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I did it, Father.


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I did it, Father.


[!] The halls of the crypt of Otistadt


it was awfully quiet suddenly as Johann walked in his now County alone.

He was not used to this quiet anymore…

The keep was often full of children running around and screaming, guests coming in to party or just visit, or just Johann’s brain full of noises either planning his next step or just wordless screams that fill his skull.


He made his way to the crypt after all were asleep, tired of the party and excitement of the day, a candle lighting his way in one hand and flowers on the other.


Johann glanced to one side of the crypt, to the far end of the hall where his late wife’s memorial place was before turning to another place, closer to the entrance.

‘Robert Ludovar, Baron of Otistadt’

He glanced at the sign then at the urn where his father’s ashes were.

Johann kneeled as he put down the flowers and laid down the candle. His hands clasped together before his face, eyes closing, praying.


“I remember the day father, the day of Marie’s betrothal dinner.

She was furious and so were you.

You were furious at how you were demoted. You shouted that we need to go to these lengths to rise.

I think that is the day both me and Marie understood the weight of our situation. We both  gave our souls ever since… devoted ourselves to working hard.”

Johann looked at his father’s remains with a pained expression, he sat there in silence, remembering all those years. The silence in the keep when all his uncles and aunts left on their ways. The shouts of his father scolding them, the fear… the fear of losing everything.


Johann then glanced at the light of the candle. A tear forming in his eye.

“Ever since I… I detested you father. You left me with this curse and showed me love and support whenever you were the but…


You left us for years then came back and did almost nothing… I had to carry all of this… all of this pressure alone. I married a woman who kept abusing me, I worked until my body could not move anymore, I scolded those I love… I had to shoulder this all alone…


But I surpassed you father. I manage this family by love and not fear.

I dreamed of following your path as the chief detective but I did not stop and became the High Justiciar.

I made our family prosper, if by money or by number or by positions.

I made the foundation you and your brother founded actually work.

While during your time our house was demoted, during my time we were promoted. A double promotion at that!” He let out a little chuckle, still finding it hard to believe.

“Now… I guess I have only one more aspect left to surpass you in.”


Johann looked to the rooftop of the crypt, as if looking past it to the sky.

It was not a lie his body was aging way too fast. His hair graying by thirty, his face getting wrinkled and the sacks under his eyes visible by the day.

His body was failing him more and more, he was never strong but his body was growing weaker and weaker, it was getting harder to stand and walk for long.


Johann looked back down and sighed

“I might join you sooner than later, father…

I am not as strong as it seems. My body… It is failing me way too soon…

I am trying to hide it from the family, I don’t want them to worry but…

I don’t know how much longer I could shoulder everything.

But my children are my pride and joy and I trust them… I trust them to keep the family going when I am gone.”


Johann closed his eyes in one last prayer before getting up, cleaning the dust from his armor. A small smile growing on his face

“Don’t expect me too soon though. I might not be a fighter on the field but I am in any other way. 

I will fight to live a bit longer, even if my body will not stand too much more.

I can handle it now, because now I know… I know there are people who love me and are waiting for me to come back home at the end of the day to a keep that is now full of life.


Thank You Father.

I hope you are proud.”

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Adele Emma Ludovar sits awake in Otistadt, at her desk. Her wet, inked quill scratches against a piece of parchment as she writes - long into the night.

She writes this book - her diary - every evening to recount the thoughts of the day and record the goings on. At the bottom of her page, two plain sentences are written to sum up the account. They read:


"I am so happy. I hope papej is okay..."

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