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The Gate of Eodun - Service for Price


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"For generations since the roots of society were founded, folks’ inevitable actions played into the hands of the Devil by, more or less consciously, providing stimulus to his dissemination of status and relevance in common canonist culture. The first of these can be identified with the growing negligence of this phenomenon, by believing that it is a trivial fact of no significance or consequence, where which the devil's plot is deened a kind of clown’s game or stage-play whose possible depravity can nevertheless be tolerated, especially by those who bear the sickness of inhuman blood  - or as they were once labeled by mankind itself, the lesser races of this world.


There are cults and droves of devil-yoked men that do not wish to claim affinity with all that is godless and daemonic and which allege, for example, to exercise unholy rites for the sole and 'modest' purpose of entering into unanimity with the supernatural forces of divinity contained in blood, death or even the abyssian void, but which in fact exhibit aspects that sanction their being categorized among the variegated realm of evilness and black occultism. Thus has Man now endangered himself beyond repair, with such pace that the holy name of God might soon return a stranger to this World."

- Vicar Godefroy, shepherd of the Aemesh, on Man's deprecation of the Devil and the growing practice of devilry




“The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.”


[!] Several old posters are nailed crossways against tavern walls, within innkeeps and at the darkest of alleys - advertising a strange manner of service. The authors are unnamed.


The Gate of Eodun

“While still man desires, still he must sacrifice.”


"It shall hereby be known that the Gate of Edon now offers its contracts and thaumaturgic services for the man that is either rich or poor, and the peasant who has not yet the right coin with which to hire our favours. Some might no doubt think this for a fraud, call us cheaters, or heretical liars, but we promise, and swear solemnly on the Great God above that everything which we shall offer and you read represents the truth, only truth and nothing but the truth.


We offer on conditions of mutual agreement our right hand of aid, to repel that which is not desirable nor holy, and work upon granting that which you might so deeply desire at an indeed simple and unhefty price. Ask whatever it is you will, and the gate shall, by God’s will, fulfil. Those who desperately seek our services will come upon us where they look, know it they or not, whence we may discuss the terms of our deal under a watchful eye of the Heaven.


Come to us. Ask for the flightless crows, those who may only run, yet who alone know the path to the Gate."



This is an ST / Player-run hybrid event which long ago I tried spinning but had to cancel for an undisclosed cause. I will be trying my hand at it again starting May 7th, when the finals are over. Those who are interested in reaching out so that we can arrange for interaction at a later time may contact me via discord: Callixtus#6280


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