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Unholy Guidance to the Skies



“The form of exorcism is the invocation of God’s authority in casting out the possessor.”

Chapter 3. Exorcism §2 Codex Iurius Canonici Danielus Pontifex, Second Edition


☨ It was not burden, yet duty which conflicted a certain accursed soul in the aftermath of the Battle Between Blood that took place within Oren’s city streets. A victor was claimed, yet there was loss for both sides. Rot overtook the city quickly and a lone being garbed in most holy armaments paced the cobbles between the mounds of dead that piled adjacent to the wounded. Suffering, the suffering of mortal man, the unjustifiable torment so befallen upon tainted but misguided souls that still managed to remain alive. This one being, this one wretch retrieved glove from digits so gnarled, to grant salvation through punishment to those who sinned against friend, brother, or enemy. It was then that nail cut forth flesh to release the most hallowed and blessed blood which he allowed to fall forth into the maws of the wounded. A consecration of Three bestowed upon those who sinned so greatly, a gift perhaps to release the soul from mortal husk it so clung to. His actions were subtle, gentle, and calculated as he marked the Lorraine upon pitiful souls. Over time, this man knew affliction and plague would overtake these men, for it was the Luperian Crout which would grant solace to they whom had sinned.

     In his mind he knew it to be just, the punishment for sin. For it was not what he wished to do deep in his rotten core, but rather it was a duty to that which he had come to understand as salvation which would bless his very soul. The plague which had been ingested by the wounded was Holy to him but Unholy Guidance to a place where soul was sealed. It was a beginning for this cretin, this experimentation which so flowed from his veins into the rotting maws of soldier underfoot. The Three which were within gave yield to plaguecraft, not born of rot like necromantic art, but born from the most holy and divine blood of one whom feared the wrath of GOD. So then, did the man conclude his duties upon select few and wandered off towards hallowed ground for prayer and repentance for what had transpired, with the hope of Unholy Guidance festering within the deepest corners of his twisted mind. For he had exorcised tormented souls this day, and spread the good word to those nearing salvation. 


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