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Knight's Quest of Aleksandr Vyronov

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Knight’s Quest

Of Aleksandr Vyronov









On this Joma and Umund of 354, Aleksandr Vyronov, a squire of the Knightly Order of the Crow, has been assigned his final trial to prove himself worthy of being dubbed as a Crow Knight by his Majesty, Koeng Josef. Squire Aleksandr has been tasked by the Knight Paramount, Boris var Ruthern, to investigate the shallow depths and shores within the bay of Karosgrad. This investigation comes after the hulls of ships in the bay have received the marks of pincers from entanglements with what lays beneath the depths. This is likely the work of a giant crab, its ecosystem disturbed with the trawling of fishermen in the bay. 


With the threat to ships and the fishing trade within the kingdom of Haense, it is the will of the kingdom that squire Aleksandr Vyronov cause this crab to retreat back once more to the depths, or see it vanquished. Squire Aleksandr has been tasked to do this trial alone so as to display his valour and worthiness to ascend to the rank of Crow Knight.


The kingdom prays to Godan for his safe return and success.



Assigned by Ser Boris var Ruthern

Knight Paramount of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

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