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Open Family Guide


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Open Family Guide





Finding families to join can be tough, though to assist in the process of finding families looking for new members, we’ve created this guide! Please note that this is to assist in players finding family heads to contact; players may not join a family without permission from that family’s head. If you have any questions, let me know! This list is organized based on race, so you will find all families of the same race grouped together.


Families can add their family to this list by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/QvVfQ3GARKb6BBxY9.





High & Snow Elves


Contact: lillyeveans / Maevelin#1083

Head: Aestenia Aevaris

Race: High Elf

Location of Residency: Haelun'or

Common Physical Attributes: The Aevaris family have light blonde hair (varying from white blonde to true blonde) and mixed bluegreen eyes. Ear shapes tend to be more pointed upwards and stature is more on the taller, willowy side of high elves.

Common Behaviour(s): The Aevaris family tends to fall into traditional high elf ideals of attitudes towards non-high elves not in Haelun'or. They do enjoy research and building projects which causes them to get involved in multiple projects at once. There can never be too much knowledge and are fiercely loyal and protective of those they care about.

Additional Note(s)



Contact: Parion / parion#1217

Head: Nelgauth Maehr’tehral

Race: High Elf

Location of Residency: Haelun’or 

Common Physical Attributes: This is a very large family. Members are either known for white hair and blue eyes, or blond hair and purple eyes (this side of the family often has males with beards).

Common Behaviour(s): Although they are high elves, the Maehr’tehral are known for their nomadic habits with individuals who prioritise curiosity and satiating their boredom over the traditional lifestyle of Mali’thill. Their most iconic trait is how all Maehr’tehral suffer from chronic apathy, often losing interest in hobbies and careers very quickly, causing them to frequently change direction in life.

Additional Note(s)



Contact: Chaltastic / Chalcedony#1223

Head: Heryetta Farise Orndorff

Race: High Elf

Location of Residency: Haelun’or

Common Physical Attributes: The pure-blooded family (tend to) have long, light, blonde hair and darkish-blue eyes. Most have soft curls in their hairstyle, their long pointy ears sticking out of it. Their emotions usually aren't displayed vividly. This has more to do with the construction of their face and less to do with being a high elf, as their facial expressions don't vary widely.

Common Behaviour(s): The family tends to value the high elf culture with its customs and rituals. They are often reserved, but easy-going in mind. The family members tend to care a lot about their peers (and their opinion). Most will do everything to maintain balance and the status-quo, even if that means sacrificing something. Often, the members bottle their emotions up, which is done in different ways.

Additional Note(s): My persona's parents have three children, two daughters and a son, all adults now. The general aesthetic for the family is 1910-1930s but LotC-ified. A fire symbol is often used in clothing and decorations. I'm open to all kinds of family members. Let me know if you're interested! 



Contact: Mewliet / Mewliet#6297

Head: Valerica Tathvir

Race: Snow Elves

Location of Residency: N/A

Common Physical Attributes: They have pale skin, silver/white hair, and gold-ringed, teal-coloured eyes.

Common Behaviour(s): They're very blatant and value family over most things.

Additional Note(s)



Contact: SriFoo / SriFoo#5770

Head: Aeron Valaker

Race: High Elf

Location of Residency: Haelun'or

Common Physical Attributes: The Valaker family is known for having purple eyes, fair skin, and predominantly white hair. They commonly have exceptionally-long ears even for high elves.

Common Behaviour(s): Valakers tend to be extremely ambitious and driven. They are purist at heart yet will often skirt on the edge of it for various reasons usually related to there ambition.

Additional Note(s): Find the family’s discord at https://discord.gg/psfrKKf.



Wood Elves


Contact: Mewliet & DrinkJellybeans / Mewliet#6297 & DrinkPesticide#3970

Head: Eretria & Nerrin

Race: Wood Elf

Location of Residency: Siramenor

Common Physical Attributes: They have bronze or tan skin with common eye colors being green or brown. 

Common Behaviour(s): The Arvellon seed is full of tricksters who enjoy having a good time and even pulling small pranks on other people. 

