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The Wiseman


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“He who sleeps, dies, but he who awakens is a fool.”


The Wiseman


In his study, he scoured, sapped and sleepy, for in those texts there lay some hidden meaning.

He searched frantically for the thing that stays shrouded so deeply, and the candlelight waned.


He was The Wiseman, but how wise was one that does not hear his own wisdom?


The night came upon him, and still did his study remain unrelenting, still did these truths within truths remain unending.

His eyes doubled, then too did the plane in which he stood start bending, where he began to behold trees, terra, then beyond to see the stars and the sun.

Could this be doom impending? Or some sort of grand presenting of that which he so desired to understand? Truth-intending, he wished not to be depending on the mortal men and elves of this world.


Now the Wizened walked the heavens, no-longer in search of repentance, but rather to see to IT who tortured him. It beckoned, “Come forth!” said-it, to bestow a bountiful blessing…


He sought out ascension, the most holy of knowledge that could be in his possession! Among this, he searched for the many other secrets of this plane. The cosmic laws and all that they entail… the GOD, and his angels… the truth of life, creation, and their antonyms that must exist for the sole purpose of fulfilling equivalence.


And yet then, just as he crossed the star-studded veil into the great blankets of yellow and white that lay beyond, he awoke.


Awakened now, at the dawn of eleven, he had but one question before returning to his fruitless lamenting. 

Prayer came after prayer, but the GOD did not heed his words, so he scryed, then wept when still his efforts went unheard.


And so he scoured, sapped and sleepy,

Vexed, as the texts spoke of long-forgotten deities,

There was a presence sleeping…  

So he fled, trapped and weeping,

“What madness have I uncovered whilst sapped and sleepy!”


He had discovered the curse of The Wise… 

Edited by Wizard of NOZ
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