void creature looks at life as a sacred thing, as it’s something he never had

This touch however is strongly controlled, and it has only been seen when the void creature attempts to make contact in life, only flawing it and leaving a dreaded feeling on his shoulders.

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Im sorry that u chose to see my reply post as an attack, i was simply asking some questions, tho i could have worded it a bit nicer i suppose, and for that I am sorry. You have answered one, and even that one ill need some clarification on, now their are 4 more. To clarify on number 3, i was not implying that the abilities be discarded completely, only modified. Excuses My self if this is not 


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I really don't like the concept and it does just seem overpowered, so if it were to be accepted, it'd be best to be an event creature. Also, the lore/background behind the creature, its' personality, and all that seem to be very short and don't tell much about it, you should flesh them out more.

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The issue here is that you are trying to circumvent the system by attempting to play a thing which already has a lot of strong powers by default. Magic is not granted, it is earned. There's a good reason new players cannot apply with a character that already knows any form of magic. You're going about this the wrong way. You should try to get into magic through proper roleplay and learn how things work on the server first.

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Teaspoon, to answer some questions I hope to make this a playable specie by people, if at all it is just me. To say more, the idea did not originate from the enderman lore, nor the Voidal Horror. It originated as a creature created from void magic. Now, the creation is not OP, but it is also not able to be "over powered" as violence is not found in it's actions. For another question, this creature has power to give it the abilities of a celestial being. These powers are also used for tasks and/or daily activity. Also, some are used in difficult situations.

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I hate to say this, but if everybody's telling you OP it probably is. This creature's hardly unique and just seems like you're attempting to circumvent the creature lore already in place to play your own special snowflake.

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