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*Let it be known that the happenings of this post are seldom seen*

(Don't meta-game)


“Mine own mind bewrayeths me… and yet this thou hath bestowed upon me!”


Where Wicked Things Wake


Deep, down, beyond where the common-folk would venture, or where the roads dare snake. There lay some forlorn network of caverns, vast it was - with tunnels winding and openings on each side of the hill like a dragon with many maws. It was filled with coffins and stone-sealings, like some sort of burial ground, and in the middle of a pond within the cave towered some green-glowing rock… what a WRETCH of an object it was, unmistakable, unavoidable, it was proof of sins impermissible to even the most pious of preachers.


And yet within the seemingly long forgotten cave stood two figures, shrouded by shadows suppressed under the green rock’s shine… One was but an elf, and the other? Some wicked thing, disturbed from its rest.


They spoke,

One stuttered, shivered, but the snake had swayed him.

“To be a slave…?” thought the elf, in clear confusion.


And then, from that pond the ghoul had shown him HELL.

But only in that place of fire and brimstone could he find TRUTH.

Only there could he find LIBERATION.


And so, a few more words were swiftly spoken,

Before a great sword of ghastly attunement was stricken forth into the elf!

Singular, a solemn shriek resounded from the walls,

Blood spat from his mouth, and from his stomach it sputtered.


But now there would be SALVATION.

For this was where wicked things rest,

This is where wicked things wake.

Edited by Wizard of NOZ
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Oh hey you talking about that Crypt thing in Easthub? Yeah I walked through that, was kinda cool


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Forsooth then did cackle some ghastly beast, tepidly lain in harrowing rest and laxity 'twixt the din and ken of lesser creatures, wolven maw raised high in reverence to the lapping waves upon some plutonian shore. For henceforth did it thus proclaim, as visions of horrific things wrought from malefic confluence were bestowed unto the poor Wiseman - a 'gift' bestowed in sight most true. 


"Hark servant of Shale & Shore,


For ye walk a path, seldom taken 'afore...


A shepherd of the damned, I walk with thee,


For a Shepherd comes to find that freedom from the Wolf is seldom free.


Always at your heels, I follow into eternity's depths,


For faithful is this Hound, even beyond the jaws of death."

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Yoo they added flashlights to lotc?



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