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Punishment Severity Act of 351ES

Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

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Punishment Severity Act of 351 E.S
Introduced in the Duma.


An act to increase the severity of punishments of repeat offenders.


At current, if one was to continually commit a minor offence (e.g petty theft, burglary, etc.) they would, in turn, only be punished according to the legislature in place regarding minor offences. This bill proposes that should a given individual be repeatedly convicted of a crime, that the severity of the punishment levied be increased to the next level of punishment, E.G A continuous offender of a middling offence would have their next conviction be that of a severe offence. A severe offence is the maximum offense that may be levied against an individual.


I. Necessary Definitions
This bill, as previously stated, would increase the punishments given to repeat, career criminals, and hopefully deter such a situation in the future. 


II. Additions
401.05: Should any given subject be convicted of the same offence on three separate circumstances, the severity of that same offense committed a fourth or subsequent times shall be charged more harshly, to a maximum of a severe offence for what would normally be a minor or middling offense; 

Introduced in Duma by Alderman Tarathiel Asul’onn on 351 E.S

His Royal Majesty, Josef I, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Ulgaard, Lahy, Sorbesborg and Slesvik, Duke of Carnatia and Vidaus, Margrave of Korstadt and Rothswald, Count of Chatnik, Nenzing, Graiswald, Karikhov, Baranya, Kvasz, Kavat, Karovia, Kovachgrad, Torun, Turov, Kaunas, Alban, Reza and Markev, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Thurant, Rytsburg, Venzia, Esenstadt, Krepost and Kralta, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera.

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