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ACCURSED - A Tragedy In Three Acts


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A Tragedy in Three Acts

Published IST 1802. SA Year 6.


Penned by Bianca La Fleur

Play III of III in the Rosebud Trilogy


Inspired by the Life and Works of St. Tobias.


This play is a work of fiction meant for entertainment only. Changes have been made to the history in order to simplify the story for the stage. It is not to be treated as a historically accurate text for purposes of education.






Emperor Tobias “Tuvya” Carrion - The illegitimate son of Exalted Sigismund and his lover, Lorin Chivay. Rose to the position of Emperor despite having never wished for the title. Grey hair, blue eyes.


Prince Yakov Carrion - Son of Tuvya and a young teenager. Twin of Aleksandr. Bright and eager to help, but woefully and fatally naïve. Older than Aleksandr by a few minutes. Black hair, blue eyes.


Prince Aleksandr Carrion - Son of Tuvya and a young teenager. Twin of Yakov. The more cautious and timid of the two. Black hair, blue eyes.


Duke Vasili Vanir - Patriarch of House Vanir and a close ally of House Carrion. He acts as an advisor to Tuvya and a surrogate parent to the Crow’s children. Brown hair, brown eyes.


Heralds of Fear - The Undead allies of Maric Varodyr. Their goal is nothing less than the complete destruction of the Carrion Vochna. There are three of them. Hooded with faces invisible.


Casting Note - due to the prevalence of magical effects in the script, it is advisable to have an accomplished illusionist on set.








CURTAIN RISES on the palace of Petrus. A STATUE of Exalted Sigismund looms over the scene.


ENTER TUVYA, who approaches the effigy.




O Sigismund, who serves beside GOD’s throne,

I kneel at your feet and plead for guidance.

Never in my youth had I imagined

That Oren would call me its Emperor.

Yet now your bastard stands where you once stood -

He dons the crown that rested ‘pon your brow.

Tuvya is not one who vies for power -

Content was I to let my brothers reign.

One by one, my kin to assassins fell,

Leaving only one crow to lead the flock.

O, did you foresee these bloody trials?

Could you not have better prepared your son?

Again, Oren stands on the verge of collapse.

Too many people of differing creeds,

Grating ever against one another -

As waves that endless batter the shoreline.

How am I to resist these tides of time?

Is it the fate of Empire to fall?

Would that I could hear your voice in my ear

And see the future as you once saw it!


ENTER VASILI, accompanied by YAKOV and ALEKSANDR. He holds a missive in his hand.




Your Majesty, I come bearing bleak news.


Tuvya SIGHS, weary already. He remains still, not even turning to look at the entrants.



I expected as much. Read it aloud.


Vasili UNFURLS the scroll.




“Harken now these words, O men of Oren!

The age of the Raevir is at an end.

Storm King Maric of good House Varodyr

Lifts now the sword against our oppressors.

Benevolent specters name themselves our friends

And lend their sorceries unto our cause -

Mystical powers from beyond the Void.

With these enhancements, triumph is assured!

Should you love the fair nation that birthed you,

Come with me and oust the Carrion crows.

No longer shall they feast upon the corpse

Of Exalted Godfrey’s blessed Empire.

Take your arms and gather at Kaer Angren -

For the holy city shall soon be ours.”



My own Grand Knight, the brother of my soul -

Or so I mistakenly imagined -

Calls now upon the people to revolt.

Niet choice have we; we must prepare for war.



Let it be so. I’ll rally the Wardens.


EXIT Vasili.



Papej, my brother and I wish to fight.



Ah, so that is the reason you’ve appeared.

Aleksandr, does your sibling speak true?



We are your sons destined to inherit.

Yakov believes we should protect our right.



And what is your feeling, my youngest boy?

You speak of Yakov’s wish, but not your own.



Uncles of ours died in similar wars…

I cannot help but feel a touch cautious.



Yakov, you ought heed your brother’s wisdom.

I should like you instead to take refuge

In the sheltered boughs of Karovia.

Young are you two to engage in combat.



Papej, you are called the Peoples’ Emperor!

It would not befit your two princely sons

To sequester ourselves in a fortress

While people fight and die on our behalf!



The crow must guard its eggs within the nest.

Over the years, I have lost many sons -

You and your brother are all that remains.

Should you fall, none are left to inherit.

