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The Halls of Urguan are not wholly unfamiliar to the air of rebellion. For centuries, the Folk of Urguan and its allies have stood strong against forces wishing to sow chaos in the lands of the Brathmordakin and its Grand Kingdom, and its people shall endure for centuries to come. Draakopf Drakgailikin, a known Herald of Azdromoth, has declared a rebellion against the grand nation he continues to declare his love for. Yet as seen previously by rebellious Blackfists, these words are simply an attempt to grab power for himself, just as his Dark Lord commands him to do.


The once honorable Clan Lord has fallen from grace, the parasites known as the Azdrazi corrupting him in his entirety. His mind is not what it used to be, and his loyalty to Urguan clearly fractured in insanity to make room for his worship of Azdromoth. Make no mistake, there is no honor in the Black Dragon or his boons. Let us not forget our greatest warrior paragons and their wars against the dragonfolk of the past, how the lizards have terrorized our people time and time again. 


For any who may have held in their hearts love for Draakopf or respect for who he once was, know that the Doomforged has perished and in his place an Drakgailikin rises, an Abomination of Khorvad’s machinations. Be warned to those who hear his pleas and temptations; this is not a dispute amongst dwarves, the Children of the Brathmordakin are unified in their disdain for the Black Dragon. Any offers of independence or land are nothing but deception woven by a Herald of a Deceptive Drakaar. Urguan has treated you well, offered land where others denied you. Draakopf has openly stated his disdain for your kind, and will not give you anything, and only makes promises for he knows beyond his clan none shall support him, and even within his clan his actions are denounced.


It is with a heavy heart that the Grand Kingdom declares a Bounty for Draakopf Drakgailikin of One Thousand Minae. The terms of such shall be described below.



By order of the High Courts of Urguan, ratified by the Lord Regent of Urguan, it is declared that the Betrayer Draakopf Drakgailikin is officially a criminal fugitive of Urguan and its laws. His crimes are as follows:


  1. Atrocity - The worship of the Corrupt Black Dragon and breaking the traditions of the Brathmordakin, attempt to kinslay a Prelate of the honored dwarven clergy.

  2. Treason - The crime of attempting the subversion of state authority, in this case through an attempt to make himself Grand King of Urguan without the vote of the people.

  3. Sedition - The crime of spreading literature or speech intended to provoke revolution or treason. Draakopf has sent out an open letter calling for rebellion against Urguan. 

  4. Insubordination - The crime of disrespect or insufficient reverence for the Legitimate authorities of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan. 

  5. Attempted Murder - The crime of attempting to unlawfully take the life of another, with or without their permission. When confronted for his other crimes, Draakopf Drakgailikin took openly murderous action against his confronters.

  6. Subversion of Justice - The crime of taking deliberate action to undermine the authority of the High Courts in cases of legal matters within Urguan. This crime is committed by Draakopf’s refusal to surrender peacefully to an authority of the courts.



With the combined powers of the Grand Council, High Courts, and Lord Regent of Urguan, the Bounty of Draakopf Drakgailikin is hereby officially posted for all to take on. The terms of the bounty are listed below:


  1. The Bounty declared against Draakopf Drakgailikin is for the amount of 1 Thousand Minae.

  2. Draakopf Drakgailikin is to be brought in alive to face trial and surrender before the Grand Kingdom.

  3. No Minae shall be rewarded if Draakopf is brought in dead.

  4. To retrieve payment, return Draakopf to a rikkin of the Grand Kingdom, explicitly the Lord Regent, Grand Marshal, High Prophet, Chief Justiciar, or any Magistrate of the High Courts.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  



Lord Regent of Urguan, Lord Chancellor of Urguan,

Elder of Clan Frostbeard, Son of Rhewen,

High Remembrancer of the Order of Remembrance



 The Grand Marshal of Urguan,
Clan Father of the Irehearts and Jarl of Dol’Gorix


Magistrate of the High Courts of Urguan, Rikkin of Clan Irongut,

Prelate of Ogradhad, Second Medic of Anbella’s Hand,

Master Remembrancer of the Order of Remembrance





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