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[✗] {WIP} [Event Proposal] The Deepened Dark


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It's a very large work in progress. Will move to forums when finished enough for publication. Meanwhile you can see the doc. while it is still in progress!

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God...forgot this existed for a long while. Will continue to work on when time is found!


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This seems to be a very generic "Grr necromancers" type of event.

Can you provide any unique use of existing lore (besides just necromancy magic lore) or something interesting for the storyline that could make this event more interesting/intriguing to players? 

Roughly how many events would this occur within? It looks to me that it could only be worth 2 events: 1) Discovery (of the mining shafts/event area) 2) Exploration (and conflict with the lich/undead) 

You should look at ways to spread these events out, to involve more and perhaps create more "stages" of the event. 


Ex. Stage 1: Discovery: Players discover the area but cannot access very far into it due to a blockade of some kind. Maybe an ancient sealed door? Maybe the mine is a maze which contains pieces of the key to the door? Maybe some group of ancient and forgotten heroes locked the lich away and bits of their journals are about, alluding to how they all took 1 out of say, 10 keys needed to open the door, and left, swearing never to tell anyone what happened; Then players could go search down each of these ancient heroes (From varying races) and discover their fates and find their keys to open the door. (The journals wouldn't mention the lich itself, they should be kept vague so players have possible reasoning to open the door; Leave enough room for them to assume there is treasue [Which there should be, as a reward for defeating the lich])
Stage 2: Finding the keys (or other method of opening the path/door/whatever) (This can be a number of mini-events for a wide range of people)
Stage 3: Exploration
Stage 4: Conflict/fight (This and exploration may take place in tandem)
Stage 5: Victory! (Or possibly not, or maybe victory-but-with-catches which can then lead to later events)

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Moved to Denied Events.

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