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Flying Home [Songbird seed ]


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Flying Home 








Written by songbirds, by story telling of Devika songbird 

[!] Posters would be posted in every elven,human,dwarf and Orc city that one could find and get into. 


Sometimes to face the storm is to stand and watch. The world is constantly changing, shaping, Molding to our desires. The trees that once ran wild have been cut down, and the stones sharpened. Their paths paved and crusted with dried blood, weeping from the willows. The screams of terror the fire that rages. And what can we do to all that is natural?


It is our cycle, a vengeful and bleeding dry cycle. 


My eyes have grazed over such violence that my heart has bared its very soul. It's barred jagged spikes that raise so high, made of ivory bones. That point out on the days of less golden sun,  show through the sheets of fleshy paper of my visage. It curls and weaves and builds a wall so high I barely know who I look at within the reflection of our shallow shores. There is very little I can say, much less write. It's taken me years ...decades.... even centuries to put ink to paper. 


And I must confess I barely wrote any of this; I ended up talking and talking till the songbirds could not hear it no more. The birds, They wrote down my thoughts for me. They chittered as I told stories around the glowing embers of our wagon. 


A final song to end all songs.


Songbirds. Such a phrase that seems almost unreliable. Unmistakable like whispers in the wind. For we have history deep in the roots of many nations. Many cultures here are words, yet do they know who their original speaker was? 


Do they quote our words with pride? Or sing us into disgrace?


We have watched as our cities burn down, our wagons destroyed. Elves and humans alike scattered, and like birds that travel home to the south, we scatterd like the very leaves.  


Cold- Forgotten. Were we ever really heard? 


Our name was lost to time forgotten by our very friends. Our very name wiped from history books- and the poets?Their writings washed and redrawn our very words. Our very talents are placed as their own, hidden beneath the depths of culture and time. 



 A charming fellow who knows of laughter and happiness who values the people- it is so easy to get misplaced in that pleasure so effortless to lose it. He will pick you up and leave with experiences and people. To rekindle those bonds- it is not time's responsibility that we left them behind.

 It is up to us. 


How devastating to hear the sweet melody all songbirds sing to vanish from every tune, every culture-like we never existed in the first place.We exist like the mani who you don't see- the rare occasion .We exist . I swear to you we exist. 


Thrown out from the very nature we crave?


I, the seed leader of the Songbird, sing to the winds for our flock, which has flown south to come back to the north. Come home, for I will give you a nest. I will provide the warmth we require. I will keep our seed together. Because I wish for us as a family to live as one again. I have done my soul-searching. I like Faelian,Our founder has chosen my battles, and I dreamed up on my journey. A prolific dream that Kwakwani whispered the tales of our people to show me the highlights of our very past and what we neglected. The ones I have clouded away, The ones I locked away due to grief. To keep our ways as Nemglan wishes to  Be nomadic only for tours and shows. For we have many things to thank and to be nomadic? That is not something I will ever take from a bird; WE are free. We are not a gilded cage bird force to sing, for how would we ever be happy? 


Like a seed, we stay together.


For we are the seed in which tales are told. 


Signed the Songbirds of Old. 

Welcoming the Songbirds of New. 



To join back into the songbirds or join the seed please message an active songbird - Turri, oly, Devika songbird.


If you ever need teh full list please do ./realname Songbird. Happy music and culture days. 


All new Players are welcome just message me (tigergiri#0744)


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Miven Caerme'onn turns to the musically inclined Lle'sil, and tells the young Wood Elf tales of her good friend Revin Songbird. "I do wonder where that one is..."

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Ser Roylan G. B. Sirame pondered for a moment the woman he met so many years ago as the singing of the birds from the trees brought back the memory. The memory of colour, of flashing and dashing fabrics and playful song. Of tailered garb being presented to him bringing a warm chuckle to his lips. "Its always fun when a song bird is around." 

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