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The Water Burns


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A Depiction of the Beast lurking in the corner of the sewer



[!] The following would be a torn page found in the depths of the sewers below Providence. It’s edges would be torn and there would be droplets of blood accompanied by stains from the local algae population.

“T-the monster! I. . .

I have been hearing groans of the monster throughout the night. They have been keeping me awake I- I just had to explore. Everyone in the slums couldn’t sleep at night, we are all tired of such ruckus and interruptions I- I just had to. Make them stop.”

Accompanied by this page there would be multiple drawings and sketches of monsters. These monsters would contain gigantic mouths and large tentacles adorning their body. Nevertheless, the writing continued.

“I had ventured into the sewers and found the- the monster, the beast! His name I cannot understand - it’s words burnt my chest. He- he. . burned me. I need to get help, where is this thing from what? Is this thing. . . His name oh what was his name it was H-”

The page would end abruptly with a splatter of blood, perhaps the author’s nose had hit the table too hard.



Throughout the nights of the slums there would be numerous screams of pain erupting from the entrance of the sewers. For those who ventured deeper into the depths below they would find puddles of blood and organs covering the stone walls as if they were paintings. However there would be one large display of such, perhaps a message to those who could understand such a language written in a black ink.

Notum Za'vutir Tiv dag'Zkaat


Hont'Algzok Horzol–ka

[!] Upon reading this message on the walls, it would feel as if looking painfully into a bright flame. Your  eyes become dry and agitated. Written runes in Ilzakarn may be uncomfortably warm to the touch, though not enough to burn an individual directly. Only those studying associated magic lore may replicate such words through writing or mouth meaning you cannot copy it or read it aloud.




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Witnessing the first many victims of this beast within the ducts of the under-city's murky, humid tunnels, Haskir silently crept from his hiding place once they'd departed. He inspected the scene, wrote down some notes, and shook his head thereafter. He knew what this was -- he just didn't want to deal with it.


"I hate demons."

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A leal Wyrmstalker would glance to the missive, her brow lofting as a curious, lopsided grin crossed her countenance - and she looked thence to the aquatic mantle upon her wall, the likeness of an infernal beast slain prior in a single stroke. 


"Let the games begin, hm, 'Drukstrik'?"

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Within the very dregs of the city a mustached man slid a mug over the countertop to a rather gruff looking man, two swords adorning his back. “Rumors? Yeah I heard a few.”

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Marcian of The Mud grumbled thereafter downing the contents of whatever wretched brew that was in the tankard.  He offered a slight nod in regards to that of the mustache’d man beside him @KBR.  “Where is the solace?”  He said with a scoff followed up by a sharp inhale as his gaze bounced to and fro from his tankard to the exit unto the depths of the sewers.  “S’pose I’ll take watch tonight river-side.” 

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Ainsley Cutler had come across the written message on the wall, deep in the sewers on his hunt for the beast that had cursed a man within the city. He'd groan, shielding his burning eyes as he tried to write the words down onto his parchment, although he couldn't.

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Luthriel squealed in joy as she and her friend, Edvard, found the message.  "This is why I love sewers so much! My eyes kind of burn.  Is that not bizarre!  I wonder . . . if this has anything to do with telepathic rats! I am so scared right now . . . I love love love being scared like this!"

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