Additional Note(s)



Contact: Unwillingly / Unwillingly#9099

Head: Eir'thall Ilathdyn

Race: Wood Elf

Location of Residency: Siramenor

Common Physical Attributes: The appearance of the Ilathdyn people can vary, as physical traits and appearances are not often held with much care or regard. Instead, it is the tribal tattoos and inking that allows one to be identified. They follow one's jawline, with one or two metaphorical "teeth" jutting up at each side, symbolizing the bite of Mahae: the Lion mani. Additionally, the clan tattoo follows ones shoulders, down their chest in a decorative dark red hue. They typically wear fabrics, shawls, or robes of red, orange, and black.

Common Behaviour(s): The wood elves of Ilathdyn comprise of more outwardly aggressive and warlike beliefs. They believe in strength, valor, and prowess, for it is what defines the heart of their people. With this, it is rare that a woman would be permitted into the clan - but not impossible. Even more so, homosexuals are viewed as deplorable among the clan, for they are seen as a direct threat to the already limited reproduction of the wood elves. They tend to enjoy rough-housing and brawls, especially with other members of the clan, so they typically don't mind getting socked in the face a few times. They're known for being the outwardly spoken and passionate for their beliefs. 

Additional Note(s): Don't be discouraged by the description of the clan! I understand if it might be a bit much for a new player, but there's plenty of us who would be willing to help you get the ropes of things RPly and OOCly. This clan was made with the intention to create memorable and unique conflict RP with other people - and it doesn't always mean we're the villains in RP either. Sometimes they just want what's best for their people. We're pretty chill people OOCly, and we're always accepting new members, so please don't hesitate to contact me or ask about us in RP. Here’s the clan post.



Contact: Junoix / Junoix#6965

Head: Sonna Sirame

Race: Wood Elf

Location of Residency: Siramenor

Common Physical Attributes: The Sirame Seed accepts elves of all races, so there is no common physical appearance except the pointed ears.

Common Behaviour(s): Those in the Sirame Seed are typically guides of the wood elven faith, whether they be druids, priests, healers, or teachers. They are wise and parental in nature, seeking to teach and give advice to those who will listen.

Additional Note(s)



Contact: linzexu / Lao#3371

Head: Laetranis ap Tahorran

Race: Wood Elf

Location of Residency: Siramenor

Common Physical Attributes: Tahorran tend to have dark hair, dark skin and green or yellow eyes. They stand tall (by wood elven standards) and lithe. Adult members of the tribe are tattooed with the crest and wings of the mighty Eagle- the patron spirit of the clan.

Common Behaviour(s): The Tahorran live a tribal existence in harmony with nature. They are hunters, but are most at home on the rivers and seas. They are renowned for their fast canoes, and their skill as whalers and fishermen. They believe that all things must be acquired naturally, and abstain from "tame" behaviours like farming or animal husbandry. Like other wood elf tribes, the Tahorran are devotees of elnarnsae'ame, the wild faith of the Wood Elves.

Additional Note(s): Find the family’s forum post here.



Mixed Elves


Contact: Commissar_Voop / Voop#2394

Head: Kailu Kaeronin

Race: Mixed Elf

Location of Residency: Aegrothond

Common Physical Attributes: Members of this family mainly have blond or white hair and can uncommonly grow a beard.

Common Behaviour(s): They are friendly to other people, as long as no one starts making a fuss about someone. Kaeronins always tend to sail out into to the seas; all they want is peace and freedom.

Additional Note(s)



Contact: mika1278  / mika1278#0993

Head: Mika Uialben-Goldhand

Race: Mixed Elf

Location of Residency: Sutica

Common Physical Attributes: Wood elven skin, red hair, red eyes, very much so mixbred between the elven subraces.

Common Behaviour(s): A diverse bunch of elves, usually fairly chaotic in their presence, family is their number one priority alongside the survival of the upcoming generation of Uialbens with a free-going attitude where freedom is all they seek.

Additional Note(s)


Vincrute (T'Dyrr branch)

Contact: Slamguinius_  / Imp#7502

Head: Ganzorig

Race: Dark Elf/Wood Elf

Location of Residency: N/A

Common Physical Attributes: They typically have golden/amber eyes and white hair.

Common Behaviour(s): Vincrutes of the T'Dyrr line arise with strong traits of duty, dedication, and short tempers. They have traditionally worshiped the ancestors (but not spirits) and Xan.

