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[✗] [Event Creature] Object #18294: Heart of The Unborn


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The Heart of The Unborn 






Object Number: #18294


Object Class: Euclid


Special Containment Procedures: Item #18294 is to be kept secure in the catacombs beneath (Expunged) at all times, when personnel must enter the containment chamber they are to be dressed in a protective hazard suit, any damage to the suit while within item #18294’s containment will lead to termination. The object is to be incinerated once a day by lighting the hearth flame beneath it, once lit all personnel must evacuate the chamber.


Description: Discovered beneath (Expunged) the object’s origin is as of yet unknown. Object appears to be a large mass of unidentified organic compounds, when left undisturbed these compounds regenerate at an uncontrolled rate. Compounds within the central mass will birth what has been designated as #18294-2. #18294-2 appears to be a smaller mass of organic compounds, should these compounds escape containment it will trigger an event in which #18294-2 forms into a tumour and spreads more of SCP #18294. When in contact with organic compounds #18294 will assimilate the organics into itself through a necrotizing process in which the tissue rapidly decays. #18294 saps the life from the local flora and appears to spread a fibrous substance of mycelial origin. Termination of #18294 is not possible as all and any damage done results in regeneration.


Addendum-1: Uncovered documentation found from (expunged) shows that the object had originated from the seas near (expunged) months after the northern continent of (expunged) froze. Further research required.


Addendum-2:  New journals uncovered from an apocryphal group have revealed (expunged) as the origin of #18294, the druidic Order and Ascended had previously attempted to terminate #18294 but to no avail.


Addendum-3: #18294’s further documentation shows that it is sentient, growth patterns indicate attempts at re-enabling this sentience by growing what appears to be neurological structures within the containment chamber. Termination pending approval.


Addendum-4: Termination request granted.


Addendum-5: Further research and documentation shows that #18294’s origin involved the use of radical and unstable experimentation in the lost fields of both (expunged) and (expunged), resulting in the corruption of (expunged) and the intervention of both the Druidic Order and (expunged). Testing shows that #18294 is capable of spreading an infection through hosts and laying dormant thereafter. Termination not possible, containment must take priority.


Addendum-6: Documents leaked, Apocryphal activity detected. Facility compromised, containment failing. Commence termination of host subjects, entity must not escape into general populace.

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