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“Fortune favors… no one today.” [PK]


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A hooded messenger would arrive at the vale, short in height and speaking not once. He stood there in eerie silence before handing the ranger manning the gates a   peculiar letter.

To whom it may concern, 


    If you are reading this, I am dead. Whatever foul beast or crude man took my life, I hope it was a worthy death! Regardless, I have a son, Khiiral. He should live in the woods surrounding Norland, he is not typically fond of visitors. If you receive this letter I expect you to be a close friend of mine, find him if you would. He is not a young man, despite his appearance he holds wisdom which most likely far surpasses that of my own. Now go, may the aspects guide you llir. 

Kind regards, 

Tanyl Erwenys 


When the hooded figure had seen the deed through, he departed with what seemed to be many more of these letters.


Rip Tanyl, you will be missed my day one amigo. Anyone in the vale would be privy to this message, treat it as a traditional PK post I suppose. Letters would also be sent to the High Prince and Princess of Elvenesse, as well as select members of the Mothers Grove and beyond.


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Sonna took the letter from the hooded figure with a curious look, checking it over before carefully opening it. Upon reading the words, a sorrowful sigh escaped the red head's lips, a couple tears shedding down her cheeks and dropping onto the paper below. "Rhathalas...Awaiti, and now Tanyl...oh how I miss you all. Rest well, brother...thank you." 

The Fox Druid then pocketed the letter and put on her coat, making her way towards Norland..


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Brother Leviathan may find himself greeted in the eternal forest by an old friend, an elder druidess he had met so many years ago in the seaside village.


"Welcome, brother. Come sit and rest with me a while. There is much for you to see here, but there is no rush."

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Avius sat solemnly atop a lonely outcrop of rock. He gazed up into the moonlit skies, another companion departed.

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The gut wrenching, heart tugging loss of a fellow Druid hit the dutiful Caerme'onn amidst her scouting mission away from the Vale. It was when she'd return that the missive was hesitantly handed to her by the Ranger. 

Rather than caving to the blood boiling rage that coursed through her veins, Miven retreated to the southern Nevaehlen seas, finding herself a spot in the sand. What brought a smile to the bears countenance was being able to speak to him. She spoke openly to the water. He is the lapping waves and the tide that kisses the shores. He is the embodiment of the ocean-life itself. 

Suddenly, Miven decided Tanyl wasn't gone. Her best friend is forever protecting the Vale as he promised on his return. In this time of deep reflection, however, a pesky crab snaps at the Bruin's toe. "You cheeky bastard, Tanyl.." Retorts the elf with a grin. 

[RIP Brother Leviathan, OG Arcas Father Circle Drood]

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