Additional Note(s)





Contact: JokerLow  / JokerLow#6666

Head: Uldraek Goldhand

Race: Mountain Dwarf

Location of Residency: Urguan

Common Physical Attributes: Although mountain dwarves, average Goldhands would present themselves with different traits from other mountain folk. With hair, golden as their mina and eyes blue as the sky, the Goldhands could be easily distincted from other mountain dwarves. But afterall, it is a clan, physical attributes mean nothing to a clan. It all stand on what we are united by, which is our oath to the clan and Brathmordakin and blessing to trade and make mina.

Common Behaviour(s): Mostly merchants or traders, tho never stopped at one profession, Goldhands could be anything from fighters to scholars, to mages or bakers. Even tho the clan has the main unifying factor of making minas, it also serves as a family to each dwarf part of it.

Additional Note(s)



Contact: Hrokaz / Shadowhunter Zulan'jin#2772

Head: Alaric Grimgold

Race: Dwarf

Location of Residency: Urguan

Common Physical Attributes: The Grimgolds are commonly found with gold to crimson hair, with many shades of blonde and red in between, though those of Dark Dwarf ancestry tend to have white or black as other common colors. They are taller than most Dwarves, especially members of Dark Dwarf heritage. The Mountain Dwarf line has pale white skin, while the Dark Dwarves are dark purple-gray to deep obsidian. Their eyes tend to be shades of greens and blues, though the Dark Dwarf line possesses either fiery red or shining golden eyes. Male Grimgolds have long beards, while roughly half the she-dwarves are capable of growing beards.

Common Behaviour(s): Grimgolds tend to be devoutly pious, untrusting of outsiders (though surprisingly accepting of non-Dwarves), and dourly grim. They are flashy with wealth, greedy over treasured goods, but are generous with trusted friends. Family and loyalty are paramount to a Grimgold, with trust being slow earned, and they will not swear an oath they are unsure if they can fulfill. Most favor crafting, soldiering, or church professions, though merchants and thieves are not unheard of. They tend to be well spoken and learned, slow to stir to directed action, but quick to rise to anger when provoked. Generally a clan of great duality, as symbolized by their masks, often treading the line between conservative long held traditions and the liberal advance progress.

Additional Note(s): The Grimgolds are most known for their Clan Masks, which they often wear when not in a Clan Hold. Most are crafted in the faces of the Brathmordakin (except Yemekar), though animals and other concepts like ancestors are also acceptable. Blood related Grimgolds descend from one of four bloodlines-- the line of Edalric, who tend to be statesmen and contains Dark Dwarves though Alaric Grimgold; the line of Valezik, who tend to be warriors and soldiers; the line of Baedenic, who tend to be artists and are said to be very beautiful; and the line of Ezik, who tend to be thieves and merchants. Dwarves of lesser clans can be adopted as Grimgolds, non-Dwarves can be accepted though significantly rare. The Clanfather has clan outfits skins available, but Grimgolds tend to wear blacks and golds and crimsons.The clan page will be updated with additional information here.




Pride Therkul

Contact: Rylothh  / Ryloth#6969

Head: Ri'Haskir'Kul

Race: Kharajyr

Location of Residency: Haelun'or

Common Physical Attributes: There are no specifics required, though a large number are Kha'Pantera with charcoal-black fur.

Common Behaviour(s): They are kind to high elves and azdrazi but hostile to most hou-zi, wonks, and goblins. Kharajyr in this pride are very protective of their religious views and would die gloriously in defense of their goddess and creator, Metztli.

Additional Note(s): Pride Therkul is a pride of knowledge collection and safe-guarding. It is one which flows with the blood of Imperial Tla'toanni blessed by the Aengudaemon Metztli. In its ancient times past, the pride sought to collect and understand all knowledge that had been gathered by Descendants, so as to learn and progress as a people after their utopian home of Karakatua was devastated by a terrible volcano. Notably, this particular Kharajyr pride has deep ties with the Aengudaemon Metztli, and the Arch-Drakaar Azdromoth.



Contact: Postmaster_ / Postmaster Ark Ark#8086

Head: Ki'Xochil

Race: Kharajyr

Location of Residency: Talon's Grotto

Common Physical Attributes: The Uiatla primarily consist of Kharajyr'Pantera and Kharajyr'Tigrasi. The younger generation appears to be dark-black furred with tiger-striped markings.

Common Behaviour(s): The Uiatla are a fairly-curious bunch. It seems learning new things is always a draw for many of them. Outwardly, they are genuinely a good bunch too, striving for a little more betterment to the realm.

Additional Note(s)

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