Thus we must endeavor to shield you well,

So our family might proceed into the future.



Can nothing convince you to let us aid?


Aleksandr puts a hand on his brother’s shoulder.



Our good father has issued his decree.

It does not benefit us to struggle.

Come, Yakov - let us return safely home

To that rampart where we’ll endure this war.



Bah! A crow is niet good when it is caged!


EXIT Yakov, blustering off stage in a huff.



O, blessed I am to have you moderate

Your older brother’s wild tempers, Aleks.

What a worthy advisor you shall be

When comes time for him to reign as monarch.




Such is my charge, Papej. I’ll check his moods.


EXIT Aleksandr, in pursuit of Yakov.


Tuvya puts a hand to his head, suddenly faint.



O - ! A strange, grim feeling overcomes me…

Dread gathers in the pit of my stomach.

Not since Franz’s death have I felt so ghastly…

Is this perception one of prophecy?


He looks up at the statue of Sigismund, then shakes his head to dismiss the thought.



Niet, methinks ‘tis plain anticipation

Of the conflict soon to descend on us.

Maric’s rebellion is not so frightful --

Handily, I shall dispatch their forces

And peace will once again reign in Oren.


EXIT Tuvya.









CURTAIN RISES on the Vanir Fortress in Karovia.


Yakov PACES the floor while Aleksandr, seated, watches him.



So many moons I’ve practiced with the sword -

I think myself a capable fighter!

Our presence would be a boon on the field -

Inspiring those loyal to the crow!

Aleks, what will the people think of us -

Hiding away behind these walls of stone?

Methinks they shall mock us two as cowards!



The people should rather have us alive

Than trampled under Maric’s iron boot.



Are we both such pitiable weaklings -

Surely fated to perish in battle?



‘Tis niet a matter of strength, but strategy.

When playing chess, one must protect the king.



If war is chess, I’d much prefer to be

A knight boldly leaping astride his horse.



The pieces do not choose their positions -

And neither do we.



Bah! You are niet help! I tire of you.



If you prefer to brood, I’ll grant you that.

Brood well and stew upon your statements.

I pray you’ll have seen sense ‘pon my return.


EXIT Aleksandr.


Yakov sits at the table, chin in hand. Glowering with frustration.


From off-stage, a VOICE…




Hark, bold prince Yakov…



Aleksandr, is that you? Come closer.

I cannot hear you from so far away.


ENTER THREE FIGURES, clad in glimmering white robes. Their faces obscured.


Yakov LEAPS to his feet.



Who are you?! Pray, identify yourselves!



Lo, I am the aengul called Tesion

Who spake holy gospel unto Horen.



Lo, I am the aengul called Artifai

Who spake holy gospel unto Harren.



Lo, I am the aengul called Eshtael,

Who spake holy gospel unto Godfrey.


Yakov falls to his knees.



O, the most sanctified lords of Heaven!

Blessed am I by your immaculate presence!



You need not lower yourself before us.

Instead, we ought to take the knee for you.


The three figures KNEEL DOWN as Yakov stands.



Pray, my lords, won’t you divulge your purpose?

You mystify me, though I am honored!


The three aenguls rise to their feet.



Prince Yakov, we come bearing a warning.

Tuvya cannot succeed against Maric.

The usurper has evil on his side -

Undead sorcery born from the Foul One.



A pact Maric swore to the Denier

To eliminate the crow in exchange

For immortality and dark power.



Only the purest of lights can defeat

That unholy energy fed by death.

A gift, O Prince, we offer unto you -

A burning brilliance to beat back the dark.


Tension extends a WITHERED HAND from beneath his robe. In his palm, sparks of LIGHTNING ignite.


Yakov SHIELDS his eyes.



O, your hand! ‘Tis like that of a bleached corpse!



Our forms might appear strange to your mortal eye.

Fear not. We are bathed in the light of GOD.

Come, brave prince, and take your prize from my palm.


Yakov HESITATES, then takes a step forward…


Tesion GRABS him suddenly and pulls him in, gripping him tightly. Yakov’s features blanch in terror.


Yakov lets out a painful CRY as his hands are BURNT by the aengul’s magic.



Marked are you by the powers of Heaven!

Go forth, Yakov, and shed searing glory!


The aengul SHOVES him away. Yakov STUMBLES and falls to his knees. Quickly, the three beings EXIT.


