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[✗] [Creature Lore] - Ireheart Dire wolves


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Dire Wolves are ferocious beasts that typically live in mountainous terrain, preferring to live in small caverns that the mountains hold. Their behavior mimics their close relative, the common wolf, living in small packs and having an aggressive nature. Their strength though is much stronger than a normal wolf, rivalling that of their nemesis, a great grizzly bear. Their endurance mimics that of a horse, allowing them to be utilized as a mount if tamed. Their stature is about 5 feet, sometimes getting as tall as 6 feet and their weight is roughly 400 pounds. Their strength along with their endurance allow them to become the top-predator in their food chain, often feasting on big and small game alike. 





Dire Wolves are social creatures that live in small packs consisting of three to four wolves. The head of the pack is often referred to as the alpha, and is usually the strongest among the males of the pack. To become an “alpha”, wolves challenge each other to a duel, the winner is titled the new alpha of the pack. Dire Wolves tend to stay in their packs, but it is not uncommon for them to leave their pack to establish their own with their own family. Dire Wolves also tend to be very territorial, so it is not a rare occurrence that two packs may aggress against each other.



Wild Dire Wolves are savage beasts that make extraordinary fighters and hunters. A pack of Dire Wolves are known to be able to conduct small raids on small towns in their forests. If a Dire Wolf catches the scent of its prey it has fantastic tracking skills that will allow it to follow its prey and pinpoint it. 




Adult wild dire wolves cannot be tamed due to them being grown up in a wild environment. Therefore, the only way to tame a wild dire wolf is to steal them as cubs and raise them as your own. As these small cubs are being nurtured by their caretaker, their aggressive behavior towards descendants will slowly be suppressed. By the time they are grown, they will become completely docile to descendents as long as they are continued to be cared for. Neglection can often lead to betrayal by a Dire Wolf and a resumption of their once-forgotten aggressive behavior towards descendants. Tamed Dire Wolfs can be bred to make tamed dire wolf cubs, thus the only need for taming is to tame cubs of a Wild Dire Wolf. 




Wild Dire Wolves have a lifespan of about 20 years, but once tamed their average lifespan increases to about 25-30 years if taken care of properly. Dire Wolves have three stages of life; cub, adult, and elderly. Once born the Dire Wolf is considered a cub until it reaches the age of 4 years. Cubs are small and usually resemble the size of regular wolf cubs. At this time in their life they become familiarized with the world and learn basic actions. This is the only time when a dire wolf can be tamed and taught by descendents. At the end of the 4 years, the dire wolf starts to transition into a full grown adult (about 5 feet tall, sometimes 6). When it becomes an adult it is finally able to be used as a mount and become the ferocious beast that dire wolves are known to be. Though at age of 15 the dire wolf becomes ‘elderly’ and cannot be ridden as a mount and loses a significant amount of its strength. At the age 20, Wild Dire Wolves tend to die off, though tamed ones can have a prolonged life taken care of properly. Though they usually die around the age of 28. 



Dire Wolves in their lifetime have one soulmate that they breed with. Dire Wolves can only be bred while they are in the ‘adult’ stage of their lives, anything before or after that they are considered infertile. A Female Dire Wolf can have 1-3 litter per birthing, and can only give birth one time. 



  • Cannot be used in combat scenarios other than for events.

    • If used in combat outside of an event then the roleplay is voided.

    • Dire Wolves cannot contribute to PvP either, and act as a tamed animal in minecraft mechanics. 

  • Dire Wolves cannot be tamed in any other way other than adopting the Wolves in their ‘cub’ stage of life.

    • This includes any type of magic.

  • Dire Wolves can have a max litter of 3 and one birthing session.

    • Roll out of 3 to see how many cubs your wolf has.

  • After being used as a mount, Dire Wolves enter a resting period and must be taken care of to restore their full strength.

  • Dire Wolves must be at least 4 years old (4 weeks old) to be used in any type of event-combat or mount related activity. If your cub is used in these activities prematurely it will PK.

  • Once your wolf dies, it is PKed. You cannot revive your wolf.

  • Dire Wolves cannot be used in any way other than these listed:

    • Combat in events

    • As a mount

    • Hunting or Tracking during events.

      • To Track someone, you must first have an item they possess such as a piece of clothing or a weapon so that they may pick up the scent. 

    • Slice of Life RP

      • During this type of roleplay it’d mimic a dog, so whatever a dog cannot do then a Dire Wolf cannot.

  • A Tamed Dire Wolf must die by the age of 30.

  • Wild Dire Wolves can be kept encaged for arena fights or executions, but they are not tamed and cannot be commanded to do anything.

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Steal wolves from forest cheaper than buying a wolf at cloud temple 

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2 hours ago, RandomRhunes said:

Aren’t dire wolves already a thing?

there are but they cant be used in combat

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On 3/22/2022 at 11:21 AM, Dcsword said:

there are but they cant be used in combat

As of right now any animal bigger than a golden retriever isn't used in combat 

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This lore has been denied. 



Direwolves already have a usable piece within the Beastiary, please use so.

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