Yakov looks down at his palms, which are BURNED BLACK. He WINCES. Gingerly, he touches the burns...


A SPARK ignites in his palms. He LAUGHS, invigorated. Arcs of lightning begin to dance around his fingers.


He RISES to his feet and RUNS off-stage, CACKLING with manic glee.









CURTAIN RISES on the Imperial war room. Tuvya and Vasili pour over their maps.



King Arius throws his lot with Maric -

As does Godfrey Horen, that traitorous duke.

Both have splintered off from the Empire

And boldly declared their independence.

Their forces bombard us with fulminations,

Thaumaturgy drawn forth from the Void -

But the Wardens persist in victory.

On the battlefield, they have no equal.

Unless Maric attempts some treachery,

I doubt his rebellion will find purchase.



We must remain aware and on our toes.

If Maric cannot defeat us head on,

Some underhanded tactic, he’ll attempt.




Papej! May I enter? I bring you a gift!



Hm? What is young Yakov doing here?


ENTER Yakov, soaked in blood and carrying a dripping burlap SACK. He grins widely.


Tuvya and Vasili REACT with HORROR.



By GOD! What nightmare has crossed the threshold?



Fret not, dear uncle! Though awash in gore  -

Not a single drop was drawn from my veins!

How funnily the Waldenians squealed

When I set them alight with magic flame!

I say they are rather akin to pigs -

And smelled as such when they were set afire!



What is that purse you carry in your hand?


Yakov OPENS the sack and TOSSES a charred, severed HEAD onto the table.


Tuvya and Vasili RECOIL in disgust.



Behold! The head of your loathed enemy!

A captain of Aesterwald ambushed me -

But niet stealth could defeat my holy flare!

He rots for his crimes in the blackened Void -

And many others shall soon share his fate!

Witness the awful price of treachery!




By GOD’s good graces!




O Lord, the stench! Like unto rashers charred!

By what magic was this achieved, Yakov?



Three aenguls descended from Heaven high

And granted great talents to their chosen.


Yakov flexes his hand, causing lightning to glitter in his palms.




With this blessed bolt, I’ll smite the devil.

I alone can bring these traitors to heel!



Fie! The rotten lightning of the Undead!



What foul curse has been laid upon my son?!




Niet, Papej! Hide not your eyes from my shine,

For t’was gifted by the aengul Tesion!



O Yakov, you have become the victim

Of some cruel deception by King Maric!

He counts the Undead among his allies

And their sorcery is well known to us.

The lightning you wield is their chief weapon -

Your palms bear the mark of their influence!

Let us fly swiftly and retrieve a priest -

Methinks the corruption can yet be reversed!


Tuvya takes a STEP toward his son, but Yakov RECOILS.



Touch me not! Keep your distance, I tell you!



Please, my son! Calm yourself and see reason!



Like my grandfather, I was empowered

By the glistering forces of Heaven!

Sigismund appointed that trio of aenguls

To aid in protecting our storied House!

So why do you both recoil from me

And treat me as though I’m some loathsome fiend?!



(gentle, entreating)

Yakov, I beg of you, cease your ravings...

Come with me to the halls of the holy.

Should you be stained by wicked sorcery,

The good cleric’s graces shall banish it.

But if you are innocent as you claim,

The rector shall dismiss our misgivings.




Ravings?! You call my assertions ravings?

Think you I am naught but a lunatic?

Only an innocent manipulated,

When in hand I hold proof of Heaven’s favor?

Oho, but now I fully understand!

This weak monarch unable to defend

His saintly precursor’s former holdings

Gazes upon my powers with envy!

You hate your own son for his holy gifts -

So you treat me the same as a devil!



You assume too far! Niet motive have I

But to protect the fruit of my loins!


Tuvya crosses the room and attempts to GRAB Yakov by the arm.



Unhand me, I say!


A STRUGGLE ensues. Tuvya endeavoring to control and soothe his son without doing him harm. Yakov, frantic and wild-eyed, trying to jerk free.


A bolt of LIGHTNING charges up in Yakov’s free hand. He REELS back, hand sparking with furious MAGIC, and unleashes a BLAST of power at Tuvya, point-blank.


The impact FLINGS Tuvya across the stage, where he CRUMPLES at the feet of Sigismund’s statue.


Yakov stands in place, smoke curling off his fingers. Chest heaving. Vasili is frozen in SHOCK.


TEARS suddenly spring to Yakov’s eyes as he realizes what he’s done.



Papej! O, Papej!


He takes a stumbling STEP toward his collapsed father…


But VASILI intercedes, drawing his SWORD.



One more move -- and I end you where you stand.



Stand not in my way, uncle! He lays dying!

With my miracle, I can save his life!



Your ‘miracle’ is the source of his pain!



An accident, I tell you! An accident!


Yakov takes another STEP forward.



Tempt me not, Yakov, if that’s still your name!

I will not hesitate to cut you down!



O, sweet Heaven, what sin have I committed?

My holy power heinously misused!

Intended I to smite the wicked ones -

Yet instead my father was the one smote!


Yakov pivots and EXITS in a flurry of tears.


Vasili LOWERS his sword, chest heaving. The blade FALLS from his hand and clatters to the floor.


Swiftly, he gathers the unconscious Tuvya in his arms and CARRIES him off-stage.









Curtain RISES on a quiet woodland.


Yakov SPRINTS onto the scene, panting, and FALLS onto his knees. He gazes down at his hands, which have turned FULLY black.


He watches in HORROR as skin and flesh crumble away to reveal WHITE BONE beneath.



GOD! O, GOD! Your servant begs your ear!

Will you not deliver me from torment?

I did only what I thought necessary -

To protect my House and my family!

Am I damned despite my best intentions?

Corrupt by my ambition to do good?




O, valiant prince



Aenguls or daemons, whatever you are!

I beg you to torture me niet further!


ENTER the three aenguls, clad in CHARRED BLACK ROBES. They surround the weeping Yakov, glowering down at him.




If my fate is to die, end me swiftly.



Idiot prince. Think your work is complete?

Heaven does not tolerate half-measures -

And neither do we.



If you are not of Heaven, what are you?



Ask not questions when you have the answer.



If you know our names, then speak them aloud.


Yakov closes his eyes, tears seeping beneath his lids.



Not Tesion, Artifai, or Eshtael -

Those were falsehoods employed to deceive me.

Indeed, I know your true identities -

Undead attendants of the Denier,

Who rebuked Heaven and chose the abyss.

The corrupted Lord of all that is not -

He to whom I unknowing pledged my soul.



(in unison)

Our hollow Lord calls us his Heralds of Fear,

For we are the forerunners of his return.

Three Deceivers named Justice, Glory, Reward -

Sons of that beautiful wyrm Varengotz.

Once the scions of the Crow lie deceased,

Only then might Ishtar spill forth her plagues.

Only then might we ride ‘pon steeds of smoke.

Only then might our blighted patron

Arise from His silent and empty grave.

Rejoice! For today you join our Number!

Rejoice! For today you are made whole!

For he that snuffs the life of his sire

Acts truly in the image of Iblees!


The three DESCEND upon Yakov and drag him SCREAMING off-stage.












CURTAIN RISES on Tuvya’s bed chambers. Aleksandr ENTERS with his arm around Tuvya, helping his father to the bedside. Vasili accompanies them.


Tuvya SITS on the bed. Aleksandr, ever the dutiful son, moves to the sideboard to pour him a glass of water.


Aleksandr KNEELS at the bedside, offering his parent the cup.



Please, Papej, won’t you drink? Your skin is burnt -

Cracked and deprived of life’s healthful fluids.



May GOD bless your kindness, Aleksandr -

Yet I fear I cannot, for my soul is sick.

I shall not partake in water nor food

Until I ascertain your brother’s fate.



O, I promised to mitigate his moods - !

To make him behave more temperately!

How was it possible for me to have failed

In this, the worst of imaginable ways?

If I had been a better attendant,

Yakov would not have slipped so far into sin!



None could have foreseen this, Aleksandr.

You mustn’t shoulder the blame by yourself.



Indeed. If any, the fault lies with me.






Constant war left its scar upon my heart,

For war is an engine fueled by bloodshed.

The lives of my kinsmen have greased the gears,

Permitting the machine in its fatal advance.

Though I sought to resist that belching beast,

It ran roughshod over my good intent.

In Karovia, I placed my twin sons -

In hopes that the country would make them mild

And remove them from the allure of war.

My prayer was to usher in an age of peace,

Where gentler hearts prevailed over strife.

Yet denial made the prize more appealing -

A glory your brother could not resist.

How could he refuse what the Undead offered?

How was he to know of their devilry  -

When all his life I sheltered him in ignorance?

So let me attempt to correct my error.


Tuvya lifts the crown off his head and transfers it to Aleksandr.



Papej, I cannot divine your meaning…

Why have you placed the crown atop my head?



Your brother needs a father’s hand to guide.

Alas that I neglected his teaching

In favor of keeping him in safety.

So I’ll venture abroad and search for him -

Either to free him from evil’s foul grasp…

Or to see his malignity erased.

Vasili, I ask that you be the father

That despite my best efforts I failed to be.




By my oath, I shall e’er guard and counsel.


Tuvya leans down to KISS Aleksandr’s forehead. He RISES from the bedside, picks up his SWORD and SHEATH, and silently exits.


Aleksandr STANDS, watching him go. Tears well up in his eyes.



O, why do I feel so utterly strange?

It is as if the Empire itself

Has walked out and closed the door behind it…


Vasili HUGS Aleksandr to comfort him… and LEADS the young Emperor off-stage.









CURTAIN RISES upon a still forest scene. No sound, nor life… aside from the singular BLACK-ROBED FIGURE KNEELING and WAILING in agony upon the floor.



Accursed… Accursed… my body and my flesh…

Gangrenous turned and rotting falls away…

Life’s breath stolen from my still-living form…

Transformed into the rattling rasps of death…


ENTER Tuvya.



Is this what has become of my child?


The robed figure ceases its painful keening and slowly turns, rising to its feet.



Begone, Papej, if you value your life.

My masters gave the order to end you.



I won’t depart without my son in tow.

Repent, Yakov! Your crimes can still be forgiven!


The figure lifts its hands up and removes the hood, to reveal the half-decayed face of YAKOV.



O, can you forgive me as I am now?

Warped and perverted beyond recognition!



‘Twas a father’s love that made you this way.

So let a father’s love also redeem you!



O, but I am sickened to death of love -

So let foul love whisk us both to our graves!




Yakov hurls bolts of lightning across the stage, which Tuvya - despite his age - ducks and weaves with skill.


Tuvya makes his way across the stage and they clash man-to-man - with Yakov supernaturally able to predict his strikes and block the blade with his bare, skeletal hands.


At last, they split and retreat - both winded.



It was my desire to shelter you

From the crueler aspects of existence

That instead made war a forbidden fruit,

One which you were all too keen to sample.

When glory was handed to you on a plate,

What willpower had you to resist it?

My faults have been made plain, Yakov! Come home.

Come home and let us uncover a cure

To fix that rot which now eats at your soul!




Rotten am I and rotten I’ll remain.

You have but one final chance to retreat.

Stow your sword and I shall let you go free.

Continue to fight and your end is nigh!



I should be wickeder than all the devils

That reside in the bleak and bloody Void

If I abandoned my beloved son

To an unfortunate fate such as this one!



Then have at you!


A second BATTLE ensues. Yakov swiftly gains the upper hand against his aging father.


He ELECTRIFIES the iron blade in Tuv’s hand, causing him to CRY OUT and DROP it.


Yakov GRABS his father by the throat and begins to strangle him.



O Void! O Hell! That this should be the end

Of that famous and storied Emperor…

Sacred blood transfigured to corrupted sludge.

The Prophet’s grandson made to Iblees serve.

That bastard who sought Sigismund’s esteem…

Lain low by a son who in turn sought his.

Tragedians shall sing about this moment,

Strumming their lutes upon future stages.

Ah -- but soon there shall be niet more futures.

For with your death, the Void shall consume all.


Tuvya frantically gropes for his dropped sword…


And at the moment where all seems lost, he SEIZES it and PLUNGES the blade into his undead son’s chest.


Yakov’s grip releases and he lets out a small gurgle before slumping over.


Tuvya gathers his dying son in his arms.



The abyssal prison of foul Iblees

Cannot in darkness and desolation compare

To the aching chasm in my sad breast.

Never once did I aspire to rule,

For I knew well that Oren’s bloodstained crown

Would invite misery upon my House.

That spiral of agony ever turns,

Consuming father, son, and grandson all.

That, I say, is the nature of the Void.

That, I say, is the true nature of Hell.






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